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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9400623 [View]


>> No.9400504 [View]


The only serious thing about occult books is the serious dough Llewellyn rakes in from powerless, fantasy-prone scrubs. Myths and the mystical are essential in human experience, true, but recipe books describing someone else's mystical experience are not the way. Especially if that someone else is a silly rancid Englishman like Crowley.

Study, instead, what makes magic magical in the human mind.

>> No.9400489 [View]

OP your question is a false dilemma and >>9400393 fpbp.

Most everyone in the US was reading SOME Shakespeare in school around age 12. What made Joyce and Borges different from pseuds on this board is they lived their life and then wrote about what they imagined. They had the strength of will to keep going even when they wrote crap, and the good sense not to show it to anyone.

Creation is an act of will, as my kindly old grandpa Hammond used to say. /lit/ is full of weaklings, just like /r/books or /r/writing.

>> No.9393775 [View]
File: 738 KB, 2656x1494, bookjacket_parm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious what lit will recommend. Early 19th century France is cool.

>> No.9393593 [View]
File: 30 KB, 288x475, hackersheroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution

(nonfic, actually v good sage)

>> No.9393470 [View]

ROM II MUD source code
Dungeons & Dragons Libris Mortis

Darwinia: A Novel of a Very Different Twentieth Century by Robert Charles Wilson

The Waste Land by TS Eliot

>> No.9393449 [View]

Remove your computer's power supply anon. Make it a pain in the ass to waste time onlin, simulate a cabin experience. Go for a walk. Alter your idea of a typical day until distractions are just a thing you used to have.

>> No.9393433 [View]
File: 27 KB, 608x206, ftge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9392039 [View]
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A whole fucking lot of them, let me tell you. But I've bought a lot of books in the past year and making use of them will be a life's work.

don't sleep on don quijote de la mancha, mi phamiglia. it is weighty but hilarious.

>> No.9391742 [View]
File: 148 KB, 1057x837, armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tucker Max I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

The Good Earth / The Martian mashup

500 MORE Sudoku Puzzles!

>> No.9391183 [View]

She would strut the classroom in her monologues, explaining the fundamentals of narrative. What is the theme of this work? What are some foreshadowing images? I answered her questions astutely. I had the good brain and spoke English. On one occassion she took a rest on my desk while quizzing the class. Her tight bottom warmed the lucite of my /escritorio/. Erections were instantaneous back then. I dared not the hubris to fancy myself her favorite student. I knew her malfunction, but would recall her image every day after school anyway.

This English class would go on for weeks, and I would skip class. Eventually I dropped out of high school altogether. But not before hearing rumors of English Teacher partying across the river in Mexico and fucking some lucky kid's brains out. Good for them.

Years later, not quite a decade, I came across a woman who looked almost identical to this primordial mistress. A college teacher. I made the mistake of asking her out after the semester was over. She said no.

>> No.9391179 [View]

2/? Money problems forced a move into my grandparent's house. They had died some years before and the house went to my aunt, who rented it to us. Transferring to a high school in the older, poorer part of town as an incoming Freshman is not easy. I knew no one and nothing about the new pond. Some of these people looked like goddamned bodybuilders and the rucas all wore their hair high, like dinosaurs. One of them was a blonde white girl who confided she was pregnant. I saw her months later at McDonalds. She was my age, maybe a year older, with a kid. What a generation.

3/? Anyway. English class was taught by the woman who would inform my desires for years to come. She was five and a half feet tall, shorter than me, and petite. Her straight dark hair was cut into a shoulder length bob, and her cream colored skin was dry. Black Irish. Her green eyes had a slightly yellowish tinge and they danced and smiled when she looked at me. I didn't really have a conception of adult ages then. She was just "older." Probably 24. Her tight little body was wrapped every day in a professional black or striped skirt and shimmery metallic tops that draped thinly in overlapping folds on the curves of her chest. The V of her neckline was freckled and perfumed.

>> No.9391173 [View]


I was not a bad looking kid at 14, I guess. In my town 95% of kids were moon faced and soft or half-starved street dogs ready to bite. All sun kissed to the same color of slow cooked pinto beans. My mother had the foresight to shack up with some brown-eyed devil out of Kentucky. His golden skin, good brain, and well proportioned features passed to me months before he wandered to younger pastures. Mom gave me a critical eye founded in spotting specks and motes and beams in others. Not a bad deal, except for the alienation. I was not a tough kid.

>> No.9389578 [View]

>unironically the worst book I ever read

This implies I finished it, so I'll leave The Sun Also Rises out. Couldn't give a shit about Brett and them or the fictionalized lives of affluent 1920s white people. 21st century has its own grimy demands I need to set my brain upon.

Probably GRRM's A Feast For Crows. Utter garbage, but finished it because I paid for it and was invested in the series.

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