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/lit/ - Literature

Search: podcasts

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>> No.20478623 [View]
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>went walking around yesterday while listening to podcasts
>walking felt pointless
>ended the day with a fast food binge
>listened to Twitter space at night then slept
>woke up on Sunday morning, wasted time online, had a big fat junk food binge as I watched tennis, wasted more time online, will go to gym

I'm pretty sure tomorrow is when my real life will start and when I stop binging on junk food everyday.

This 4 day weekend hasn't lived up to expectations. I am already nostalgic about last weekend, when I knew there'd be 3 low pressure work days before the bank holidays. Thursday was ok, Friday was meh, Saturday was a bit of a let down, and today was a void.

I'm reading some passionately racist twitter feeds with anime avatars and it feels mentally energising to see clear thinking and speaking people.

I was walking home late last night and walked past a busy pub with bright lights and loud music and cheers and I realised I am like that guy in Monkey Dust.

>> No.20439614 [View]
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>finish work on Friday evening
>go for a walk for 40 minutes while listening to podcasts and there's sun in the evening
>buy junk food and binge while watching tennis
>waste rest of evening; sleep
>wake up on Saturday morning, just before 9 am
>waste time until 2 pm on mindless internet browsing
>read 38 pages of a pseudy book
>go to gym and lift heavy weights
>go for a 1.5 hour walk in busy areas outside while listening to podcasts; feels totally pointless; normies everywhere loving life
>have a fast food binge; feel fat while I'm having it even though it's the only thing I had eaten on Saturday
>bought some sugary junk food on way home because I was going to watch football
>binged even more, watched football, which was meh
>woke up on Sunday morning
>been browsing internet for around 1.5 hours
>will soon go for a Sunday late morning / early afternoon walk (always starts feeling comfy and kino but feels very pointless by the end)
>will watch tennis then go to the gym
>don't know whether I'll eat junk food or regular food or what I'll do in the evening

Early 30s, no meaning, no producerbull activities? What sort of due process is this?

>> No.20378196 [DELETED]  [View]
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>did chores in morning and browsed internet
>went to gym, lifted weights
>went walking outside in hot sun
>had Burger King binge
>wasted rest of evening
>woke up on Sunday
>wasted morning on internet
>lifted heavy weights at gym; wore contact lenses and felt sad at seeing gymthots
>went walking for 3 hours while listening to podcasts then had a McDonald's binge
>woke up today
>started work
>work in a new division so there was no Sunday dread but becoming increasingly paranoid and spent most of today slightly panicking about being fired
>realised being an ugly blackpilled (i.e. truthpilled) beta means I can no longer take any suggestions or criticisms in good faith; people are out to get me at work and are trying to make me look bad
>ate regular food at lunch
>finish work
>decide to go to supermarket and buy the last binge ever
>see 5+ qts and Staceys just on the walk there, which was so demoralising it justified the binge
>binged at home
>now regaining my energy before lifting heavy at the gym

Picrelated shows the binge and it shows the most commonly bought stuff. This is the ur-binge. I'm sure everything will change tomorrow and I'll start avoiding junk food, losing weight, and working hard on things in a motivated manner. Although I'm trying to imagine myself after work tomorrow, doing anything other than binging on junk food, and it's tough.

I haven't had any new comments in this division but I am paranoid. I think the normies are slowly becoming disgusted with me.

>> No.20293076 [View]
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The short story of the day is "Exhibit Piece" by Philip K. Dick.

Read it here: http://sffaudio.com/podcasts/ExhibitPieceByPhilipK.Dick.pdf

>> No.20279976 [View]
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What are some good podcasts for me to listen?
I want something that is more akin to a lecture, with the dude knowing about the thing that he is talking about, than just some dudes talking shit for an hour.
I'll spend almost two hours every couple of days doing something that is basically not mentally taxing, but not free enough that I can read a book. So I thought podcasts would be a good idea to listen too.
The content can be anything from the arts, literature, philosophy, etc.
Pic not related.

>> No.20230628 [View]
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What is literature conceived of as a discrete discipline? Seems like this board is a catch-all for the liberal arts/humanities in general. Is literature
>just fictional novels?
>philosophical novels?
>the much derided genre fiction?
>the canon?
>social science?
>secondary academic work?
>shitposts/podcasts/blogs/new media?
Well /lit/anons, what is your opinion. Which of these are literature

>> No.20169353 [View]
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>been on holiday for just over a week now
>spent every day doing some combination of playing vidya, reading book, drinking coffee, binging on fast food (yesterday it was KFC: a box meal, a large meal, and popcorn chicken), and walking around or exercising
>have to go back soon to a boring unfulfilling office job
>listen to podcasts involving entrepreneurs changing the world and getting rich as fuck in sunny Silicon Valley while my job consists of boring paperwork and trying to pretend to be interested in Karen's kids or Olivia's weekend plans or else I'm not a team player
>company moving back to office within a few weeks and I'll have to start renting a place, reducing the amount I can save each month, and reducing my free time by 1.5 hours each weekday through commuting

What a fucking farce life has become.

I'm going to be stuck in an office when it's sunny outside. I'm in my early 30s. I wish I had learned programming years ago, as they're the only people with flexibility and demand for their skills in the labour market. Instead I'm in a non-technical job and realising that fitting in with normies is the only way to survive. I did do well at school and always thought I'd have a technical job but my degree was not well chosen.

My existential dread really intensifies on days like this when it's a bit cloudy and a normal temperature and the day feels so mundane.

>> No.20124006 [View]
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It's not controversial to say that literature has become a niche thing these days. People read books for a variety of reasons, but they are almost always private and personal. Interesting to compare with the Romantic Era when books, essays and even poems would engage entire nations political, aesthetic and religious debates. What would the modern equivalent of these be?
Shallow, heavy-handed, in-your-face indoctrination and pandering, and preaching to the converted are not exactly my idea of engagement and debate.
See above.
>mainstream media
See above.
>social media
It's be nice if there were freedom of expression. They're also extremely shallow and limited media.
But then who are the great minds of our day? Joe Rogan? JP?
>obscure podcasts
Maybe this is the one...

>> No.20101640 [View]
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so they could do restoration of the individual by transformation of society through fascism & authoritarianism "


>> No.20064888 [View]
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I am in need of interesting podcasts. I have no clue who to follow online anymore and I want something to listen to either when cleaning or walking somewhere.

>> No.20061542 [View]
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Honestly dont trust any other board to give a good answer to this question.

But are there any good 'podcasts'/channels you guys like? I look at all the podcasts out there and nothing at all looks good.

I just want to listen to some old wise dude ramble about history or something like that while i try to sleep.

Just anything interesting and atypical really. thanks.

>> No.20038131 [View]
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Hey /lit/, does anyone know of any good literature based podcasts?
I ask because sometimes I like to wind down with a video game where I drive a train or go fishing and I'd like to get recommendations because every podcast I bump into has no chemistry or appeal; it almost seems as though everyone thinks they can do a good podcast and then is shit at it.
At this point anons, if you have a podcast, I'll damn well listen to it.

>> No.19987158 [DELETED]  [View]
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>"My son is 14, and he’s coping with identity issues that I could really use some advice about. Last night, he was complaining about English class. “All we talk about is stuff like, I dunno. How women are so great and can defend themselves and shit.” Alarm bells, right? I probed a little, and he started getting upset. He talked about the girls in his class being aggressive towards the boys, accusing them of … he wasn’t sure what. Mumbled a few things about sexism, the patriarchy. “You know, this whole ‘kill all men’ thing.’” And with that, he burst into tears. “I’m white—I’m male—and I’m probably straight!” he sobbed (at 14, he maintains that the jury is still out on that last one). “It’s like, I can’t say anything! And the girls, they can say anything they like!” Of course, we talked about those girls being out of line, but also about how real sexism is—that he can be proud of who he is and support feminism (and Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ rights, etc.) at the same time. And ignore purposefully provocative stuff like #killallmen. Still, I’m concerned. My feeling is that he’s pretty well inoculated against racist and homophobic propaganda. But clearly, he’s struggling with his masculinity. I really worry that he might stumble across a few clever Jordan Peterson videos and end up falling down some nasty male-power incel rabbit hole … Do you have any advice as to how to deal with this? In particular, do you know of any good age-appropriate books or podcasts or shows or whatever that deal with these topics—especially the “crisis of masculinity”—in a sensitive way? A way that’s in sync with feminist values?"

Well, /lit/, do you have any books for this powerful woman to show her son?

>> No.19957526 [View]
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>finished work on Friday
>apply for 9 jobs
>go walking outside in the dark for 1 hour and 40 minutes while listening to Cum Town and other podcasts
>buy junk food, binge at home and feel so fat
>waste rest of evening, sleep
>wake up on Saturday morning; worried I didn't sleep enough to lift heavy weights later in day
>browse internet for a few hours
>play vidya for a few hours
>eat food, drive outside and read book in car while drinking coffee
>go walking for 40 minutes while listening to podcast
>drink coffee in car again
>go to gym; heavy lifting goes well
>have fast food binge
>go home, waste last few hours awake online
>wake up on Sunday morning
>will drink coffee and maybe go for a morning walk

I'm demoralised about my job going to shit because my managers dislike me but in hopeful I can switch to something better because of my upcoming job interviews. I'm currently also feeling sad at how not fitting in with normies is destroying my career prospects.

Listening to podcasts with silicon valley types talking about stuff makes me feel (rightfully) pathetic. I need to start being a producerbull soon.

The amount of daylight on Saturday meant that it felt like a generic mundane weekend day.

>> No.19950621 [View]
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Are there any podcasts you would consider to be genuinely good writing?

>> No.19946113 [View]
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I've come to the conclusion that literature is a background art form.

Nobody reads literature for the sake of literature except for some bored housewifes reading erotica, some nerds reading fantasy and sci fi and maybe normies reading thrillers.

But beyond that, where literature is popular is always as the supportive art form to other mediums.
Popular in music, as rap and other forms of lyrics.
Popular in videogames, specially VN and JRPG.
Non fiction?
Popular in journalism podcasts like Tim pool and joe rogan.
Popular with music, comics, anime, manga, videogames and film/TV.

So literature is basically the most popular art form ever made, if we simply ignore written shit and focus on literature as a support medium for the expression of other more popular mediums.

>> No.19924542 [View]
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Dr. Peterson is Based and TPB-pilled

Any other Intellectual would scoff at a Based show like TPB, but Dr. Peterson humbly admits that he enjoys Kinography regardless of how it makes him look

This is poison for Pseuds, those who are obsessed with crafting labels and “pills” for themselves to appear a particular way.

Big surprise they have no Best-Selling books or World-Renowned podcasts!

>> No.19887219 [View]
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I know this isn’t the best place to ask but any good philosophy podcasts you know of that mostly concern the metaphysical or ethics? I’m listening to “philosophize this” rn. He’s fine but seems to talk about politics an absurd amount and has an extreme leftist bias. if you only know of political channels I would be willing to listen to someone more neutral or right wing to diversify what I listen to. B4 someone says read books or something I do

>> No.19881014 [DELETED]  [View]
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>be me
>was worrying about work all week but managed to get through it without being fired or told I'd be fired
>ended up with kind of a celebratory feeling on Friday afternoon; spent 30 to 60 minutes of it browsing internet with feet up
>work finished, applied for 10 jobs while drinking coffee
>went walking for 1 hour and 40 minutes in the dark evening; was unexpectedly cold; listened to most recent Richard Spencer Twitter space
>ended walk by buying some junk food from shiny supermarket and eating it at home
>hadn't exercised since Sunday (inb4 Americans mention walking)
>play vidya until after midnight, sleep
>wake up on Saturday morning after only 8 hours of sleep; expected more because worry and caffeine and browsing internet in mornings made sleep shitty during weekdays
>browse internet
>eat regular food and some junk food
>play vidya for a few hours; totally hooked on a sequel to a game I loved many years ago
>go driving outside; go for walk in park in the cold while listening to podcasts
>enjoy the daylight
>drink coffee in car
>go to gym
>heavy lifting goes well
>drive to store, buy junk food, ate some of it while browsing internet
>wasted rest of evening on internet, sleep
>woke up at 9.30 on Sunday morning; Sunday mourning starts early
>browse internet, go outside and drive and drink coffee in car while reading book but feel cramped
>read at home
>eat food and some junk food
>do chores
>go walking for less than an hour
>go to gym, lift heavy weights
>buy junk food from supermarket; eat it
>sugar and pepsi max has dulled the work dread (not a busy week either; only worries are a few meetings where I may be told I will be fired)
>now browsing internet and will go to bed

I saw "rich upper class high-fashion-magazine-advert-larper" Twitter and felt demoralised about being an ugly slug.

I had two job interviews in the past week and have another upcoming. I have failed 11 of them in the past two and a half months.

>> No.19876669 [View]
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I manual labour and desperately need mental stimulation during work hours. What are the best literary podcasts? I have been downloading Herbert Dreyfus lectures which are good but not structured as a listening experience. Also Michael Silverblatt on Bookworm.

Give me the best.

>> No.19837161 [View]
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>finished work (remote) on Friday evening
>went a week without being fired, which was a plus
>drank coffee, applied for jobs
>lied in bed and browsed internet
>realised I was too tired to go to gym, slept early
>woke up early on Saturday morning
>browsed internet, drank coffee, went for a walk to see the daylight
>went for a walk I went on very regularly after work on summer days in 2020
>saw a GigaStacey, which was demoralising
>listened to podcasts
>got home, played vidya, ate regular food
>browsed internet, went for a drive and then walk around a park while listening to podcasts
>drank coffee in car after it got dark
>went to gym for first time since last Sunday; heavy lifting went well
>go to shiny supermarket and buy food; ate it at home
>browsed internet until too late, slept
>woke up early, currently watching tennis
>plan to eat, play vidya, go walking, do cardio at gym, then play vidya or read at night

I'm feeling particularly sad at how being ugly and a beta has destroyed my life prospects. I am repulsive and people abhor interacting with me.

>> No.19798312 [DELETED]  [View]
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There are a lot of writing/lit podcasts out there and I find so many of them are hosted by either charismaless dorks or up-their-own-ass hacks.

Looking for something heavy on craft talk, publishing industry insights, author interviews, critique (or tearing apart) of work.

The closest things I've found that I enjoy is 372 Pages We'll Never Get Back and episodes of Behind the Bastards/Worst Year Ever when they crucify Ben Shapiro's works of fiction.


>> No.19796720 [View]
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Each workday I got 8 hours where I can listen to podcasts, lectures, music and audiobooks. What’s some of the standouts in terms of presentation and voice acting (and of course the quality of the book)?

(Incoming: audiobooks ain’t reading. Yeah yeah yeah I know, but I can only listen to so much music and podcasts before my brain rots)

>> No.19779995 [View]
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Please recommend literary podcasts that will help me become a better reader and writer.

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