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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5001889 [View]
File: 3 KB, 259x194, pinwheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a pinwheel. They're pretty basic. Then maybe move onto a bird.

>> No.5001243 [View]

We really can't; that's why they're *your* top five. We can't argue with that.

>> No.4997234 [View]


Ah, no. He was a productive member of society until he got ill.

>> No.4997227 [View]


No good ones. Like stories about young children; inevitably boring because the subjects are boring.

And unlike children, NEET are unsympathetic.

>> No.4994669 [View]

I'd say go with the equivalent of literary B-sides. IE - stuff by authors the plebes have heard of, but not the popular books by them they might have read.


If you mention an author and a book they've never heard of, how do they know it's not drug store pulp? Amirite?

So, my list would by:

The Idiot by Dostoyevsky
This Side of Paradise by FSF
A Movable Feast by EH
Amsterdam by McEwan

>> No.4986646 [View]


There are SO MANY well-to-do areas (it could be DC, or Vegas, or Atlanta or Philly, or Miami, etc.). NYC and LA are not the only places it could be.

>> No.4986638 [View]

What city is your restaurant in?

>> No.4986013 [View]

yeah. get that vibe, too.

>> No.4984913 [View]

Your post smells like marketing for a movie.

>> No.4982201 [View]


>> No.4982092 [View]

but we need to keep explaining what a dentist is.

>> No.4981863 [View]

I thought the two inseparable.

>> No.4981855 [View]

Try writing short. Really short. 1000 words. Work on doing a dozen of them, polishing them, but really working hard in that word limit. Get prompts here if you need them.

Then go up to 2000 words. It will feel like you have an extra set of lungs. Work work work.

Then pick a good idea and go for 5000. Stay at that 5-8k for a while.

When you really have this length mastered, you'll be able to reach for a novel and it will not seem so unimaginably difficult

>> No.4979835 [View]
File: 83 KB, 597x891, amsterdam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I've read for several years are shorts and collections of shorts. This is my first try at a real novel in a good long while.

I think the last one I read was 'This Side of Paradise.'

>> No.4978212 [View]

Oh, I know.

If you look at academic/research publications - real, science ones, not junk like philosophy, etc. - but there is practically nothing coming from China or that part of the world. You get more published out of tiny Israel than all 1.3b Chinese.

Why? Because they're a culture of cheaters. Why?

Because they are a shame-based society while we are a guilt-based society. Most of the non-Western world is shame-based.

Example: would you rather fuck your neighbors wife or be accused falsely of fucking your neighbors wife. For us, the former; for them, the latter.

Ask a Thai person a question and they'll almost never say they don't know. They'll lie, or evade, but saying "I don't know" is a loss of face.

This is why, in Pakistan, a whole family will murder their pregnant daughter for marrying the wrong guy. Shame. They lost face.

It's also why their militaries - from Syria to North Korea - are shit.

In my very limited US military experience, co-operation, admitting you're wrong and getting over it, etc., were traits to admire. It's not a mistake, it's a lesson.

But over there... you wonder why tiny Israel defeated all of it's neighbors in one go.

Lower IQ and a stupid, shame-based culture that arose from it.

>> No.4978191 [View]
File: 46 KB, 722x578, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related.

>> No.4978187 [View]

>saying the pledge of allegiance

If I was a Eurofag, I wouldn't care to pledge to a flag, either.You're really just a bunch of ethnic tribes. The US is very different in that respect, and if you examine the text of the pledge, you will understand why we have one and you don't.

>is almost exclusively a Southern phenomena
>An idiot tries to explain a country he doesn't understand to an outsider.

The propensity of states where the pledge is optional is actually in the south; everywhere else it is required.


Public and private primary/secondary institutions all over the country say the pledge. Do you have any citation?

Go to any sporting event anywhere in the country and they all start with the national anthem.

>> No.4978169 [View]


Really offensive to dogs.

>> No.4978166 [View]

Genetics that allowed them to develop a superior culture.

More books will be published in Spain this year than have been published in the entire history of Africa + Islamdom.

>> No.4978162 [View]

> stop.

For better or worse, I really don't know what that word means.

>> No.4977552 [View]

Legally, you can borrow them electronically from your local public library. You can also peruse Kindle's store for super-cheap books ($1 a piece for somewhat recent stuff, Kindle Singles, etc.) Or you can borrow from a friend who owns them.

>> No.4977501 [View]


I am usually on the side of insisting something have an expansion slot, but that's not the case with the Kindle.

Kindle can handle several formats, and they are pretty easy to convert over.

>> No.4976396 [View]


Understand something: without the presumption that people would pay for their work, few writers today would choose to or be able to produce anything.

>> No.4976367 [View]

He can pay an editor (as I did) and a cover artists, etc.

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