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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4024650 [View]

>So office chick knows I'm into lit
That's nice.
>She and other friends know I hate attention
...ok? How is this relevant?
>Anyways a pretty fun party and now I'm sitting here with Barnes and Nobles gift cards
wat. Did they throw you a party or something? Did you win those cards at an office party?
>Decide not to resell and try to think of something nice I want, but I'm indecisive as fuck.

I mean, your post is atrocious, but the hostility is unwarranted. Is this a copy pasta or something? Or is this just /lit/ being 4chan?

Anyway, don't spend your gift card on books. Spend it on CDs and Starbucks.

>> No.4024623 [View]

I feel like you should come to the Bronx.

>> No.4007614 [View]

What do you identify as politically?

>> No.4006346 [View]

You guys are too nihil for me le xD

>> No.4006340 [View]

It's fairly simple.
One wants to become "edgy" to have an edge over another. Unpoliticized, mentally underdeveloped and only having up a high school education, the average 14 year old kid would embrace a philosopher they can understand. Imagine being able to understand the philosophies that their hero, Ron Paul, has based his political career on. It's like being a sexually active 14 year old. It's fucking awesome.

Until you realize it isn't.

>Liberal scapegoating

Irrelevant, conservatives hate her as well. It's your libertarianhuehuahues that love her, and they're liberal (for the most part).

>> No.4006315 [View]
File: 70 KB, 300x314, mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4003634 [View]
File: 156 KB, 920x552, obamawallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi vey, /pol/. Did you follow me here?

Yes, please continue to do so.

>> No.4003557 [View]
File: 585 KB, 1280x960, 1362097466145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advancing techonology for humanity
>Not advancing technology for the sake of capital


>> No.4003432 [View]

At least your insults were in the right direction.

>> No.4003387 [View]

>Transhumanism is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities
>making widely available technologies

Have fun with your liberal bourgeois idealism.


>> No.3992563 [View]
File: 13 KB, 300x205, 51849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suporting myself
That's cool
>My nation
Wat. why?
Then look into Communism
>What has changed?
The reality of the situation. NeoLibs are hiding capitalist interest under the guise of liberalism (hence why people on the right call Obama a communist). The actions of the capitalist conflict with the interest of the masses. This isn't idealism. This is the reality. My interests align with the interest of other people in the same situation like me. Therefore, I will work with them for revolution, or moreso, a better way of living.
Pic related
Liberals. Edgy. Poor.
>If you disagree with someone, call them edgy!

>Believing our way of life won't come to a horrible end and not doing anything about it to make sure you can live until 120 without Imperialist powers fucking each other up


>> No.3992526 [View]

>Still not picking up sarcasm
>Still not telling me what is wrong so I can clearly structure my argument

>> No.3992514 [View]

Why it's the scientific process introduced by Marxist-Leninist-Maoism of course!

What are the disadvantages you're claiming?

>> No.3992505 [View]

How about you ask the question properly then?


>> No.3992495 [View]

Marxism and it's variants are ways to get to Communism. We change what we do in order to get to Communism.

>> No.3992491 [View]

It was a joke niggggaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.3992483 [View]

>342nd time
>Implying all the same way
>Not understanding the differences within com ideologies
>Ad hom

Actually, I was quite popular in high school. I made the rumpus humpus with lots of femen.

I'm not continuing this. Meet me back at /pol/ if you want to me to shitsling.

>> No.3992470 [View]


>> No.3992451 [View]

>dur hur hur gobermint taek eberyting

Fun Fact: The Manifesto was meant for Communist. You need to have an understanding of Communism.

No it has not. What has been done is a form of capitalism. Try again.
>Muh Millions
>I don't trust big groups
>couldn't feed people- this is problem with the ideology as a whole! Not because someone couldn't get into science!

>> No.3992411 [View]

Well well well, what do we have here?
Ok expert, tell me why and how Communism has been debunked?

Btw, good job /pol/. Your presence was noticeable with the 2 or 3 people constantly samefriending. In terms of skills, I hope to be able to bump and control post like you guys.

>> No.3992163 [View]

Oh, /pol/ likes to strawman and ad hom.

>> No.3992026 [View]


What do you want to know? Btw, I know very little about China as of right now, but I can guesstimate.

However, assuming communist would know about China's economy would be a shot in the dark considering they aren't communist. Only saying this because I feel like you're implying that.

>> No.3966923 [View]

>Caring what someone else does to their own body
>Learning from Liberal Tumblr Bloggers
>Implying Gender identity matters
>Implying this "rampant" "mental illness" is rampant at all

I think you're just worried you're going to fall in love with someone with a penis in post-gender world.

>> No.3966909 [View]

I like Neo-Realism. Am I pleb?

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