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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5815943 [View]

sure humans are polygamous by nature, but being the advocate of the devil i find it necessary to prove you wrong

>-THEN You shouldn't begrudge your SO an opportunity to do something she likes with a friend or acquaintance, much like any other form of socialization she could engage in during her free time

if so then why has this behavior been taboo since forever, predating the abrahamic religions? because it is cuckoldry, and there is not a respectable man alive who willingly participates in that fetish

>-THEN having sex with someone else cannot be considered a breach of "loyalty" or "trust", since the woman did not stop felling emotionally attached or loving you only because she was horny and some other guy was available to satisfy that momentary desire.

in your attempt to trivialize sex, you have also trivialized the entire romantic relationship. you have deemed any kind of romantic agreement similarly worthless, in which case why not write a tirade against the relationship? without sex there is no need to be in a relationship. i am certainly not spending extended time with hoes to not get any pussy, unless they're my friends. sex is the end game of normal relationships and therefore this signifies that sex is a little more important than you are acknowledging

even if i were to entertain that conclusion, it assumes that acts of adultery are NOT being carried out in secret, which they always are unless it's an open relationship or there is a cuck involved. this IS 'a breach of "loyalty" or "trust"', and an assumption like that is not founded in reality

>only because she was horny and some other guy was available to satisfy that momentary desire
is some whore shit

having been cheated on before, i know that it is disgusting whore behavior that deserves a smackdown. there was an explicit and exclusive agreement. had she merely been a fuckbuddy i would not have cared, but since that wasnt the case

tldr; sluts are for cucks

>> No.5815229 [View]

that's not what fatalism is. it's not some prophetic shit, it's the correct belief that whatever happens was destined to happen. essentially determinism but not argued as much

>> No.5815182 [View]

>Fatalism requires prior knowledge of the future

u wot

>> No.5815149 [View]


your name looks weird the name is stacked on top of the trip. are you seeing that and how do i do it

>> No.5815111 [View]

twenty years is too long to be grieving over anything. sorry, but is time to get over it

>> No.5815098 [View]

it's unfortunate that some people resort to this defeatist reasoning

the more that i learn (at this point it mostly takes the form of superintending minutia, i am far too erudite in all fields to be lacking any major piece of information) the stronger and more brilliant and beautiful i become. consequently, my outlook on life improves (although it has been quite high for quite some time now, so it is possible that i have reached a baseline level of bliss and enjoyment in my life)

added 'awareness' should make you more equipped to deal with your understanding of the human experience. but instead it makes you sadder?

this is hardly surprising. plebs will continue to pleb

>> No.5775832 [View]

this board has the most consistent flow of newfags i've ever seen, how awful

anyway i just saw the master by pt anderson, truly terrible film. but the acting saves it. if theres one thing to be learned from anderson it's that he is a hack who rides the coattails of his actors into acclaim. twbb is a great movie, until you realize that it is only ddl and the cinematography/music that make it worth watching. anderson's storytelling abilities are absolute shit and there is no doubt he will fuck up pinecone as well, while the illiterate plebeians who have never read a single book will pretend to understand it while affectedly jerking off their pseudo intellectual micropenises to it, failing to realize that the acting is probably the only decent thing about it

meanwhile i'm only just now getting into real art house, but this is where the real shit is. von trier for example is a master of the unique. if you want to understand what that troll in the pynchon thread is talking about with 'inauthenticity', one only needs to watch real filmmakers at work

>> No.5751992 [View]

ay bitch post some titties or your face or something this is important

>> No.5751988 [View]

it's a biologically innate result of the advanced human brain, therefore 'useful' or rather just convenient to think about it

it also explains why some patricians have a highly motivated drive to live the best lives, while some plebs choose to toil in misery instead

>> No.5751950 [View]

firstly, the masses don't read

secondly, it'd be easier to know what you want to write if you even knew what the fuck you wanted to write. great method you have here

why do even i still come here. time to leave for good

>> No.5751914 [View]

pill meme is usually accurate most of the time except for one or two lines

the maker of this image would do well to know that the ancient greeks were a bunch of sex crazed winos, and goddamn you losers really need to stop saying degenerate

>> No.5688854 [View]

>not being forced into philosophical theism as the result of divine events/encounters with no logical explanation

>> No.5688815 [View]

lethargic old man weariness and logorrhea

never read anything that actually made me *feel* like a middle aged geezer. safe to say ill be avoiding the rest of his work until im literally on my death bed

>> No.5688781 [View]

best kids lit

better be fucking good i swear to g-d

>> No.5647860 [View]


and face it stan will never post regularly again so i am the de facto demigod of this board just like i was even when he posted

>> No.5647819 [View]

thread full of cunts. californication is literally the most divine program ever produced. duchovny himself is a master of theatre and literature, and this show allows him to showcase his deep, learned brilliance in a gorgeously florid and vulgar manner

it's also hilarious as fuck
do not speak badly about this show. except the last season, you can speak badly about that

>> No.5645420 [View]

i expect nothing less when i choose to read a book

it's tragic. everyone should know his crowning achievement is bm

>> No.5645369 [View]

the road is easily mccarthy's worst. mass-marketed consumerist schlock featuring some of the worst writing on this earth

you're better off reading any of his other books. and at this point in time i feel like there's no need to read camus anymore, many of his ideas have lost relevance

>> No.5645356 [View]

>read the quran

ignore this

>> No.5645291 [View]

move somewhere that isn't in the stone age

>> No.5645264 [View]


>> No.5645234 [View]

>paradise lost is shit

here we can observe the plebbicus maximus in its natural habitat. a strange creature indeed

>> No.5645196 [View]


oh my god

>> No.5645185 [View]

painfully retarded. a good way to improve both reading comprehension and neutral plasticity is to read multiple books at once

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