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>> No.4390362 [View]

I need God. I need Jesus Christ. If I didn't I would be hopeless and lost.

>> No.4390361 [View]

no, no, no
the girl did not visit you, a spirit visited you and it took the form of a girl you liked in order to seduce you
that's how I explain it.

>> No.4390357 [View]

These kinds of things are spiritual, not material. It might never stop you from getting a good job or a qt girlfriend or a nice car. How it effects you is by dimming your spirit/soul, by making you less aware of God, by keeping you in the dark.

>Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

>> No.4390350 [View]

The succubus isn't actually a woman. "Black smoke" might well be closer to its real appearance. It's a purely intellectual/spiritual thing, not a physical thing with a fixed appearance as such.

>> No.4390348 [View]

It already has.

>> No.4390347 [View]

The succubi take the form of real women, that's their trick. You might be masturbating to a woman you know, but ask yourself: is the woman you know the same depraved fantasy that you are masturbating to? Would she behave that way?

>> No.4390343 [View]

I've come to interpret the whores in your head who incite you to masturbate as succubi. Yes, you had sex with a succubus.

>> No.4390342 [View]
File: 218 KB, 2048x1329, open your eyes, goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of thing always upsets me. If there's one thing that really upsets me it's young girls being played around with, and if it's in the form of a ritual or orgy or some other such thing it becomes really desolate.

This is the real kind of evil in the world, and it's what pushes me closer to God. Things like war and greed I can explain in my head as just being "human nature", but things like occult ritualism involving little girls I can't explain as merely human nature, it's too abhorrent.

There was a guy on 4chan a few months ago that said how messed up the world is, and how depressed he is and that he's seen a lot of "fucked up shit" in his life, telling us about all the debauched sex he's seen at parties at stuff. I told him that the reason these things upset him is because he has a soul and it is effected by sin. He replied by saying that a few years ago he'd call me a retard in that "typical fedora atheist way" (his words) but that from his experience he'd now take what I said with more gravity.

>Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

>> No.4390332 [View]

>But Nikki didn't care for grandstanding. "It's nothing," he said. "It just looks cool. It's meaningless symbols and shit. I'm just doing it to piss people off. It's not like I fucking worship Satan or something."

See, this is how these arrogant rockstars think. They think at first that it's just for show, and that it's just "making a statement" or "creating an image". It's the attitude of these people >>4389992

>> No.4390324 [View]

I don't have any ghost stories myself. The strangest thing that I've had happen to me is sleep paralysis. My mother had sleep paralysis some time before and she said that while she was paralyzed she heard a demonic voice speaking to her. My mother isn't a superstitious woman at all, she talked about it mockingly as though she didn't really believe it had happened.

>> No.4390321 [View]

Yep, spooky.

My mother has ghost stories lol, but she says that she dosen't believe they were real and they it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

The band Led Zeppelin also had a lot of weird shit happen to them and the band were blaming it on Jimmy Page's extreme occultism.

>> No.4390317 [View]

I probably can't explain it well because my notion of what "spirit" is is intuitive, not mathematical.

Let Aquinas explain

Start with part 50, under the section "The Angels (Spirit)"

>I answer that, There must be some incorporeal creatures. For what is principally intended by God in creatures is good, and this consists in assimilation to God Himself. And the perfect assimilation of an effect to a cause is accomplished when the effect imitates the cause according to that whereby the cause produces the effect; as heat makes heat. Now, God produces the creature by His intellect and will (14, 8; 19, 4). Hence the perfection of the universe requires that there should be intellectual creatures. Now intelligence cannot be the action of a body, nor of any corporeal faculty; for every body is limited to "here" and "now." Hence the perfection of the universe requires the existence of an incorporeal creature.

>The ancients, however, not properly realizing the force of intelligence, and failing to make a proper distinction between sense and intellect, thought that nothing existed in the world but what could be apprehended by sense and imagination. And because bodies alone fall under imagination, they supposed that no being existed except bodies, as the Philosopher observes (Phys. iv, text 52,57). Thence came the error of the Sadducees, who said there was no spirit (Acts 23:8).

>But the very fact that intellect is above sense is a reasonable proof that there are some incorporeal things comprehensible by the intellect alone.

>> No.4390313 [View]

that quote is really breathtaking

>> No.4390306 [View]

sorry, here

The genius continually discovers fate, and the more profound the genius, the more profound the discovery of fate. To spiritlessness, this is naturally foolishness, but in actuality it is greatness, because no man is born with the idea of providence, and those who think that one acquires it gradually though education are greatly mistaken, although I do not thereby deny the significance of education. Not until sin is reached is providence posited. Therefore the genius has an enormous struggle to reach providence. If he does not reach it, truly he becomes a subject for the study of fate. The genius is an omnipotent Ansich [in itself] which as such would rock the whole world. For the sake of order, another figure appears along with him, namely fate. Fate is nothing. It is the genius himself who discovers it, and the more profound the genius, the more profoundly he discovers fate, because that figure is merely the anticipation of providence. If he continues to be merely a genius and turns outward, he will accomplish astonishing things; nevertheless, he will always succumb to fate, if not outwardly, so that it is tangible and visible to all, then inwardly. Therefore, a genius-existence is always like a fairy tale if in the deepest sense the genius does not turn inward into himself. The genius is able to do all things, and yet he is dependent upon an insignificance that no one comprehends, an insignificance upon which the genius himself by his omnipotence bestows omnipotent significance. Therefore, a second lieutenant, if he is a genius, is able to become an emperor and change the world, so that there becomes one empire and one emperor. But therefore, too, the army may be drawn up for battle, the conditions for the battle absolutely favorable, and yet in the next moment wasted; a kingdom of heroes may plead that the order for battle be given-but he cannot; he must wait for the fourteenth of June. And why? Because that was the date of the battle of Marengo. So all things may be in readiness, he himself stands before the legions, waiting only for the sun to rise in order to announce the time for the oration that will electrify the soldiers, and the sun may rise more glorious than ever, an inspiring and inflaming sight for all, only not for him, because the sun did not rise as glorious as this at Austerlitz, and only the sun of Austerlitz gives victory and inspiration. Thus, the inexplicable passion with which such a one may often rage against an entirely insignificant man, when otherwise he may show humanity and kindness even toward his enemies. Yes, woe unto the man, woe unto the woman, woe unto the innocent child, woe unto the beast of the field, woe unto the bird whose flight, woe unto the tree whose branch comes in his way at the moment he is to interpret his omen.

Kierkegaard man, such a beautiful writer. He called himself a religious poet. He's might be my favourite poet.

>> No.4390304 [View]

Yes, yes, I know how you explain it away within your materialist framework. Materialists need to stop talking about "the placebo effect" as something trivial. It reveals that spirit exists, that it has real effects.

>> No.4390303 [View]

Here's a beautiful quote from Kierkegaard on Napoleon.
He define genius, and he is absolutely right that genius is not about IQ, it is about spirit.

>> No.4390299 [View]

>on the subjective level.

I love you little ones that talk about "subjectivity", because that was me a year ago.
What you call subjectivity is nothing more than a fancy word for spirit. You should stop denying it.

Absolutely, that's why so many artists dabble in the occult. There are too many examples to list, but here's a recent example of an actor admitting to it.


>> No.4390295 [View]

Good question. I prefer the latter to the former. I don't believe in any eternal war against good and evil. I do believe that Satan himself is evil in that he is a fallen angel, a rebel against God. However, he is still within God's control. God uses Satan as the accuser. However, it would be heretical to say that God tempts people, even through Satan. What happens is that man's own flesh causes temptations, and then Satan comes in as the accuser in order to darken man's mind and spirit and get him to believe that he is hopeless and lost, and that there is no God.

>> No.4390291 [View]

Homer and Virgil tell us how spirits operate perfectly.

When Achilles restrains his anger towards Agamemmnon it's explained as the influence of the temperate Athena.
When Aeneas falls in love with Dido it's explained as the influence of the gorgeous Cupid.

"Hear, all ye Trojan, all ye Grecian bands,
What my soul prompts, and what some god commands.
Great Jove, averse our warfare to compose,
O'erwhelms the nations with new toils and woes;
War with a fiercer tide once more returns,
Till Ilion falls, or till yon navy burns.
You then, O princes of the Greeks! appear;
'Tis Hector speaks, and calls the gods to hear:
From all your troops select the boldest knight,
And him, the boldest, Hector dares to fight.
Here if I fall, by chance of battle slain,
Be his my spoil, and his these arms remain;
But let my body, to my friends return'd,
By Trojan hands and Trojan flames be burn'd.
And if Apollo, in whose aid I trust,
Shall stretch your daring champion in the dust;
If mine the glory to despoil the foe;
On Phoebus' temple I'll his arms bestow:
The breathless carcase to your navy sent,
Greece on the shore shall raise a monument;
Which when some future mariner surveys,
Wash'd by broad Hellespont's resounding seas,
Thus shall he say, 'A valiant Greek lies there,
By Hector slain, the mighty man of war,'
The stone shall tell your vanquish'd hero's name.
And distant ages learn the victor's fame."

>What my soul prompts, and what some god commands.
>and what some god commands.

This is the true nature of poetry and song.

>> No.4390286 [View]

Do any of you have experience writing poetry? Do you not experience "visions" and "inspirations"? How do you account for these things? Are they just "connections" that your neurons are making?

>> No.4390280 [View]

I don't think that is internally consistent, as it doesn't make sense as to why Jesus Christ would behave in such a way. My explanation is internally consistent because spirits would function in the way that I describe if they existed.

See this Flaubert quote >>4390277

>> No.4390277 [View]

I'm not insulting his poetry or his intellect. He's a great poet. Most great poets just happen to be great magicians as well.

Here is a quote from a work of Flaubert's, a speech that he attributes to the character "satan"

>I must be everywhere. The precious metals flow, the diamonds glitter, and men's names resound at my command. I whisper in the ears of women, of poets, and of statesmen, words of love, of glory, of ambition. With Messalina and Nero, at Paris and at Babylon, within the self-same moment do I dwell. Let a new island be discovered, I fly to it ere man can set foot there; though it be but a rock encircled by the sea, I am there in advance of men who will dispute for its possession. I lounge, at the same instant, on a courtesan's couch and on the perfumed beds of emperors. Hatred and envy, pride and wrath, pour from my lips in simultaneous utterance. By night and day I work. While men ate burning Christians, I luxuriate voluptuously in baths perfumed with roses; I race in chariots; yield to deep despair; or boast aloud in pride.

>I whisper in the ears of women, of poets, and of statesmen, words of love, of glory, of ambition.

It's a matter of interpretation. The materialist interpretation is that these people are just using their biological faculties to the fullest extent in order to acheive their worldly aims (like being a great artist or statesmen), and the power that they have is called their "talent" (quite a mysterious term I think, but the materialists are fond of the word "talent" as though it were obvious what it meant). The spiritual interpretation is that they are listening to the speech of higher spirits. ALL of our ancestors believed in this kind of thing. It's why the old poets would ask the Muse to sing to them before they began.

>> No.4390272 [View]

Let me say it again, it's a matter of interpretation. See, you can interpret that song of "Lorde's" as just being a trite pop-song marketed at young white girls and boys to make money. That's a perfectly valid interpretation.
Now, when I say that it's a kind of spell or incantation and that the woman has occult power - that is a perfectly valid interpretation also. Even if you think it has no basis in reality whatsoever, the interpretation still WORKS, it is internally consistent. It then comes down to a matter of dogma, of worldview. Whether or not you think the world is made entirely of material or whether you permit the existence of spirit. It wasn't that long ago that I was a staunch materialist myself - that's the education that I received. As I said, I'm a novice here.

>> No.4390267 [View]
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>He's legit and precious.

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