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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4350413 [View]

I mean like, yeah he is pretty bad and some how is way behind where he should be for his age. That's ok though, he just needs to do some catching up. I'm willing to bet he never read a single book meant for someone over the age of 12, that's the only explanation I can come up with for how bad his style is. But if he starts exposing himself to more mature works he will start developing. Reading and writing is a life long thing and 19 is still young.

>> No.4350323 [View]

yeah dude your writing seriously is on like, a middle school level. I only read the prologue of Tommy Chastity, and it really does read like a child wrote it.
Do you read much? If not then start reading more, and not just shitty YA stuff. Try reading some challenging stuff and really look closely at what the writer is doing.

and dont listen to this ass hat. You can always get better.

>> No.4350276 [View]


>> No.4350256 [View]

what the fuck did you just say to me? Your writing better be fucking sensational after that shit.

>> No.4350211 [View]

That actually does happen

In ancient greek they named colors based off their brightness and not their hue. That caused them the physically perceive colors differently then we do today.

You and me probably see colors the same way though. But for the sake of argument lets assume we dont, in which case I would say: Who the fuck cares?

>> No.4350072 [View]

now this baby gets it

>> No.4347715 [View]

This falls into the its so bad its good category. God damn that was entertaining.

>> No.4347709 [View]

>autistic dark
I think this was written by an autistic.

>> No.4347700 [View]

>do any of you work in libraries?
I took a shit in a library once


Does barnes and nobels count as a library?

>> No.4347684 [View]

Right, because when I become the wispy spirit thing time wont work the same as it did when I was human. Everything that was is, or something like that. Cool man, I can dig it.

>> No.4347614 [View]

actually no. I'm going with the feral dog one. Then when that's done I'll probably give being a human another shot. Figure dogs live shorter lives, I already spent 82 years being a human, I'm not down with doing the shit all over again.

>> No.4347606 [View]

Yeah I get that matter cant be create or destroyed. When I die my body will return to the earth, the little electric currents that keep my brain running will take on another form and go do something else, all that good shit. Who I was will be gone though, all the skills I've learned, all my memories. Even if I turn into some floaty spirit thing, its not really going to be me, therefore I wont exist.
Best case scenario: Reincarnation is real. In that case I hope I come back as a feral dog in australia. I've put a lot of thought into it and that's the one I want... unless I have the option to be a human again, then I'm definitely going with human.

>> No.4347571 [View]

Dean Koontz is like that off brand cereal you get at save a lot. Keep your colonial munch, I'd rather have some captain crunch.

>> No.4347564 [View]

Yeah, for now. I'm going to die one day though. Luckily the first 23 years took forever and I still got at least 2x that many years left.
And the way I set things up for myself I just got to spend about five more years eating shit then I can spend the rest of my life reading and writing and playing music. When its over its over though, and I'm cool with it.
Well, at least its so far away that I dont worry about it much now. Maybe when I'm like 60 I'll get all depressed about the fact I'm probably going to stop existing soon, not now though.

>> No.4347531 [View]

We are what we are because of atoms and molecules and whatnot. We are who we are because of organs and brain matter and shit like that. I hope I'm wrong, because I dont want to stop existing, but I'm assuming that's how it goes.

>and who says animals don't have souls
this guy

>> No.4347504 [View]

Call it fate. Luck of the draw. Whatever.
You were either put here for a purpose or for no purpose at all.
It's up to you to decided which.

>> No.4347489 [View]

Dogs eat their shit as a defense mechanism, it keeps predators from knowing their in the area. Its not because their retarded and they think it tastes good. Furthermore, eating dog shit is not the same as eating human shit. Most of their waste is removed through their urine, most of our waste is removed from our shit. You can drink human piss and not get sick, but you couldn't drink dog piss. Vise versa, dog shit might make you sick but human shit would make you waaaay more sick. Plus dogs stomachs are better at digesting stuff like that then ours are so its not as big a deal when they eat shit. Don't judge animals based on the fact that they eat shit. If shit eating served some practical purpose and couldn't hurt us I'm sure we would be doing the same.

I don't believe in souls or any of that mumbo jumbo, but lets assume that 'souls' did exist. If that were the case then I'm sure every living creature would have one and not just humans. We are all just animals and the notion that we are any different is totally arrogant.

>> No.4306188 [View]

Jamie pushed his way through the crowded hall. Each new face he passed caused his heart to skip, because any one of them could have been hers. He didn’t have a long term plan; all he had was his short term one.

>> No.4283027 [View]

never said it does bitch
Its not edgy, its just coincidental.
I may not have be all smart and shit and know big words and stuff like that, but I know if I enjoyed reading something or not and its really as simple as that. Now go clock in little girl.

And dont derail this thread with your hating plz. This is about the writing, man, peace and love bitch.

>> No.4282953 [DELETED]  [View]

jokes on youbitch

>> No.4282937 [View]

Jokes on you

>> No.4282932 [View]

>In high school a friend of mine had a total boner for this series.
>He was one of them intellectual types
>I figured he knew what he was talking about and asked to borrow the first one.
>Over the weekend I got about half way threw and >Determined it was total shit
>Next day in school he asks what I think so far
>Tell him its shit
>He takes it back and doesn't let me finish reading
>Fucking faeries.

>> No.4282919 [DELETED]  [View]
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>post writing
>get told it sucks
>butt hurt
Post your short stories and first chapters or whatever
I'll tell you how to not be garbage
>1500 word minimum

>> No.4280969 [View]

then its the steel side.

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