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/lit/ - Literature

Search: 80iq

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>> No.21273529 [View]

Holy seethe Pablo

Wordcels will always be midwits. The true aristocrats are always shape rotations whose thoughts are too advanced for language. Even ray oest agrees that too much language makes you retarded hence why all the 80IQ diasphors know like 6 languages lol. Btw imagine wasting your life studying some obscure dialectic only to be proficiency mogged by google translate. Learn math and drop the duolingo

>> No.21207965 [View]
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He made the mistake of thinking he is smart just because some 80iq chuds praised him for sperging about a law that didnt even exist

>> No.21207647 [View]

you cant justify philosophy as intellectualism since the scientific revolution
early philosophy had a little bit of both, a little bit of >>>/x/ and a little bit of scientific methodology that gave it its predictive power and credibility

since sciences crystallized and purified themselves out of philosophy and left it in the dust, modern philosophy became anti intellectual, pseud >>>/x/ tier cesspool where no 80iq+ person would find themselves under any circumstances

>> No.21207204 [View]

benzo addiction + Russian doctors fried his brain
Also just having to interact with American media for years on end turned him into just another right-winger with brilliant points such as
>trans women aren't real women
amazing bro. 95% of 80iq channers already figured that one out though

>> No.21031623 [View]

I can't even tell if the people spouting the "soul" bullshit are being ironic or not since 80iq tards on this board unironically criticize analytic philosophy for being "soulless"

>> No.21012137 [View]

>/pol/ is moderated by spooks and feds, the blue boards are moderated by 600lb virgins. if you weren't an 80iq groomable, this would appear obvious to you
Last time I went on /pol/ I must have been 12 or something. You must be projecting hard as fuck about 80 iq because there's no logical reason you should have concluded I go on /pol/ unless you associate the truth with /pol/ then you're just a sad human being. You are also completely wrong about who moderates /x/. I'll agree more sensible people moderate this board than others, but all of 4trans I call 4trans for a reason. Also feds are everywhere, even archives are being deleted, you need to catch up.

>> No.21012131 [View]

/pol/ is moderated by spooks and feds, the blue boards are moderated by 600lb virgins. if you weren't an 80iq groomable, this would appear obvious to you

>> No.20964691 [View]

Lenin's short tenure wasn't exactly known for mass imprisonment and executions. Could it be that the 80iq baited into an andrew tate thread is confusing Lenin and Stalin?

>> No.20959752 [View]

>communicates meaning and is understood
>not a word because I, a fag, seethe when I hear it
80iq sperg thread

>> No.20947720 [View]

who cares faggots. niggers are ugly and have 80iq and tolkien is nothing special

>> No.20943960 [View]

the thing about "conspiracy theories" is that it's used as a label by 80iq retards to discredit inconvenient facts. Most of the "conspiracy theories" during covid were based on scientific papers, and still are

kys amerigroid

>> No.20943954 [View]

>science trusters

As opposed to 80iq hillbilly cult conspiracy theory trusters?

>> No.20874426 [View]

>Trump is and was our best bet at at least maybe curbing the problem a little.
And you don't think that's tragic and comical? He's a reality TV star. I think he's funny sometimes, but come on.

Even if I conceded that Trump/Republicans actually want to reduce immigration (big if), their other policies are mostly dumb. Like environmental issues, abortion, guns, Israel...
Do Republicans even care about marriage anymore, or have they completely accepted faggotry by now?

It's just cringe watching people take sides with a party like that, thinking they're getting anything good out of it, and get all worked out over stupid distractions like Hunter Biden. And don't even get me started on all that other 80IQ shit, like QAnon, pizzagate... It's a joke.

>> No.20826368 [View]

Lackawanna six was an obvious FBI honeypot entrapment case. The first post 9/11 example of glowing groomers getting 80iq muslim first gen immigrants to pretend to plan terror attacks. Also, the southern tier is culturally pennsylvania not WNY

>> No.20776218 [View]

80iq take

>> No.20706485 [View]

Most Muslims have no idea what their actual faith is. They're functionally illiterate and their hadiths are unreadable obscurantism anyway.

Modern Islam is the religion of 80iq cannon fodder

>> No.20705507 [View]

dont think im really blackpilled anon. not all dissent is cynicism
>Fuck conservatives, you have to start thinking in much more barbarian categories if you want to see what our lifetimes are going to look like.
very true, i hesitated to say conservatives, as i was writing i was thinking of the elves and dwarves evoked in moldbugs culture war essay, and the inadequacy of america's pathological reductionism and dichotomous thinking
>you are dealing with a managerial class made up of pothead 80IQ average mixed race retards and childless women on three different prescriptions just to continue doing nothing at their fake job at a fake company on corporate welfare.
we seem to agree on the unsustainability of this, all i was saying before was that i am sceptical that the fallout from this will be catalyzed by, or eventually characterized by, cultural issues and not economic ones
>Baudrillard's "In the Shadow of Silent Majorities."
ill look into it

>> No.20705475 [View]

Who gives a fuck about the GOP? Any number of outcomes could happen, many of which involve splintering or appropriation of existing structures like the GOP, some of which involve balkanization of the United States. Look at the idiot Democrats who were wargaming extraconstitutional "emergency measures" just prior to the 2020 election. Look at how the deep state is simultaneously overreaching and brittle and confused, its own footsoldiers like trannies and minorities and women are attacking it from the inside because they took the propaganda too seriously.

The only people "winning" right now are people whose sole goal is a total collapse, who knows if groups like that even exist or it's all semi-retarded corrupt Biden types all the way up and down the system. As I said, there are failure scenarios for my side, at least in the short and medium term. But there are no victory conditions at all for tranny utopia, since tranny utopia was never a real scenario, only mid-2000s propaganda for total fucking retards whose job it was to destabilize their countries and cultures.

There's no such thing as "conservatives." Action is already taking place in a negative sense, as the managerial class implodes on itself and reveals that it never had any long term strategy, all the technocrats at the top were relying on the mid-level minions to run shit for them and all the mid-level minions were chugging their own koolaid about tranny utopias and turning themselves into retards.

The deep state actually consumed its own propaganda about women and minorities being just as capable and capable of centripetal force within institutions as the white men who created the institutions. Now all of these vital power centers are filled to brimming with confused middle managers with fat asses and stick-on nails. Nobody knows what the fuck is going on anymore.

You should read Baudrillard's "In the Shadow of Silent Majorities." You are not dealing with petit bourgeois classes who can be propagandized to in the yellow press anymore, you are dealing with a managerial class made up of pothead 80IQ average mixed race retards and childless women on three different prescriptions just to continue doing nothing at their fake job at a fake company on corporate welfare. The sheer inertia of this congealed mass of normalized psychotic retards can't be talked into changing its "public opinion," it will just crack up and turn half the planet into CHAZes and the other half into semi-functional breakaway societies trying to survive.

Fuck conservatives, you have to start thinking in much more barbarian categories if you want to see what our lifetimes are going to look like.

>> No.20679065 [View]

The mental gymnastics we anglos go through to justify our monolingualism are insane. Even 80iq peasants in 3rd world countries can learn other languages and you're telling me you can't learn French or whatever kek

>> No.20637506 [View]

i can rebuke his whole comment in a very short sentence because sentence length isn't actually directly proportional to the validity of the message contained therein. you must be a 80iq moron, typical nabokov fan, to think so. funny to think that you actually pretend to gain some sort of smart identity while reading these sass attacks. any time you open your mouth its a hoot for anyone actually intelligent just remember that

>> No.20616687 [View]

only a true 80iq would come up with such a quip, stop posting, stop reading, just focus on manual labor

>> No.20574986 [View]

>We've let this board be taken over by 80iq zoomers who treat this board like twitter
There's not point in saving /lit/ at this point, whenever I check the Catalog, there's nothing worth discussing.

>> No.20572391 [View]
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I get into neetzche
>Off topic bait thread with tik tok webm
>bunkertranny and /pol/tard "debates" going through the same shallow arguments again
>2 dozen evola and Guénon threads with no discussion but redditjaks and greentexts
>"how do I write a novel?", posted by an anon who will never even try to write a book
>retarded fucking jannies who can't stop cooming to loli to do their fucking jobs for once
>No discussion of literature or philosophy to be seen
We've let this board be taken over by 80iq zoomers who treat this board like twitter

>> No.20557122 [View]

The fact that it ends in a plug for new nfts made by the guy who did all the research for the video irks me. As does the fact that the maker doesn't acknowledge this as a potential conflict of interest.
Seems like a money making scheme, headed by the "famous artist and internet culture historian" who hired some 80iq youtuber to read out his website so as to give himself plausible deniability when people notice.
I'm not buying any fucking monkey jpegs. Not yours, not anyone's. Fucking hylic nonsense.

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