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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1112951 [View]

I haven't been on /tg/ in a while. All my games fell through at the moment.
Not so much GM notes as describing the cinematic of a vidya that's yet to be made.
I like to write as if I was describing a movie to someone. Who was blind.

>> No.1112869 [View]
File: 276 KB, 2390x796, A List of Curious Objects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one...?

Is... is it boring...?
Did I make the thread wrong...?
Is no one interested...?

>> No.1112746 [View]

Every book ever.

Whenever my teachers said some kind of 'obvious' symbolism that completely ignored the actual intent of the writer, it made me want to headdesk.

I guess that's what I get for attending one of the worst high schools in the county.

>> No.1112741 [View]

I intentionally fill everything I write with symbolism that amounts to references to pop culture, because my secret goal is to write a novel with a Trivia section on Wikipedia that's longer than the article for God.

Some examples:
Characters with names like Victor Franklin, Wil Harker, Bram Hellsing, characters with names that are [Biblical name] [Horror movie director], and a general approach to homage similar to that of Quinten Tarantino.

>> No.1112657 [View]

Well, that's all I have for now.

Any advice?
Other than it's and its?

>> No.1112628 [View]
File: 78 KB, 1315x521, Seven Heavenly Virtues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bowin' mah cover!

More little monster designs. I like doing these things. It's fun to make monsters, especially ones based around ideas you wouldn't associate monsters with.
This was done for World of Darkness.

>> No.1112619 [View]
File: 525 KB, 1684x658, Phantoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually one of the reasons I'm looking for pointers. I haven't written anything in a long time.

>> No.1112604 [View]
File: 209 KB, 1281x361, On Angels and Demons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throughout them all I use it's for both it possesses and it is. I should fix them now that I know better. For some reason I was like "fuck English is inconsistent, I'm going to follow the rule even though I'm not supposed to". Then someone pointed out that all possessive pronouns don't follow the rule. Hers his its theirs. Then I went "fuck."
Would you believe that all the time posting it on /tg/ and no one ever noticed that?

This stuff is old, I should mention. Like, two or three years for the above.

Moving from the Ashcroft stuff to just random writing.

>> No.1112579 [View]
File: 199 KB, 1073x396, Hell Wrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enemies are divided into two types, which in my brilliantly lame vidya inspired notes are designated Lesser and Hell types.
Hell Sins being ones who were actual named characters with backstories.

Hell Sloth: the psychic little girl that started all the shit.
Hell Wrath: The guy who adopted the girl after his wife died, and killed Pride and then himself.
Hell Pride: The rich kid at school who tormented Sloth, even though he liked her and didn't say anything because she was the poor orphan girl and he was rich.
Hell Greed: The head of the evil almost Umbrella ripoff company that created the psychic girl. He tried to restart the program and ended up screwing everything up.
Hell Lust: Raped Sloth and got Pride killed for it, but then got killed by the (then dead, because creepy) Envy.
Hell Envy: A serial killer that killed himself a few days before he killed Lust. Because creepymagic and a crazy psychic girl.
Hell Gluttony: I got nothin'.

It probably will work better as a vidya, but that doesn't mean that writing these enemy intros can't be used as practice.

>> No.1112553 [View]
File: 178 KB, 1071x425, Lesser Pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story starts with a woman waking up from a car accident, the alarms beeping, as water seeps into her car. She has no memory, and the town is all creepy and filled with monsters.
She uncovers her past, and the events of...
I forget, I think, like, five years ago. It's somewhere in the notes.
Seven Sins as monsters, yadda yadda.

>> No.1112545 [View]
File: 99 KB, 1074x213, Lesser Gluttony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly game design, and have thoughts of turning these creatures and their setting into a game, but it started out the one writing prompt I've ever gotten that inspired me to write a story.

"An accident turns into a nightmare."

>> No.1112537 [View]
File: 131 KB, 1077x227, Lesser Envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If no one minds, I'd like to post some stuff and get /lit/'s opinion. If you've been to /tg/, you've probably seen it before, but I've never posted it here.

A sample of my writing so that I can get some advice on what I need to work on, what I need to do more, etcetera.

Posted as jpgs, because the post count is laughably small.

>> No.1112505 [View]

And here I thought that was an actual book before I saw the author was "OP".

Anything by Oscar Wilde, OP. That flaming bag of homosex.

>> No.1112304 [View]

I won't lie.
What kind of novel would I like to see written? The kind that I'm writing.

A fantasy story that focuses on characters, and their interactions. It doesn't have a tacked on love story, because the love story is the focus, and it's intertwined with the action. The characters are archetypical but realistic. The adventure high, the drama exciting.
The world itself is clearly documented beyond the scope of the story, with offhanded references to events in both other parts of the world and the history of the setting. Historical events that have very little to do with the story itself. Not that there was an evil overlord who took over the world, and now the PCs will defeat him. More like 500 years ago this city was carved out of stone by martial artists punching the rock into the shape of a city.
There's clear reference to the fact that the characters are not speaking English, including translation notes and editing notes, creating the feeling that this is a story that's been translated from a different language, and more than that the characters might be speaking several different languages over the course of the story.
There's more than one magic system, and it not only is organic and evolved beyond that of a pen and paper roleplaying game, it's thought out and detailed. The magic works within it's own system, and within the other types of magic. Theurgy interacts differently with applied magic reacts differently with functional magic. More than that, the magic actually feels like it belongs in the setting. The world isn't filled with people living in castles of stone just because it's a fantasy setting. Places with lots of people, with lots of magic, are almost futuristic with their level of technology attained by magic.

>> No.1111780 [View]

Oh. I was sort of hoping for something that has that sort of Final Fantasy style high fantasy with robots and machina.

It always bugs me whenever a setting is SUPER HIGH MAGIC and yet everyone is living in trees and castles made of trees.

Heck, one of the most impressive things about Mistborn was that it wasn't set in a Medieval England stand-in, and there was canned food.

>> No.1111737 [View]

>Hiking for two hours
>followed by two more hours of walking
>On top of calisthenics
I won't deny I'm fat, but at 3 pounds a month and 20 pounds already gone, I'm not going to be one for long.

Plus, I'm planning to walk to the library and then the park, and they're in opposite directions.

>> No.1111716 [View]
File: 208 KB, 640x575, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit someone else who shares my tastes in that series
Holy shit someone that won't insult me for liking Tactics Advance and not playing Tactics.

Can you tell me more about these books? Kafka on the Shore sort of stands out as a title I wouldn't think would be a kind of magitek setting or whatever, while I've heard about Perdido Street Station.

I should have probably added Eberron to the list, but I hate DnD. It's just that all the pictures I've seen on /tg/ of Eberron look awesome.

>> No.1111649 [View]

Too varied?
Too many lists?

Not enough information?

I really want to read something. I can never seem to find anything that I like, even though I love the printed word.

>> No.1111598 [View]
File: 357 KB, 1000x1344, 1271558457880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/, I'm bored as fuck, and because I spent a large part of yesterday hiking for two hours, followed by a cooldown two hour walk, it hurts to move, and I'm too tired to do anything.

I want to walk to the library and get a new book to read. I've enjoyed the Dresden Files, I liked Greywalker (though it seemed a bit slow) and Urban Shaman. I'm a big fan of World of Darkness (new, not old).
Can anyone suggest me some good books? I'll need a big list, considering my library will probably not have a single one of them.

Alternately, I like most of the Final Fantasy games (IV, V, VI, X, maybe XII's setting, and TA), BioShock, and my favorite setting ever is probably Mistborn. What kind of recommendations can you make based on that?

Alternately super-two, I like Silent Hill, Session 9, Jacob's Ladder, Se7en, Asian horror movies (Rinne, Bunshinsaba), Ringu (book, not movie) and Saw (I). I loved House of Leaves, and some of the Harry Potter stuff, like Chamber of Secrets in the titular area, and the Ministry of Secrets.
Any sort of horror recommendations?

>> No.1108692 [View]

This. I'm >>1108663 >>1108674
After reading Eragon, I went like this:
"He's younger than me, but already ahead. I should get off my ass."
"You know, this isn't really all that good. His world isn't thought out, and his plot is cookie cutter."
"If I make a cookie cutter plot, I could still sell a lot of books. Maybe I should worry less."
"Wait, I don't want to make a shitty book for the money, I want to make a great book for me."
"Fuck this shit, I'm going to ignore the story and build the world."
"Wait, this seems too much like WoW. Let's step back a bit and focus on the story."
"You know what? Poalini turned out shit and Scholastic published him. I don't want to be like that. I want to make something I love, and that other people enjoy, not garbage."
So for the last five years, I've not really done more than plan my story. Because I'm only 21.

Of course, I've done a shitload of planning. I think I might go for a walk and then make a worldbuilding thread...

>> No.1095504 [View]

Harry Potter is good escapism, though.

And the point of David Copperfield was not to expand the mind and broaden horizens.
It was to put food on Dickens' tables.

Anyone who doesn't see literature and reading as PRIMARILY a form of enjoyment is a cockheaded psuedointellectual.

Literature can teach, yes. Often times it can be primarily about teaching, in the case of soap boxes like Atlas Shrugged.
But there's a story there for a reason. Because it's the point. It's the purpose.
Reading can teach. Reading should teach.
But literature that does nothing but teach isn't literature, not in the sense of this board. It's literature in the sense of pamphlets of Watchtower and Chick Tracts, or 101 Steps to Self Betterment seminars.

>> No.1095248 [View]

>The teacher is write
Goddamnit I am so tired and stupid lately.

>> No.1095239 [View]

The student is more right than the teacher.

The teacher is write, but in the wrong.

Neither of them is right.

>> No.1095202 [View]

Personally, I hate the idea that you should be reading things like Dostoyevski and not Stephen King.

Read whatever you like, as long as it's not trash lit like Twilight or some other dimestore romance.

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