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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2765504 [View]
File: 1.49 MB, 2112x2816, Friedrich_Nietzsche_drawn_by_Hans_Olde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Mutter, ich bin dumm.

>> No.2765471 [View]

I guess I just suck.

>> No.2765454 [View]

Do you guys all just happen to have really nice cameras? I have a lot of books, but no cameras capable of over 2.0 megapixels.

>> No.2765437 [View]
File: 15 KB, 250x312, 1481_118488301814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the way you pluralize your penises much.

>> No.2762431 [View]


>> No.2762411 [View]
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 4 legs good 2 legs better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u mad

>> No.2762397 [View]
File: 10 KB, 175x263, 175px-Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2760182 [View]

That one likes to is a good reason for an egoist to argue. But I feel like this
>Maybe he hopes for a smarter person, with an insight that changes or even only corrects his point of view.
isn't something a Stirnerist would readily do. Cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable for the ego, and 'correctness' in the external would probably be seen as less important than internal fulfillment.

My heuristic approach against egoism is just that I am not so special.


>> No.2760141 [View]

Also, it wouldn't be fair to Nietzsche to assume that he and I are philosophically identical or even very similar.

>> No.2760111 [View]

I don't understand why Stirnerists even bother to communicate their ideas to others. It's fine to be an egoist -- even a solipsist -- but they bring nothing of value to a discussion whose preconditions they deny, and I don't know why they feel the need to participate in it.

Having said that, I have a copy of The Ego and His Own from the library and I'll have a more informed opinion when I manage to read it.

>> No.2760070 [View]

Nobody does dialectics anymore. Everyone has dug himself into a trench of ideology, and lobs dirt into other trenches with their shovels, entrenching himself further and further. Nobody bothers to look up from the shoveling, and if they did they would only see the dirt walls of their preconceptions.

That's what upsets me.

>> No.2760053 [View]
File: 23 KB, 425x282, 1338783157315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm just going to leave 4chan for a few days. I can't do it anymore. Too many fools. Trolls I can handle, but not fools.

When I come back I won't be tripping, probably.

Time for vodka.

>> No.2760046 [View]

Man, I don't even fucking know. Just scroll to the bottom. This person thinks that qualia is magical and that art and culture are inexplicable and transcendent. Put that into retarded verbiage and you have his argument.

>> No.2760021 [View]

Can you guys tell me if the person I'm arguing with here is as retarded as I think he is?

>> No.2759917 [View]

Oh, hey, look! I'm in there!

>> No.2759823 [View]

>mfw space-time

>> No.2759815 [View]

Don't worry, mine isn't going to last long. And I mostly use it to troll /sci/ with philosophy.

>> No.2759716 [View]

Unlikeable protagonists, long-winded didactic, magniloquent speeches, overwritten, all in the service of a mediocre antisocial philosophy. That's how they would be similar. I just meant that Nietzsche would do a better job of it than Rand.

>> No.2759690 [View]

He's probably be like a less shitty and less retarded Ayn Rand.

>> No.2759597 [View]

Occasionally I find a thread concerning philosophical ideas or tangentially scientific thought experiments and give the best opinions I can, and then I recommend they go to a board less infested with the begging of the scientific question (but not in those words).

>> No.2759585 [View]

Is it cool if I've been engaging with people on /sci/ asking good philosophical questions and then gently recommending that they go here? Because I already did it twice.

>> No.2759563 [View]
File: 24 KB, 500x327, ernest-hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it's my least favorite of his big four (incl. For Whom, A Farewell, Old Man). Still a very good read. All are the same kind of depressing and modern. There's a reason this guy's taught so much.

>> No.2759549 [View]

Oh, cool.

>> No.2759524 [View]

This was the underpinning of the relationship between Jake and Brett, which caused much of the 'drama' in the novel. It's Hemingway; of course the issue is masculine impotence. I always imagined that Jake had his dick amputated due to injury in the war but retained his sex drive. And Brett needs to cavort about for her own satisfaction -- which is more important than Jake to her -- making much of the novel about the impossibility of happiness, consummation, and cohesion. As in the Lost Generation.

Shit's sad, bro.

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