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Search: LeGuin

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>> No.21450792 [View]

Oh sorry anon I shouldn't have called you a tard I kind of only skimmed your post and thought you were comparing rowling disfavourably with leguin

Her decisions regarding the movies were very good. The first 2 were really good movies and I bet if she just sold them off they would have really been fouled up

>> No.21423358 [View]

Why does this guy get so many props anyway? I read one of his books and it was typical mid-tier scifi -- somewhat cool idea, bad execution. Any LeGuin would be better.

>> No.21364700 [View]

Agree with all of these, and will add LeGuin and Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.21351912 [View]

The Gods Themselves by Asimov is half about aliens with a 3-gender system and some level of biological fluidity iirc.
I, Robot by the same is mostly about nongendered robots, who are arguably the overall heroes of the story.
I don't know if those work for you since they're not on-the-nose or about fitting in socially with the rest of society, but it's early attempts at challenging people to relate to characters who don't fall into the comparatively strict norms of the time.
I think there's some good examples from LeGuin too but their names escape me.

>> No.21346274 [View]

It was one of my favorite books as a kid, and I also loved Atuan. Tehanu was an... experience, and book 3 I never finished.

Speaking of LeGuin, what would /sffg/ consider her best short story collection?

>> No.21338473 [View]

so if YA isnt your audience, women dont read your books, who tf is reading your books? as a man i tend to avoid womwn authors because their books are shit like leguin for example

>> No.21310968 [View]

Yeah LeGuin's sucks. Get Ziporyn's and Red Pines because they actually come with commentary and a critical apparatus and shit, I don't think reading the DDJ without assistance is helpful.

>> No.21310678 [View]

Haven’t read LeGuin but others have said it’s not bad. You fucked up by buying it. You can read pretty much every translation on terebess for free, and you will have to read multiple translations to start understanding it anyway. All of the translations are inadequate by themselves. I recommend starting with a simpler or more western one like LeGuin or even Mitchell (even though they don’t know Chinese) and then reading more rigorous translations like Mair and Muller.

>> No.21310530 [View]

>who is th white
>who is cs lewis
>who is Ursula k leguin
This really is 4chans dumbest board

>> No.21286144 [View]

Have you tried LeGuin?
Give The Left Hand of Darkness a try.

>> No.21242180 [View]

aesop, mythology, anaxagoras, parmenides, heracleitos

an actual recommendation would be his dark materials, if she managed to read book 7 of Harry Potter. I also greatly enjoyed Trudi Canavan at around 10-11 (which was around the time the 5th potter book came out). LeGuin's Earthsea series also corresponds to about the same reading level as Potter 6 & 7.
good recs as well
also Roverandom & Tolkiens other childrens stories. LotR bored me at that age.

>> No.21039454 [View]

Did LeGuin write it when she was still good? I regret reading past the original trilogy of Earthsea.

>> No.21033899 [View]

Really nice, especially that copy of the Marx-Engels Reader. I think they were going for >$50 on eBay AU last I checked. The O'Connor, Brunner, and LeGuin are all comfy reads. You couldn't pay me to pick up an Orwell though

>> No.21031721 [View]

There aren't any, really. Closest things I can think of
>The Art of Fiction, Ayn Rand
>Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Forster
>On Writing, Stephen King
>The Art of Fiction, John Gardener
>Steering the Craft, Ursula K. LeGuin
>Zen in the Art of Writing, Ray Bradbury

Other less technical more theoretical books
>Fiction and the Figures of Life, William H. Gass
>The Art of Fiction (essay), Henry James
>Lectures on Literature / Lectures on Russian Literature / Lectures on Don Quixote, Vladimir Nabokov
>Gustave Flaubert's letters
>What is Art, Leo Tolstoy

>> No.20980604 [View]

>LeGuin's trash
>S tier

>> No.20972953 [View]

I feel like this is such a generalizing point, for both cases based on vaguely remembered cliches used in the absolute bottom rung of pulp fantasy, which doesnt actually hold up when it comes to any fantasy worth taking seriously. Tolkien's stuff is not like this (although it arguably features the 'you wuz king all along' trope more than the kung fu training arc trope), Gene Wolfe's stuff is not like this. Dune comfortably fits both tropes. Malazan is not like this. Hyperion is not like this. LeGuin's stuff is not like this. (i am going off the few non-shit works of fantasy i know here, consider this a chance to recommend some other non-shit fantasy)

>> No.20972361 [View]

Go read Ursula LeGuin.

>> No.20971489 [View]


>> No.20964034 [View]

>All I took from Ursula LeGuin is that her politics are opposed to mine waaaaah
I think Africa should be atom-bombed and I love her books, get fucked.

>> No.20954575 [View]

I don't agree but I will agree most women held up by modern society are uniquely terrible writers, even worse than below-average male writers.
LeGuin is terrible. Trite political hot-takes from convention-goers of yesteryear dressed up in the sheepskin of fantasy.
Fairytales are fine. Leigh Brackett wrote some fine pulp.

>> No.20949230 [View]

>Ursula LeGuin
One of the reasons I came to the conclusion in the OP. The only thing dumber than a woman is a woman believing in fairytales like anarchism.

>> No.20949217 [View]

Only going for fiction, you're right. The Brontë sisters, Ursula LeGuin are fine. Agatha Christie too, although I don't get why she's the only Golden Age detective novel writer people remember. Maybe George Sand, Elsa Triolet, Marie-Madeleine de La Fayette. I don't know, I think you're right, I'm really stretching it. I'm not mentionning the famous ones I find overrated.
As far as non-fiction is concerned, there are many good female authors.

>> No.20939081 [View]

>hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya

>> No.20839053 [View]

Read, unimpressed
Lmao woman
Read, its okay
Lmao woman
No interest
>Ashton Smith
Read, its short boomer creepypastas
Isn't it plays or symphonies or some shit?

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