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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10574080 [View]

>but I feel disgust and maybe even some hatred every time I see a black person.
Then you need to do some self analysis there, figure out why that is and try to correct that shit about yourself. My general assumption about racists, not the over the top type like OP, but the more standard low key racists like yourself is that it stems from the natural human condition of distrusting things you are not use to. So I give people like you a break.
But for real, fuck racists. You mother fuckers are ruining the world.
Judging someone solely on the color of their skin is the sign of someone with poor critical thinking skills, and its a solid mark against your intelligence.

Stop that shit.

>> No.10573854 [View]

That shit don't even matter though.

>> No.10573849 [View]

Don't sophisticate on your own farts while your head is up your ass, faggot.

>> No.10572521 [View]

Fucking plot twist!

>> No.10570864 [View]

Its not a good story.
It has moments, but the book as a whole is over rated trash.
Moby Dick is shit.

>> No.10570753 [View]

Yeah man, it's nice. Being forced to do it all the time as a job it starts to get old, but I see a lot of road trips in my future. After I got all my shit together and I can retire.
I have one specific trip planned in my head where I'd drive from where I live in southeastern USA all the way up through Canada and into Alaska (in a car, not a bigass truck), then take a boat from there back down to California. From there I would then drive back across the states and back home.
Need to find a really worthwhile book to listen to for that trip, though. But yeah, a ridiculously massive road-trip is on my bucket-list some day.

>> No.10570647 [View]

Yeah I work locally now though. That means I actually get to go home at night and don't work crazy hours like before.

>> No.10570565 [View]

I seriously hate you.

>> No.10570440 [View]

Got to admit that girl in the castle one was funny as shit. I don't remember writing it but I died laughing on that last line.

>> No.10570412 [View]

I'm seriously not but I wish this asshole would stop.

>> No.10570402 [View]

Say what you want, these poems are fresh as shit.

>> No.10570342 [View]

Oh damn, we on the poetry now. Shits about to get hilarious up in here.

>> No.10570335 [View]

God damn, did I post every shitty thing I ever wrote on this stupid ass board back then?

Fuck you past Sange! You're making me look like an idiot you bitch!

>> No.10570328 [View]

Oh fuck, I remember what this was about now.
My writing wasn't ready for it at the time but the idea actually was fucking brilliant.

Oh well, guess I can never use that idea now unless I just say fuck it and start releasing shit as Sange

>> No.10570314 [View]

I seriously did not remember just how much shit writing I posted under this trip. Holy fuck.
This is pretty amusing though. I'm not even mad at this point.
Well, maybe a little bit.

>> No.10570286 [View]

You mother fucker, you made your point. Leave me alone lol.
Damn it.

>> No.10570280 [View]

And for the record, I knew this was shit when I wrote it. That was years ago and obviously I didn't start off as fresh as I am today.

So the rest of you bitches who get bad reviews don't feel too bad because even I was garbage when I was first starting out.

Anyway, these both get the "this is shit" stamp.

>> No.10570239 [View]

I'm legitimately pissed off right now.
Good job, you piece of shit.

>> No.10570224 [View]

No... just fucking no.
Get serious, bitch.

>> No.10570213 [View]

Alright asshole, find that one where the kid is talking to death or some shit cuz I know that ones coming up sooner or later.


>> No.10570201 [View]

Needs to be cut down and reworked at some spots, but the core idea was probably brilliant. You're probably going to give up on that one and move to something else some time in the next 4 to 6 years, though. So fuck it!

>> No.10570151 [View]

Okay yeah man, I was trolling. I remembered writing some shit about a yellow eyed girl but couldn't remember why I was doing it.
I was just fucking with the OP and rewriting his lame ass shit.

Since that's what I was up to, let me just say I fucking nailed it. Damn, even past Sange was fucking killing it. Killing it since 2012 bitches!

>> No.10570126 [View]

Na man, there's no way that was serious. The mysterious writer who wrote that shit (whoever he may be) must have been trolling hard.

>> No.10570120 [View]

Oh my god, this is so fucking bad. What the fuck was I on?
Please don't tell anyone who wrote this bro... oh wait, FUCK!

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