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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4670069 [View]

1 person could easily be worth more than 4 people. This all depends on the individuals in play.

>> No.4670058 [View]

>In the aforementioned history books, there is a clear, definitive liberal bias. Zinn is essentially socialist. Kazin literally ties conservatism with racism and nativism. Allen and others criticize the right frequently, if less seriously. The textbooks in school (oh God!) are just littered with pro-left sentiments. To argue against that is madness.
>The textbooks in school
Most textbooks are more pro-western than pro-liberal they don't push liberal doctrine they do however play down the atrocities of the U.S.

Also, Ayn Rand is required reading in almost all U.S. high schools. There's plenty of less than liberal books and textbooks(Texas) in the Public School System.

>Even funnier still are those (like you I assume) that shout "Reality has a liberal bias."

>While there might be some overlap with pure logic or the correct thing to do in a situation, this is mostly coincidence.

The fuck are you talking about?

>Awesome. Just go ahead and define what I want. That's no different than me saying you want a liberal re-write of history. Except that the latter is essentially all that exists.

Please show me a statistical analysis of political leaning of literature that says that liberal text is "essentially all that exists."

Don't worry, I'll wait.

>> No.4669979 [View]

It's impossible to do nothing. So by default doing "stuff" is mandatory by just being.

>> No.4669968 [View]

And what text have you written in particular?

>> No.4669962 [View]

Maybe, but only because I want a different perspective from what the majority of the books offer. In that way, I really do just want a different view on the same thing.

You honestly sound like one of those fox news talking heads
>Everything has a liberal bias!

>Yes. No one brought them up by you. I happen to acknowledge a basic difference between people like that and people who tend to see things in a less than liberal manner. They're pretty far from actual conservatism in my book, but to avoid "no true Scotsman" I'll just say that's MY opinion.

I brought them up because what you are essentially asking for is a conservative re-write of history. Would you really like me to bring up all the things the Koch brothers are notorious for when it comes to conservative propaganda?

>So, no, it isn't ironic that I'm asking for an alternative source of history.
That's not what I called Ironic.

>> No.4669835 [View]

> just because I want a different perspective on history
No you want version of history where the events that take place are slanted towards a certain world view. This is intellectually dishonest.

>The above books take great pains to make conservatives the Evil Bad Guys™

>and you're doing the same.
I am?

>And then you bring the Koch brothers into this as if I agree with/care what they do.

You asked for a conservative view of history I was being facetious bringing up people known for espousing conservative propaganda.

>Is intelligent discourse alive on this board?
This is Ironic.

>> No.4669784 [View]

So you want to find a book that rewrites history in a right leaning manner?

Go ask the Koch brothers, I'm sure by now they're funding their own Ministry of Truth.

>> No.4630534 [View]

Awe, you're adorable.

>> No.4630498 [View]

It is. The image is abstract enough and just definite enough to be viewed in anyway possible. The only thing that can define it is yourself. And how you define it represents you as a person. It represents your interest and view of the world or just how you feel at the moment.

>> No.4630475 [View]

It's not even meant to provide a definite expiation to anything. You see what you want to see and what you see is not the image on the paper but a representation of a piece of yourself. It's art.

>> No.4630395 [View]

The President of the United States looking in the mirror.

>> No.4630376 [View]

World War 3

>> No.3236201 [View]

I'm doing Nuke Eng.

And yeah, totally trivial. Enjoy saying that now. In two decades, we won't have enough STEM workers for the required fields and openings.

>> No.3236178 [View]


Bitch, I taught that nigga. All KAHNS of relevance up in here.

Also, OP:

>STEM Babies

Yeah, I'd like you to try and do 1/10th the math or work we do.

>> No.3236170 [View]

Oh, and a 1952 or 1953 collection of "The Great Books". About 50 volumes on things from philosophy, to economics, to the sciences.

>> No.3236167 [View]

My father had an original diary from the Mayflower.

And I have a 1700's copy of the Divine Comedy

>> No.2308526 [View]

then are only the men who know true wisdom considered philosophers? if so, does this mean philosophers can never be wrong? must a philosopher himself always be wise? define wisdom. can any man truly know wisdom when he sees it? etc etc etc

i'm bored of this already. that's the general direction I would have taken this. feel free to respond anyway.

>> No.2308500 [View]

So say there was a man I worship. He is the wisest man I know. Any claims he makes are, to me, rooted in wisdom.

Is my worship of this wise man and his teachings enough for me to consider myself a philosopher?

>> No.2308484 [View]

And I, as a human, am capable of making an error of judgment. Am I not?

>> No.2308469 [View]

Ah, so that would mean philosophers are people who love wisdom. If I were to claim that I love wisdom, would that make me a philosopher?

>> No.2185735 [View]

I am surprised that the warder was willing to listen to you.

>> No.2184477 [View]

How early?

>> No.2184468 [View]
File: 204 KB, 650x650, 1283884308420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have you come so early, Crito? Or is it not still early?

>> No.1650276 [View]
File: 22 KB, 246x262, Socrates-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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