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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1401489 [View]

Epic win OP!

>> No.1361572 [View]


>> No.1361566 [View]

well from now on, im going to try and HELP anon's who ask for it as best i can.

>> No.1361563 [View]

or we could have "office hours" threads where more knowledgeable c/lit/s just kind sit around helping whoever asks for it.

>> No.1361542 [View]

I vote yes.
when i really think about it my hatered for homework threads is only because i see everyone else doing it, and i see it as bad manners here on lit. But if it were encouraged i would think that would be a pretty cool guy. Especially since Lit has the most actual teachers (TA's) of any board. it could be great.

>> No.1360870 [View]
File: 12 KB, 468x311, boxroom..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i want to move to a 2 bedroom apartment so i can have a room with only a small desk and a lamp for writing.

>> No.1360640 [View]
File: 20 KB, 267x400, steadicam_balloon_light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had a room big enough to use something like pic related

>> No.1360531 [View]

shiit that is such a good idea! im going to by candles next time im at the store now.

>> No.1360494 [View]
File: 534 KB, 750x1000, IMG_8850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of light source do u use for reading /lit/?

pic related. Soft white 100w equivalent bulbs in there. have had those bulbs for 4+ years.

>> No.1358723 [View]

dude, dont tell her to shut up. she's just being nice. thats better than getting shit on.

>> No.1358718 [View]

yeah i know. whats sad is that, i kind of get some attention these days because im sort of mildly successful in my career (im not saying women are affectionate towards me - but i am respected, and liked in the community). and i know that even if - through money or power or skill or whatever - i land a chick, there's no way ill be able to keep her around. basically from day one i will be waiting for her to leave me.

i try to tell myself im better off because "it wouldnt have worked out". but what depresses me is that 99% of relationships dont work out, and u are supposed to do it anyways to learn and to have fun. im so desperate that when i see a pretty girl and dont feel like offing myself i just think about how we would get devorced (meaning we would get married first).

>> No.1358710 [View]

yeah, i do really feel crushed these days, and i feel that ive lost faith in humanity. i also feel a lot of outright envy and jealosy when i see a pretty boy with a girl on his arm. or any kind of anyone in a relationship. i emagine running over couples as i watch them cross the street from inside my car. i tend to just dislike dudes i meet that have girlfriends or are married. (tho, if they are ok people, i end up coming around eventually). It wouldnt be so bad, except that my best friend left the country to teach english recently, and nowadays, im only surrounded by people i hate. at first things were looking good after he left - thats when i started talking to the salinger fan girl. then i just got more and more alone. nowadays, ill spend an entire day online without even blinking. and i dont care at all about other people - live or die, happy or sad.

>> No.1358704 [View]

touching story broham. yeah, i have a tiny penis too, and at times im glad ive never been with a female, because then talk of my micro would spread around town. from what people say, japan is the place to be for men with small penis AND men who cant seem to get a date even if they are on one.

i keep trying to tell myself that love is not the answer. that i can be happy pwning noobs online, and doing my own littler personal projects- trying to bring myself the most joy i can on my own. but damn if i dont't just feel like giving up sometimes. often times.

ive certainly given up on love. still soldiering on in life tho... who knows? who knows.

>> No.1358698 [View]

thanks bro. yeah fuck women. What happend to you?

>> No.1358695 [View]

speaking of catcher in teh rye:

>start talking to a girl from college, after being strangers (after we graduated)
>says salinger is her fav author
>start to kinda fall helplessly in love with the idea of not being alone anymore. see her as only female that has given me any attention in literally a decade.
>read catcher and franny in a weekend
>OK with it until it starts being all "god is good" and thinking how the girl im crushing on read that and didn't go "Fuck this shit".
>realize she's religious, but still hold out hope for an "understanding relationship"
>see her getting mac'd on by a friend of mine she met at my birthday party, and basically ignoring me
>an hero
>the last thing i read was fucking catcher in the rye...

>> No.1314964 [View]


>> No.1081848 [View]

If you who own the things people must have could understand this, you might preserve yourself. If you could separate causes from results, if you could know that Paine, Marx, Jefferson, Lenin, were results, not causes, you might survive. But that you cannot know. For the quality of owning freezes you forever into "I," and cuts you off forever from the "we."

The Western States are nervous under the beginning change. Need isthe stimulus to concept, concept to action. A half-million people moving over the country; a million more, restive to move; ten million more feeling the first nervousness.

And tractors turning the multiple furrows in the vacant land.

>> No.1081843 [View]

The two men squat on their hams and the women and children listen. Here is the node, you who hate change and fear revolution. Keep these two squatting men apart; make them hate, fear, suspect each other. Here is the anlage of the thing you fear. This is the zygote. For here "I lost my land" is changed; a cell is split and from its splitting grows the thing you hate- "We lost our land." The danger is here, for two men are not as lonely and perplexed as one. And from this first "we" there grows a still more dangerous thing: "I have a little food" plus "I have none." If from this problem the sum is "We have a little food," the thing is on its way, the movement has direction. Only a little multiplication now, and this land, this tractor are ours. The two men squatting in a ditch, the little fire, the side-meat stewing in a single pot, the silent, stone-eyed women; behind, the children listening with their souls to words their minds do not understand. The night draws down. The baby has a cold. Here, take this blanket. It's wool. It was my mother's blanket- take it for the baby. This is the thing to bomb. This is the beginning- from "I" to "we."

>> No.1081839 [View]

The western states nervous under the beginning change. Texas and Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas, New Mexico, Arizona, California. A single family moved from the land. Pa borrowed money from the bank, and now the bank wants the land. The land company- that's the bank when it has land- wants tractors, not families on the land. Is a tractor bad? Is the power that turns the long furrows wrong? If this tractor were ours it would be good- not mine, but ours. If our tractor turned the long furrows of our land, it would be good. Not my land, but ours. We could love that tractor then as we have loved this land when it was ours. But this tractor does two things- it turns the land and turns us off the land. There is little difference between this tractor and a tank. The people are driven, intimidated, hurt by both. We must think about this. One man, one family driven from the land; this rusty car creaking along the highway to the west. I lost my land, a single tractor took my land. I am alone and I am bewildered. And in the night one family camps in a ditch and another family pulls in and the tents come out.

>> No.1081836 [View]

This you may say and know it and know it. This you may know when the bombs plummet out of the black planes on the market place, when prisoners are stuck like pigs, when the crushed bodies drain filthily in the dust. You may know it in this way. If the step were not being taken, if the stumbling-forward ache were not alive, the bombs would not fall, the throats would not be cut. Fear the time when the bombs stop falling while the bombers live- for every bomb is proof that the spirit has not died. And fear the time when the strikes stop while the great owners live- for every little beaten strike is proof that the step is being taken. And this you can know- fear the time when Manself will not suffer and die for a concept, for this one quality is the foundation of Manself, and this one quality is man, distinctive in the universe.

>> No.1081833 [View]
File: 69 KB, 640x493, wrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: The Greatest Chapter in Western Literature

The western land, nervous under the beginning change. The Western States, nervous as horses before a thunder storm. The great owners, nervous, sensing a change, knowing nothing of the nature of the change. The great owners, striking at the immediate thing, the widening government, the growing labor unity; striking at new taxes, at plans; not knowing these things are results, not causes. Results, not causes; results, not causes. The causes lie deep and simple- the causes are a hunger in a stomach, multiplied a million times; a hunger in a single soul, hunger for joy and some security, multiplied a million times; muscles and mind aching to grow, to work, to create, multiplied a million times. The last clear definite function of man muscles aching to work, minds aching to create beyond the single need this is man. To build a wall, to build a house, a dam, and in the wall and house and dam to put something of Manself, and to Manself take back something of the wall, the house, the dam; to take hard muscles from the lifting, to take the clear lines and form from conceiving. For man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments. This you may say of man- when theories change and crash, when schools, philosophies, when narrow dark alleys of thought, national, religious, economic, grow and disintegrate, man reaches, stumbles forward, painfully, mistakenly sometimes. Having stepped forward, he may slip back, but only half a step, never the full step back.

>> No.819524 [View]

How does Harry getting hit by a train make any more sense?

The American cover has an amazing texture and looks more epic. I like the diamond pattern they put Rowlings name over.

>> No.819471 [View]
File: 32 KB, 333x500, harry%20potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plays can be as good as books.

Go read the Zoo Story right now, it's one act.


>> No.633005 [View]



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