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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4962438 [View]

If you mean Spain, let me tell you i've been reading Cervantes quite a lot this year and he rekts. But I don't wanna be that guy who cream over El ingenioso hidalgo so I'd say you read this exemplary nobel called The conversation of the dogs, a god tier Picaresque about some fucking talking dogs. If you're already reading Don Quijote (as you should if you're interested in Spanish literature) the Exemplary novels are a good relief between par 1 and 2, The conversation happens to be the best one of them.

>> No.4954218 [View]

Awfully translated, yeah.

>> No.4946623 [View]

In one shelf:

>Full complete works of the author I'm working with in order to get my degree.
>Critical literature about the author.
>History about the city this author is obssesed with.


>The greeks.
>Hispanic lit. (From Mio Cid to Juan Villoro)
>English lit. (From Beowulf to Pynchon)
>European lit. (From The Divine Comedy to Le Clezio)
>Rest of the world lit. (Not much)
>Literary theory. (A lot)

>> No.4942302 [View]

So lets become annoying faggots?

Best cure for misanthropy is turning 25.

>> No.4939020 [View]

Yeah, I know this, I'm not even trying anymore. I's like I have tourette or some shit.

>> No.4938944 [View]

My influences are mexican sitcoms.

Any names on the style you're refering to?

>> No.4938879 [View]

But I feel sad after every joke I tell.

>> No.4938833 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 34 KB, 541x641, 1400834922366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /lit/ feel about jokes? From puns to well thought ironies.

Is anyone here trying to write comedy or jokes? How's it going?

I'm having trouble with a side effect of trying to write jokes: i'm overdoing it on my social life. Cracking a joke Chandler style could be a nice brain flexing once in a while, but when you start doing it to unsuspected people (like your elders, the people that works for you, random stragers on the street), well, it feels awful. Mind you, I never wrote a decent joke so my sex jokes should be even worse. Today I got punched in the face because I overheard my professor's wife talking with a female professor about how she just got back her sexlife. I approached her and asked her "how was the dog like?" and she fcuking punched me.

So is there a way to prevent this?

TL;DR: How to stop craking jokes?

>> No.4938725 [DELETED]  [View]

Help from fellow italian here. Just ask me questions and i will answer.

>> No.4938713 [View]

Because autism became a thing. You should gather all artists around the internet who suffer some kind of social autism to create a new XXI art movement and you could call it Autism!. Just get a manifest or something.

>> No.4937913 [View]

Sometimes it works that way, but I'm pretty sure most music or litetature critics can't craft for shit, not that is needed to have a powerful opinion.

>> No.4937893 [View]


Ok you're missing one big point in this. The labor of the spectator, the entertaiment consumer with half a brain, should read the media as critically as he can. Without this kind of men, chaos would ensue. Connoisseurs of any kind of craft or art are needed in a society. That's why you can actually get a PhD on reading literature.

>> No.4937886 [View]


You can do drugs, be a degenerate and read, all of this at the same time. These are the best kind of readers.

>> No.4937843 [View]

I'm pretty sure they are. Have you ever heard about couch potatoes? I think people would look down on you for watching shitty series and reality TV.

Most people would think is great you read a lot as long as you're not trying to make a career out of it. Wich is a retarded statement in it's own way but not the same.

Also, OP, stop trying to talk about books with Tyrone and Yakeesha.

>> No.4935229 [View]

You're wrong. Literature should accomplish what only literature can. If it doesn't, what's the point?

>> No.4893830 [View]

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.4865346 [View]

I edited it because I missphrased it. From what I wrote one could tell I was saying Martin was a good writer the same level as Tolkien. To be honest, Tolkien is not the best writer ever, but deserves respect and admiration.

>> No.4865334 [View]

No deep artistic meaning? You're wrong but if you really think Tolkien is just "cool" why do you read it?

>> No.4865326 [View]

Tolkien was a great writer with great ideas. Why do you even bring him up?

>> No.4865320 [DELETED]  [View]

Good writers with great ideas. Why do you even bring them up?

>> No.4865312 [View]

Oh, but, in order to be literature, it does.

>> No.4865060 [View]

I'm susprised Di Giorgio made to that list. He's from Uruguay and almost no one there reads here, let alone spanish speakers as a whole. Nice read, tho. Kind of strange, I mean, the old lady was on fcuking shroom or something. Furfags should totally read, as the amount of bestiality is too damn high.

>> No.4865029 [View]

Clarice Lispector. Read The Passion According to G.H.

Prepare your anus to be blown.

>> No.4787965 [View]

De cualquier manera, el consenso es que el acento argentino es el más irritante. El de España se tolera siempre y cuando no se trate de esos horribles doblajes.

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