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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2641057 [View]

Anybody got anything else?

>> No.2640608 [View]

I've read the first one, but I like to kind of space out my series-reading.
As in, I like to wait a random period of time between two books in a series.
I'll check that out.

>> No.2640593 [View]
File: 296 KB, 614x711, 3rd Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, all you fantasy readers of /lit/, I want to read a fantasy book (or series) that involves magic as a major point. The main character could be a mage/wizard/sorcerer/what have you, or it could just be something prevalent in the story.
A great example of this would be Raymond Feist, particularly the Magician: Apprentice/Master books.
Anybody got anything?

>> No.2639407 [View]

I enjoyed Human, All Too Human.
The most popular of his works is Zarathustra, so that's probably a good one. I've yet to read it, though.

>> No.2639405 [View]

>Harry slammed his book shut. It wasn't really a book, because the pages were made of lasers and the words were made of headless women making godless love to dragons made out of motorcycles, but it was still reading.
This is awesome.

>> No.2639396 [View]

Write and publish that book.
I'll purchase a copy.

>> No.2637113 [View]

Because English majors are incredibly popular in the younger generations, and incredibly useless as a practical degree.

>> No.2637109 [View]

The homeless should be put on probation for a set amount of time, perhaps a year, in order to get their life on track. Should they fail in that, they'll be given the choice of either a) joining the army in order to be able to be put through college and thus increase their chances of finding employment, b) incarceration, or c) euthanization.
I also firmly believe that cripples, both mentally, and physically, should be required to perform some form of civil service, so as not to be the terrible drain on society's resources that they are today.

>> No.2637092 [View]

What should it matter what he writes last? It's not going to change the fact that he's dead by his own hand, and it's not going to help people understand why he did it, nor will it make up for the loss they'll feel at his death.
Suicide notes are, in my opinion, a waste of time for both parties involved.

>> No.2637080 [View]

Just write:
I want to die, and so I will.

Only an attention-craving faggot writes out a long-winded suicide note, and only a bigger one makes a thread about it.

>> No.2636978 [View]


>> No.2632561 [View]

Whenever I need to defecate, I just bring whatever book I'm currently reading in with me.
If the book is excellent, or I'm really into it at that point in time, I'll bring it in when I need to urinate, as well.

>> No.2631354 [View]

All of Roger Penrose's books. Particularly the Road to Reality.
Also, Brian Greene.
I also really like J. Edgar Hoover, by Curt Gentry.
And Tojo: The Last Banzai, by Courtney Browne.

>> No.2631349 [View]

>that feel when the B&N I work at, one of the smallest in the country, has sold 200 in May, and it's only the tenth day of May

>> No.2631168 [View]

Oh, yeah, I see it all the time.
I used to never see it, but then I got a job at a book store, and it's happening everywhere.
Sometimes they buy the book, so I'm okay with them, but probably two-thirds of the people just put it back on the shelf.

>> No.2631149 [View]

I get so angry when I see people creasing it.
Especially when they do it in the library or book store, when they don't even own the book.
Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?

>> No.2630398 [View]

I see nothing you would gain from lying on the Internet, least of all with such an absurd story, so, yes, I would believe you.

>> No.2630338 [View]

I just finished War and Peace.
I avoided the Internet and television for the entire duration I was reading it.
I'm probably going to have to re-read it, and soon, because a hell of a lot of stuff happened, with a hell of a lot of people.
I did really enjoy it, though.

>> No.2629809 [View]

College just let out for summer, so that's one reason for a new influx of retards.
Just wait until high school gets out in a couple of weeks.
It's going to be absolutely wonderful.

>> No.2629805 [View]

That painting gets me every time I see it, but I never save it.

>> No.2621485 [View]

We should do that with speech, as well.
Just take away the ability to lie.
Like in that movie with that one guy.
Ricky Gervais!
The Invention of Lying!
Except before they invent it.

>> No.2621476 [View]

That same justification could easily be used to argue for the banning of any religious text.
Some folks just don't think

>> No.2620469 [View]

It's actually really funny.
At the B&N I work at, we've sold 182 copies in April alone, and 75 copies since the start of May.
There's a whole trilogy.
My coworkers and I like to play a game where we open it to a random page and try to read a section that's not smut.
We've never won.

>> No.2614315 [View]

>implying the U.S. has nude beaches

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