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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6348924 [View]
File: 7 KB, 1024x930, anyrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You accidentally posted a picture of Sartre instead of Camus

He's the Kurt Vonnegut of French existentialism, you read him when you are a teenager, and maybe posses a lingering fondness for him, but you put him away with the rest of your childish things when you hit your early 20s. If some 30 year old came up to me and started gassing on about The Myth of Sisyphus or The Stranger I'd plebezone them on the spot.

>> No.6346604 [View]

It's not terrible.

The juxtapositions are a little angsty and it makes the whole thing seem kind of tryhard and politically shallow

The gore footage seems like a cheap way of making a tired point; it would have probably been more powerful if someone had rounded up and condensed that sort of footage back in the 70s or 80s, but over two decades into the web its not like anyone is unaware of such things, and its not like the film maker had to go to any pains to acquire it or witness anything first hand; it's just standard shock stock already hosted, centralized, categorized and summarized.

I did like the pewdiepie bit as the end, that actually worked really well against the unpleasant banality of the gore. As long as the person who made this is a 19 year old film school student then it is decent and expected, if made by anyone else though it's pretty bad.

>> No.6345670 [View]
File: 17 KB, 598x316, BkVzi9FCAAAPP_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books are often well bound and printed on quality stock whereas manga is often bound by flimsy cardboard and printed on pulp

manga is an unpleasant twee sounding word which might be confused with mango, whereas book is a sharp clean word and less likely to be confused with another

manga is filled with pictures which makes it heavy, books are full of words so they are much lighter to carry

my younger cousin who had lice three times reads manga, whereas I never having had lice read books

manga readers often mispronounce words pitcher and drawring, whereas book readers pronounce picture and drawing correctly

>> No.6344997 [View]

The Historical Figure of Jesus by E.P. Sanders is top shelf. He proposes an image of Jesus as one of many itinerant magician healers/preachers of cult Judaism in the Rome controlled Levant.
It easily the most historically rigorous treatment of Jesus I've ever found, and made me rethink a lot of assumptions about his context Like his interactions with John the Baptist as a fellow Judaic cult magician, whose cult Jesus might have part of for a time, and not a heralding lesser figure. Or that his miracles were far less of a draw than one might assume, and more a standard part of itinerant preacher/healer "acts" at the time.

>> No.6343489 [View]

Sacrifices are canonical; it's the way god likes to be rendered unto. God wants blood victim without end. Mostly it is like a blood debt, man paying God for mercy. That was until God fleshed his own cast to earth and bid him sacrificed in a symbolic nullification of his generative chain, which he long wanted of man -- so miserable in sin that they flatter him self selected with death -- and of course God is the only one capable of undertaking such a a nullification because of his eternal nature. So at once he sates his lust for the suffering of man by witnessing their true nature in his second betrayal, and is able to marginalize them by this to the point of disgrace. All are washed in the blood of the lamb, and all are washed so eternally, week by week, nursed into the grave grateful, drinking the blood of their own God, in perpetual bow, acknowledging his mercy and their utter dependence upon it.

>> No.6343413 [View]
File: 96 KB, 480x479, bing-o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6343387 [View]

I'm a cyber punk,
I got a send away home brew,
from PC Hobbyist,
you know how we do,
sneaker net connect,
for 8 inch diskettes,
running DOS,
like a boss,
on a FAT format,
my baud be poppin',
the data non-stoppin',
modem BBS talkin'',
while I'm shell concoctin'
bats for steady tares,
of warez and text shares,
on cooking anarchies,
and phreak telephony,
long distance for free,
catchin' demos from cross seas,
this cyber punk life is the illest there be

Serious comparisons only please

>> No.6343323 [View]

mash-ups of the growing abundance of data
lo-fi production via the accessibility of data manipulation and capturing tools
noise pop
retro antagonism a la seapunk, FYAD, witchhaus, vaporwave
cult of the unreplicable, non-imitable and difficult

>> No.6343291 [View]

follow your heart anon, it will know when ~~~*

>> No.6341314 [View]

You should start and end with T.S. Eliot. First Love Song, then The Wasteland, then Four Quartets, after maybe a collection of his smaller works along with The Golden Bough, and an Eliot biography.

If this is the case then you are beyond hope; you may as well start writing your own horrible poetry and inflicting it on others so you can help discredit the medium as a legitimate and fulfilling art form.

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