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>> No.4888902 [View]

and how would you know that unless you've previously stalked them? that goes beyond mere a senseless act of boredom and dwells into hobby; sociopathy. you're running in circles, anon.

and, yes, that is the definition of production; you're just too much of an edgy autist to understand the value of production.

>> No.4888875 [View]

so no one would be like "hey, where's jenny?" you are completely deluded.

your next point: because killing someone is not productive. and, if you think it is that goes back to the value of life, of which i believe myself not worthy to declare one's worth and right to life.

>> No.4888810 [View]

yes, because of the attention the scare would cause in the community. not everything is direct.

yes,yes it is the worst. do something worthwhile, faggot
>inb4 what's the point, it means nothing
>inb4 dat sharp edge

>> No.4888753 [View]

i believed my insult clear but i was suggesting that your alleged 'want to kill' stems from your need of attention or from your excess of free time.

this has nothing to with with any disagreement with society you believe yourself to have.

>yes, you are an edgy faggot

>> No.4888732 [View]

again, that would be a sociopath disregardance of the norm and i simply cannot relate to that.

>i am too busy to consider even being an edgy faggot

>> No.4888707 [View]

if you are going to kill someone you'd need a reason implicit of your sense of superiority over them, either that or you are implying sociopathy. i cannot relate to either hence why i do not kill. you're an edgy faggot for the latter, and a pussy on the former.

>only reason to kill is in the defence of one's self and property.

>> No.4888681 [View]

basically what i just said

>tfw i am plato

>> No.4888671 [View]

because i am not a self-righteous faggot.

>> No.4888659 [View]

i do not consider myself, or believe any one person, should have the authority to make such a decision.

>> No.4878749 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 27 KB, 404x631, 2goats&alaptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2001 was a really good book. i wouldn't say it surpasses the film but it doesn't fall before it either.

>> No.4878732 [View]

days turned to months, those months into years
and, so he planned for her end
he thought long and hard, over a smoke and a beer
mere torture no longer sufficed, he needed transcend
beyond even the deravity of man, that much was clear
enough for her tormenter

>> No.4878730 [View]

after work is when he would pay her a visit
to unleash his passions and darkest desires
she trembled in fear for his intent was illicit
never was recognition what he sought to acquire
just to hurt as he hurt, and the joys that came with it
and, such was her tormenter

>> No.4878727 [View]

he giveth her breads, and broths, and water
just enough to keep her living
why such a fate for the King's daughter?
it may be 'cuz of all the deceiving
the people are angry and the state doesn't bother
well, just ask her tormenter

>> No.4878723 [View]

in the basement is where she was kept
with naught but a pillow and rags for dress
it is true that she no longer wept
for years she saw nothing but darkness
she ate but scraps of what was left
from the feasts of her tormenter

>> No.4874722 [View]

the reptoids are analogical of the snake worshipping khazars

>> No.4871350 [View]

totes, brah, totes

>> No.4871337 [View]


interestingly enough, what you wrote was pleasing to read. it was, at least, for me.

>> No.4871328 [View]


>> No.4871320 [View]

>dating 24yo pseudo-socialite
>no higher education, hates novels, reads self-help shit
>she worked as a receptionist at Rand Corp, currently unemployed
>she's really fun
>dumb as a tard

you're lucky, anon.

>> No.4871294 [View]

this can go somewhere, though i doubt it will.

>> No.4871277 [View]

where in L.A. i have an apartment in SaMo but I live in the LAX area.

>> No.4871271 [View]

pics or it doesn't happen
and they don't seem to understand what hobbies are
not a damn thing,
>her: did you watch the lego simpson's episode?
>me:no, missed it, i actually wanted towatch it, what was it about?
>her: it was all lego, everything. it was funny.
>me: what happened, what was the plot?
>her: you're so dumb. ooooh, i went shopping today, look!
proceeds to show me $700 boots

>> No.4871235 [View]
File: 37 KB, 640x512, leland_yee_(d_ca).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, i've asked my g/f something similar save i didn't specify the inch, i just said bigger.

she jokingly chose the bigger cock


>> No.4871110 [View]

lol finally someone spells crippled correctly.

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