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>> No.20690426 [DELETED]  [View]
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Just started reading Daybreak and its more reddit then I was expecting:

Be grateful!
- The greatest accomplishment of past mankind is that we
no longer have to live in continual fear of wild animals, of
barbarians, of gods and of our own dreams.

>modern civilization is... LE GOOD!

The conjurer and his opposite.
- What is astonishing in the realm of
science is the opposite of what is astonishing in the art of the
conjurer. For the latter wants to persuade us to see a very simple
causality where in truth a very complicated causality is at work.
Science, on the contrary, compels us to abandon belief in simple
causalities precisely where everything seems so easy to comprehend
and we are the fools of appearance. The 'simplest' things are very
complicated - a fact at which one can never cease to marvel!

>Magic isn't real and I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE

Learning to feel differently about space.
- Is it the real things or the
imaginary things which have contributed most to human happiness?
What is certain is that the extent of the space between the highest
happiness and the deepest unhappiness has been produced only
with the aid of the imaginary things. This kind of feeling of space is,
consequently, being continually reduced under the influence of
science: just as science has taught us, and continues to teach us, to
feel that the earth is small and the solar-system itself no more than a

>tfw you realize you just a sack of meat on heckin spinning rock in a chonky abyss.

>> No.20656433 [View]
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>> No.20633250 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uhh slave morality is LE BAD because umm...it just IS, okay!?

>> No.20617314 [View]
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Der ewige Chud

>> No.20615074 [View]
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Why do midwits love them?

>> No.20600385 [View]
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>live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee]

>> No.20582382 [View]
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How do Nietzscheans manage to suffer themselves?

>> No.20530254 [View]
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> Be le irrational emotion man.
> Accuse women of being irrational and highly emotional.

>> No.20504599 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, nietzsche soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, Christian morals are a spook! xD The will to power is all that counts!
>w-what? You want to rob and murder me? W-why?! Don't you have morals?! AAAAAH police heeeeelp!

>> No.20459062 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, BF2E4FEC-2895-469E-B429-D4FE9E15209B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m thoroughly unimpressed by him as a philosopher. He’s a poet, not a philosopher. I want to sympathize with his worldview, but he would hardly be able to withstand his critics. Marx would systematically destroy him, Hegel would dispassionately envelop him, Rousseau’s discourses accomplishes most of what is worth salvaging from Nietzsche (a primordial account of virtue), and Plato would just mog him physically, intellectually, and spiritually.

Why do people like him again or think he’s some radical guy? I didn’t like him 10 years ago as a teen, and I still don’t like him now because he’s a basic shitflinger.

>> No.20444237 [View]
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> Language would certainly have not come into existence if one had known from the beginning that there was in nature no such thing as "good", no "not", no 'is", no "hello", no "thank you", no "sneed", no "based", no "Nietzsche is faggot loser retard", no "sex", no "meds".

>> No.20417165 [View]
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>> No.20394367 [View]
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>> No.20367508 [View]
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>you will endure necessity and you WILL love it

>> No.20328667 [View]
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>> No.20258289 [View]
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Any good books that explain wa-bing bing yahoo mindblowing topics such as the many worlds theory, anthrophic principle, fermi paradox and such?

>> No.20092543 [View]
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>> No.20087621 [View]
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>Christianity LE BAD because... because... um... uh... war good?

>> No.20050333 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, 157 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beating women with a whip...GOOD!
>beating horses with a whip...BAD!
why was he like this?

>> No.20013606 [View]
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> Philosophy is just third rate poetry and ramblings. Doesn't even bother making a coherent system.
> Filtered by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle—the bread and butter of all ensuing Western philosophy.
> Philosophically mogged by Schopenhauer, artistically mogged by Wagner.
> His music is soulless meandering garbage (a window into the man)
> Christianity is le cringe, but Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism are le based!
> Hated women and was filled with incel seethe.
> His entire life was dominated by his female relations like his mother and sister.
> Simped for Salomé, was friend-zoned twice.
> Had to pay a prostitute to have sex.
> Nooooooooo!!! nooooo!!! Not the horsey!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh I'm going insane!!!
> Syphilis made him insane and he died lol.
This guy didn't even try to embody his "super-duper based Chad man"™ at all did he?

>> No.19962969 [View]
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>hates women
>SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman--what then? Is there not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women--that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman?

>> No.19941061 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, 1645098496646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, morals are a spook! xD dont fall for slave morality!
>you want to rape and k-kill me? w-why? d-dont you have morals?? law enforcement, help!!

>> No.19871599 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, 1629227630593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antisemites miss the fact that jews are a strong race, beneficial for the upcoming unification of Europe.
Also a foreign people with completely different worldview

>He even wanted to breed high prussian soldiers with jewish women to get "best of the both worlds".
LMAO (((Kaufmann))) pls

>absolutely appaled by Hitlers lack of realpolitik attitude and by his blind, unproductive nationalistic furor.
Le lack of realpolitik when he was will to sign a pact with bolsheviks and the nationalistic fervor which pulled the krauts out of the Wiemar degeneration

>jews are accountable for 1/5 of all nobel prizes,
Nice meme nobody care if they use this position to kill the very places they live in

>Jews are smart as shit, blindly killing them is the stupidest shit you could ever do.
They where also the Enemy that declared war in 1933 and where actively pushing UK and US to make war on Europe and calling for genocide with the Morgenthau Plan

You are the materialist brainlet Last reddit man NEETschze warned about

>> No.19853750 [View]
File: 125 KB, 634x659, soy nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le epic fedora rant

A mortal terror seized on the old God. Man himself had become God’s greatest blunder; God had created for himself a rival, science makes equal to God – it is all over with priests and gods if man becomes scientific! – Moral: science is the forbidden in itself – it alone is forbidden. Science is the first sin, the germ of all sins, original sin. This alone constitutes morality. – ‘Thou shalt not know’ – the rest follows. – God’s mortal terror did not stop him from being shrewd. How can one defend oneself against science? – that was for long his chief problem. Answer: away with man out of Paradise! Happiness, leisure gives room for thought – all thoughts are bad thoughts…. Man shall not think. – And the ‘priest in himself invents distress, death, the danger to life in pregnancy, every kind of misery, age, toil, above all sickness – nothing but expedients in the struggle against science! Distress does not allow man to think…. And none the less! oh horror! the structure of knowledge towers up, heaven-storming, reaching for the divine – what to do! – The old God invents war, he divides the peoples, he makes men destroy one another (– priests have always had need of war…). War – among other things a great mischief-maker in science! – Incredible! knowledge, emancipation from the priest, increases in spite of wars. – And the old God comes to a final decision: ‘Man has become scientific – there is nothing for it, he will have to be drowned!’…

The priest knows only one great danger: that is science – the sound conception of cause and effect. But science flourishes in general only under happy circumstances – one must have a superfluity of time and intellect in order to ‘know’…. ‘Consequently man must be made unhappy’ – this has at all times been the logic of the priest.

The whole labour of the ancient world in vain: I have no words to express my feelings at something so dreadful. – And considering its labour was a preparation, that only the substructure for a labour of millennia had, with granite self-confidence, been laid, the whole meaning of the ancient world in vain!… Why did the Greeks exist? Why the Romans? – Every prerequisite for an erudite culture, all the scientific methods were already there, the great, the incomparable art of reading well had already been established – the prerequisite for a cultural tradition, for a uniform science; natural science, in concert with mathematics and mechanics, was on the best possible road – the sense for facts, the last-developed and most valuable of all the senses, had its schools and its tradition already centuries old!

…. And not overwhelmed overnight by a natural event! Not trampled down by Teutons and other such clodhoppers! But ruined by cunning, secret, invisible, anaemic vampires! Not conquered – only sucked dry!

One has only to read any of the Christian agitators, Saint Augustine for example, to realize, to smell, what dirty fellows had therewith come out on top.

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