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Search: branderson

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>> No.12905966 [View]
File: 215 KB, 624x861, dmNiHMQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what books/authors are sffg core? The books that get the highest praise on this thread.

god bless brian herbert and branderson our gods

>> No.12700439 [View]

I don't get why authors like Branderson puts so much effort into creating magic systems, or why their intricacies are seen as a merit. Just make a fucking instead if rules and balance are that important to you.

>> No.12625912 [View]

Why is it a /lit/ meme that Branderson writes anime? I said it as a joke to a very confused friend and I only just realized I don't get it either. Does his stuff just read like the literary equivalent of Sword Art Online?

>> No.12456831 [View]
File: 1.60 MB, 500x281, Nobones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I found the first book of the Stormlight Archives to be fairly good so long as the focus was on Kaladin. Everyone loves a good underdog story and the whole concept of running bridges across dozens of chasms was pretty inventive, but the second book started to lose me as the focus shifted off palpable suffering and triumph to anime powers, and the third book even more so, and when the plot stopped being interesting to me, Branderson's dull prose really started to grate on me. Not sure I'll bother reading the fourth when it comes out.

>> No.12455574 [View]

>There's absolutely no gayness (at least until Branderson starts writing and makes a passing comment that one of the incredibly minor characters is gay
Jordan actually touches upon this in New Spring. Moiraine and Siuan are "pillow friends" during their Novice and Accepted years.

>> No.12455531 [View]

I liked it, but it does seem to polarize people. There's absolutely no gayness (at least until Branderson starts writing and makes a passing comment that one of the incredibly minor characters is gay) and no incest. The only rape I can recall was female on male, and I think one of the minor female character got raped off-screen, but it's not really prominent at all.

It's a completely straight-faced, "Giant, unequivocal evil is going to destroy the world so the forces of good must defeat him"-type fantasy with no real twists and a fairly interesting magic system. You'll probably find yourself getting annoyed when the perspective switches off of your favorite character because there's like five separate plots going on at any given time with focus shared between several groups each doing their own thing, and what >>12455523 said.

>> No.12392474 [View]

>try calling him Branderson to degrade him
>he's already in on the joke

>> No.12390775 [View]

>Where do you lie on the "BrandoSando" versus "Branderson"?
Brandon Sanderson
>I would probably go "Branderson", but I don't mind either of them.
>Because I'm firmly in the BrandoSando camp.
Brandon Sanderson
>BrandoSando? What about "BrandySandy"? I get that one too. No one goes with the cool ones. Oh, the "Sandman". I'm not cool enough.

>> No.12296981 [View]

>taking suggestions from a guy that like branderson
You only have yourself to blame

>> No.12235715 [View]

Defending elyisum? Did Branderson finally write a sequel to elantris?

>> No.12224220 [View]

>branderson fan is still hooked on Dick
Too much Dick isn't good for you cosmerefag.

>> No.12132313 [View]

>Enjoy reading the latest ebic from Patrick R.R. Branderson, pleblord.


the book sucks and your taste sucks. if you read 10 pages of middlemarch you've read the whole thing.

>> No.12132165 [View]
File: 51 KB, 939x639, George-Eliot-Author-Spotlight-e1521315472155[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice troll, will bring out the posers.

Enjoy reading the latest ebic from Patrick R.R. Branderson, pleblord.

Rosamund destroys Lydgate's life.


>pic totally not related.

>> No.12054197 [View]

How come Branderson shit wasn't dmcad? You're telling me a selfpublisher like Arand has better pull than a multi-millionaire publishing house good boy like Sanderson?

>> No.12035489 [View]

I will not read anything written by Branderson that is not originally marketed as a stand-alone.

>> No.12031560 [View]

sorry, you're a pleb -- stick to branderson and maybe reread harry potter

>> No.12006418 [View]

I unironically second this.

Regardless of what you think of Branderson as a writer (im not a huge fan personally), his writing advice podcast is kino, gives you great exercises too.

I would also recommend his lectures, they're around Youtube if you search them. He goes into topics like POV and Worldbuilding. Incredibly helpful getting detailed advice from an accomplished writer.

>> No.11875632 [View]

You sound pretty familiar with him. I just have him pegged as a Kevin J. Anderson type whose main talent (like Branderson) is reliably turning out readable novels.

I don't know whether Bova's lack of lasting impact is some crushing statement on his talent or just luck of the draw/bad marketing. Robert Silverberg (who I like) also wrote a ton of novels. I'm sure many of them suck but the ones I've read are pretty solid even if no one would mistake them for high culture.

>> No.11875328 [View]
File: 7 KB, 243x300, Ben_Bova_at_Minicon_8(1974)[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this nigger is 85 years old, most recent novel was released last year. He's been working on a series of novels about colonizing the Solar System since the mid-80s. Wiki alleges he's written over 120 books but I can't find any one place that actually lists them all.

This guy is basically the Brandon Sanderson of the 1970s. This is what Branderson will look like in 40 years: still plugging away at bullshit formula novels no one cares about.

>> No.11677365 [View]

Is Branderson a stealth atheist? I get the impression from his novels that he doesn't believe Mormonism is literally true.

>> No.11592616 [View]

these scenes are very bad, but the first one is especially horrific

as you say, the first chapter is some dumb prologue brooding men shit and then the 2nd chapter is 90% animu fight FILLER with 0 characterization and 10% "liiiiisssteeen to my dyyiiiinngg words this will be impoooortant in 600 pages maaaybe"

i like branderson as a person but he is a shit writer. his world building, lore and magic systems are all shit

a good example is that 2nd prologue with szeth. he thinks somewhere in the chapter "because of X cultural custom, i need to make as much noise as possible when im coming to kill this guy so that they know i'm coming." this is fucking retarded--it is world building informed by what sanderson wants the characters to do, instead of having his character hit up against the world and have problems and try to solve them. sanderson said "i want my edge assassin to kill lots of guys XD" so he said "lets create some 'cultural quirk' that lets me do this with no conflict whatsoever".

none of sanderson's "world building" ever creates conflict for the characters. its all garbage. beyond that, none of it ever has any deeper justification.

>> No.11213825 [View]

sander branderson

>> No.10798771 [View]

In what order do I read Branderson?

>> No.10683057 [View]

Definitely dips in quality for one or two of the books just after the halfway point
But the finishing stretch by Branderson is fairly consistent

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