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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23513234 [View]

heresy is a spook

>> No.23513233 [View]

I understand their fear. And if one was keen on stabilizing society as much as possible, it's the best route. If there was some "based trad" revolution that upended the modern world and went back to this, I would appreciate it and enjoy it. I already try to discipline myself and probably adapt easily.
That said, I'm not convinced that's God design. It creates just as many falsehoods and people operating in "Christendom" without any real beliefs in their heart and just rote rituals they don't understand. I think the spiritual walk of man should be more akin to a great Quest in a strange land, with all of the adventures, pitfalls, and monsters that come with it. Along with the failures and the many who never succeed at the Quest. There shouldn't be any training wheels and a culture propped up that convinces people they already succeeded at the Quest.

>> No.23513232 [View]


You massive retard, that doesn't say anything about Paul II making it punishable by death to read the Bible in English or any other vernacular language, it says it confirmed the edict to restrict translations of it

>Pope Paul II (1464-1471) confirmed the Inquisition that was announced by the Synod
of Toulouse (1229) and the Synod of Tarrangona (1234) and perpetrated the restrictions
against Bible translation and distribution (Simms, The Bible from the Beginning, p. 162).

Doesn't even mention the English language, if you're gonna shitpost, post in /his/, stop spreading misinformation

>> No.23513231 [View]

>Yet it's [Portuguese] pretty much like Classical Latin supposedly sounded like.
Maybe the northern accents in Portugal; but otherwise I'd say that the statement is a bit hyperbolic.

>> No.23513230 [View]

Just make "chosen one" be a randomly distributed attribute, or one bestowed out of convenience rather than bloodright.

>> No.23513229 [View]

No children were groomed

>> No.23513228 [View]

Start with the Sumerians.

>> No.23513227 [View]


>> No.23513226 [View]

>he is still a biological human.
>I don't entertain supernatural claims
The buddha also said he never taught a single word of dharma. You need to think more closely about the sense in which these things were said. Just as there are no truly independent, self-existent gods, ghosts, demons, etc., so too are there no men.

>> No.23513225 [View]

The only thing this says about Paul II is
>Pope Paul II (1464-1471) confirmed the Inquisition that was announced by the Synod
of Toulouse (1229) and the Synod of Tarrangona (1234) and perpetrated the restrictions
against Bible translation and distribution (Simms, The Bible from the Beginning, p. 162).
We are told that the mitre of this persecuting pope “was set with diamonds, sapphires,
emeralds, chrysolites, and jaspers” (Gideon Ouseley, A Short Defence of the Old Religion,
1821, p. 230).
This says nothing about being punishable by death and the fact that it denotes as much attention to sperging out about random jewelry designs is telling that it's typical Protestant propaganda.

Also completely misses the point that the Council of Toulouse was about fighting gnostic Catharism. The other council, the Council of Tarragona, it didn't even spell right.

>> No.23513224 [View]

My neighbor gave me some pizza

>> No.23513223 [View]
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Excerpts from Nietzsche's letters from 1882 to 1883:

>Certainly those were the best days of my life, the ones I spent with him at Tribschen and through him in Bayreuth (1872, not 1876)… And the disillusionment and leaving Wagner – was not that putting my very life in danger? Have I not needed almost six years to recover from that pain?
>I have had such experiences with this man and his work, and it was a passion which lasted a long time – passion is the only word for it. The renunciation that it required, the rediscovering of myself that eventually became necessary, was among the hardest and most melancholy things that have befallen me
>I have been since 1876 more a battlefield than a man
>First, one has the difficulty of emancipating oneself from one's chains; and, ultimately, one has to emancipate oneself from this emancipation too! Each of us has to suffer, though in greatly differing ways, from the chain sickness, even after he has broken the chains.
>With this book [Zarathustra] I have stepped into a new Ring
>Finally, if I am not completely mistaken about my future, it is through me that the best part of the Wagnerian enterprise will live on—and that’s what is almost droll about the affair.
>I am better now and I even believe that Wagner's death was the most substantial relief that could have been given me just now. It was hard for six years to have to be the opponent of the man one had most reverenced on earth, and my constitution is not sufficiently coarse for such a position. After all it was Wagner grown senile whom I was forced to resist; as to the genuine Wagner, I shall yet attempt to become in a great measure his heir (as I have often assured Fräulein Malvida, though she would not believe it).
>It's already beginning, what I prophesied for a long time, that in many pieces I will be R.W.'s heir.—
>Wagner was by far the fullest human being I have known, and in this respect I have had to forgo a great deal for six years. But something like a deadly offence came between us; and something terrible could have happened if he had lived longer.

>> No.23513222 [View]

Herder and Maimon are insignificant compared to Nietzsche. Total scepticism is an instantiation, and based on what I have seen here amongst the sceptics I have historically had little issue breaching from either side, and to possess the instantiation at extrema is such a limiting position in and of itself it is unlikely the one in possession has anything meaningful to say, of course, if they do then they will likely breach themselves. Perhaps you should just read Kant.

>> No.23513221 [View]

What a statement.
Afaik all romance languages diverge in different ways and that Italian is no different in this regard. But least conservative? Please back this up.

>> No.23513220 [View]

Get a collection of Plato's dialogues. That's the first thing they taught at my university for philosophy 101. They're actually entertaining to read too unlike a lot of other philosophy texts.

>> No.23513219 [View]

I wish I could bring myself to believe in Christianity
I am haunted by Catholicism and Christendom in general but there seems to be a massive chasm between where I am and where I'd need to be in order to believe
Mainly the problems separating me from belief are the Bible
I believe in God and I have an emotional draw towards Christianity but I have so many problems with the Bible that it seems impossible to justify

>> No.23513218 [View]


>> No.23513217 [View]

>gap cycle mentioned
Hey I've been reading that over the last few weeks i put book 5 on hold due to some video game releases lately tho

>> No.23513216 [View]

Holy fuck, is this why America champions greed?

>> No.23513214 [View]

Lay out for us in a bit more detail, as a thought experiment, how this is possible in democratic governments highly susceptible to financial influence.

>> No.23513215 [View]
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>> No.23513213 [View]
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>the ESLnigger telling me what words mean and scrambling to the nearest essayist to save him from being forced to swallow his own excrement
I can see why you flee, but you must learn, nigga, LEARN.
This pain is good for you.
Sincerity is ultimately about truth. If you're not producing a personal conduit TO truth as an individual, then you are insincere. Now, certainly, a factoid could be ultimately false, but the individual is sincere as far as the field of truth can permit in the context. Precisely the moment a person becomes illusioned, falters, bites themselves on the ass, they are no longer being sincere. the moment they accept any internal lie, they are insincere. it's the quiddity of sincerity that it is without falsity in -any- layer.

>> No.23513212 [View]
File: 1.37 MB, 193x135, i really don't have enough lit reaction pics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/ crazy person here. I post every now and then but i'm usually ignored but here i go. What do you think goes on when there is an almost tangible connection with the reader and the text? Like the reader's thoughts and life being put into the pages in story or theory,the mind being transparent in the text,maybe connecting with the author or the reader's ideal of the author but obviously being read as you're reading. Is that Logos? Is that the common thread that connects all minds to the Godhead or [transcendent idea of choice]? The few last times it happened to me it felt unpleasantly intrusive,like being hacked or violated or something,indocrinated?. Have i simply been isolated all my life before i got turned on into this stuff? I am talking about reading beyond passively going through a text or even intensely analyzing but BEING part of it as it's being read. Depending on the state of mind it might look like gibberish or like a true link between minds but i'm asking what is even happening there and do you know what i'm saying?

>> No.23513211 [View]
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Calvin really was a monkey wrench thrown at the right time.

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