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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5918303 [View]

It was an open google doc and people just wrote while someone else tried to give it some order. It's mostly cheap memes and things stolen from meme authors. The Dakota thing is 100% Tao Lin's and the semen drinking is cwc, the book gets more original as it goes.

>> No.5918296 [View]

bookfi & libgen are the regular recommendations, I'm pretty sure it's in the sticky.

>> No.5918288 [View]

If you search for things teen girls would title their videos you'll obviously find teen girls. No one who has read a few hundred books will feel comfortable declaring something the best shit ever, since there is no scale and each good work has a particular value different from the rest.

The problem in your experiment is you.

>> No.5918283 [View]
File: 477 KB, 1733x975, 1303699331011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at some point this shit was really popular, I guess /wg/ was raiding us.

>> No.5918262 [View]

>all those inches to translate
Thanks for the guide, I might freestyle the sizes though.

>> No.5918253 [View]

>listening to something else
>"that chekov shit"
>shitting on Finnegans Wake while admitting that she doesn't even know what's its deal.
>author is superior because he brings new material to the table, although I know nothing about the material in the first place

>> No.5918233 [View]

I sort of like the 3D concept, I might eventually try something like that. Thanks for the idea.

>> No.5918226 [View]
File: 142 KB, 1024x904, bacha dancing girlboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you recruiting 4channers? Do you get a bonus? Do you get your own bacha?

>> No.5918215 [View]
File: 142 KB, 800x320, 1270268422864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good again
>browbear telling us how much he puked when a 9/10 tried to fuck him while he read in a bar, a hundred replies minimum
>quentin pretending to be a mature edgelord, everyone had to post in the thread
>russian thread only capsloq guy had decent posts
>threads with shit like pic related
>daily threads about twilight
>nonfiction vs fiction
If anything /lit/ is way better than it was at the start.

>> No.5918187 [View]
File: 65 KB, 182x275, hibarikun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critic threads are way more hugboxy than threads where people just post their stuff.
I assume most people here have low selfesteem and assume that everyone else hates them, so they strike first. You can also do the "it's like 10 people here, so the angry posts could perfectly be 2 really angry guys" routine.

>> No.5918162 [View]
File: 439 KB, 640x360, 1417714667803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen Requiem For A Dream?

>> No.5918153 [View]

It's always easier to deal with well known ideas, when it comes to modern stuff there just isn't that much to take as inspiration so it becomes harder than it looks.
Even if he's a hack William Gibson deals with showing the internet in a pretty decent way in Pattern Recognition, it's just people talking with each other and a vague mention of the medium. At the end the internet is just that, a couple of users interacting at a time.

>> No.5918139 [View]

Hi there, trips. Check the catalogue because there's already a thread discussing the standard starter rec list. Someone was trying to push silly corrections but you'll be fine with anything in the thread.

>> No.5918129 [View]

>you blow on one side and I'll blow on the other!

>> No.5918127 [View]

But Kubric really liked to give new meaning to the source material.

>> No.5918110 [View]
File: 205 KB, 800x1156, sakiyo_cake smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silly boy

You are free to take it as a continuation to the original poster's "she apparently was a lesbian despite how many times I made her orgasm" or as a general comment about the userbase in /lit/

>> No.5918094 [View]
File: 371 KB, 653x404, Imagen 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or that you can be easily exchanged for a women, maybe you are already a grill in a certain sense ;^)

>> No.5918087 [View]

How does that connect with Yokohama?

What's the best language the read translated Quran?

>> No.5918086 [View]

I'm sure Liney sucked a cock here and there.

>> No.5918041 [View]

This thread?
Use warosu next time

>> No.5918013 [View]

The Legacy of Totalitarism in a Tundra

>> No.5917957 [View]

OP, if you really don't want to do the full route of formalism->structuralism->post structuralism then I'd recommend you to at least read some easier post structuralists. Barthes is probably the most accessible of the bunch, I've heard good things of Deleuze. Derrida is needlessly complicated for someone who's just checking it out.

>> No.5917947 [View]

How does everyone know that? Is it transmited through the eter? Is it part of the collective unconscious?
How do you know this? Did you study it or did you just take the word of some people on line that say that things are like you say you are over there? How did they know this?

>> No.5917943 [View]

Of course you can, you just don't talk in universal terms as if this were 1700 and we were trying to prove how the shape of your head marks your ideal job. What happens in front of you is such a tiny amount of what the world is, maybe you should be asking why the things around you are that way. Is it your family? Is it the people you interact with? Have you tried going somewhere else? If you find it everywhere maybe it's your fault since that's a constant in your analysis.

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