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>> No.4135948 [View]
File: 23 KB, 300x385, SAINT (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought of it as the moment that you REALLY think about death. I don't mean "death"----some concept, some word looming at the end of the finish line for the race called "life"---I mean, actually thinking of your life ending and what that entails, in great detail. Not just the pain of aging, not the afterlife. Not talking about either of those. Just the event of life ending. The curtains coming to a close, and the actors going backstage to have a chat after playing their roles out as well as they could, patting each other on the back & weeping.

>> No.4098678 [View]


Not sure what you're trying to say...Is English not your native language?

>> No.4098648 [View]
File: 223 KB, 1175x1600, Seraphim Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly hear angels chattering. Heavenly choirs.
This erowid report describes how Piracetam will make you feel most accurately:


>> No.4098639 [View]

Legal in the US and Canada. Need a prescription in Europe. It is not a recreational drug really. It is a life-enhancer. You will dance with the angels in your dreams, and heavenly music will play in your mind at all times. You can find out much more if you google it, lots of people love this stuff.

>> No.4098615 [View]
File: 259 KB, 600x684, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society, language, history, knowledge. It's all a wobbling tower of plates we are holding up. It's all an act. A performance, like Shakespeare said:

>All the world’s a stage,
>And all the men and women merely players:
>They have their exits and their entrances;
>And one man in his time plays many parts,

We don't really know anything special. We are just acting. A few nuclear bombs and the drama is over; the new actors will have to start from scratch.

I suggest you all look into using a chemical called Piracetam on a regular basis as it will strengthen your bond with earth & God.

>> No.4004231 [View]
File: 23 KB, 300x385, SAINT (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And though not everyone is accepting of an "all-loving character" in our age, you can put on a facade. Act like everyone else. Act "cool". But retain your inward infinite love. They will indeed see you as "cool", but they will see a glow in your eyes that they will not be able to understand; an aura will emanate from you.

>> No.4004216 [View]
File: 53 KB, 330x330, VXCVXCVXVXVXCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only feeling you should ever have is love, and a sense of loss when something you love goes away.

>> No.4002157 [View]


All free will is illusion. The fact that we don't have free will and don't have personalities, that is probably the most beautiful truth you can realize, if you do ever realize it.

>> No.4002121 [View]

Yes, but a single observation means nothing unless you can reproduce it in multiple scientific trials. There is a reason TBBT was created as a theory and has remained only a theory.

>> No.4002106 [View]

Furthermore, that is only one criticism of The Big Bang. What's to say that the universe wasn't expanded before, and then compacted to a central point, and THEN exploded? The whole theory is based on the OBSERVATION that the universe APPEARS to be moving outward from a central point.

>> No.4002102 [View]

I'm not talking about the thermodynamics, I'm talking movement of the specific particles in the explosion. One can predict the radius of an explosion, but eon cannot predict where every specific atom of that explosion will go precisely.

>> No.4002091 [View]

Then you are either being a troll right now, or you are the one who is seriously misinformed. By its very definition in the scientific field of physics, and explosion is a movement of pure chaos. The Big Bang, pure chaos. So you cannot believe in the Big Bang if you do not think chaos is what created our universe and the life on it.

>> No.4002077 [View]

You forgot to post evidence again. What specifically about my argument is "misinformed"? Do atheists actually believe that we are not here by chaos? That would mean that they believe in a design in the universe though, and therefore a creator.

It is not a strawman. Atheists always tremble and shit themselves when the subject of death comes up. They pretend to be fearless, but God sees all: they stand there like a lone soldier on a field, with a full battalion of soldiers and tanks rolling towards him when they think of death. It is not a strawman. It knowledge given to me by God about atheists.

>> No.4002057 [View]

>Everything you say refers to things we either don't know yet

You can learn them if you truly want to. Don't want to meet a certain man? Good. You'll never meet him. Want to meet someone? Knock on his door.

>you're categorically wrong and misinformed about.

What do you mean by that? The main point I have brought up here is that theists believe there is order in the universe, and atheists believe we were created by chaos/chance/luck. Order seems more logical than chaos/chance/luck, that is the core argument of my first post here. So what do you have to say as to my argument? Please provide evidence to back up what you say, as you seem to be forgetting that crucial element of argument.

>> No.4002048 [View]

You are the one who is not debating. Please reply to the arguments I've presented. you are the only one who looks like a fool currently so I suggest you try to amend that, for your own sake.

>> No.4002043 [View]

Furthermore, it was not a strawman. The capital letters presents the mindset of the atheist: very angry, fearful, and insecure. Deathly afraid of death, and doing everything possible to not think about death. I cannot wait to die and fall into my savior's arms.

>> No.4002035 [View]

Are you saying that atheists do not believe in the Big Bang Theory?

>> No.4002032 [View]

All history of the earth is irrelevant in relation to whether or not God created earth and the life on it. So, keeping history secular from the creation argument, I have presented the two core creation arguments side by side. Thus, if you want to use logic from the very beginning, from the very start--that is how you do it. Now remember--view my two positions from the point of pre-history, from the very beginning. There is no life yet, no man. Which sounds more logical? A or B?

>> No.4002021 [View]

Tell me why it is a strawman. What I wrote is what atheists actually believe--with a little spice added. At its core, what I posted is essentially the idea that "we are an accident, a result of chaos". Just with a little spice added, but apparently some of that spice got in your eyes and made you call it a strawman, ignoring the core point I was explicating.

>> No.4002004 [View]

When I scribble on a page or smash my keyboard, I never create anything beautiful.

>> No.4001992 [View]

Which sounds more logical:

>The universe and Earth and the life on it was created by one Being; hence why we are such beautifully engineered creatures, with such fearful symmetry; hence the wonderful cycles of seasons, of weather, of reproduction...The ones who believe in this Creator are correct, and will be rewarded for recognizing that the beauty of life is God's handwriting, God's signature.



>> No.3966905 [View]

They wrote for themselves, but the writing was GOOD because they understood how to make it readable to others as well. Books that don't sell and are considered shit are the result of complete self-centeredness and no conceptualization of their work in the eyes of others at all. They look at their work, and directly think "GENIUS!" Just from one point to the other, without putting the audience into the puzzle.

>> No.3966887 [View]

Being aware that you are writing for an audience. Shit writers are those who think they're writing some big masterpiece, when in reality its just a masterpiece "to them". They do not understand how to put themselves into the shoes of potential readers; as a man fantasizes about becoming rich, they fantasize about writing a great novel, while in reality they are not writing anything good at all because they are just fantasizing.

>> No.3907757 [View]

My tripcode changed because I typed my tripcode wrong and don't recall exactly how I typed it before. You shouldn't assume things about people without evidence. That's very unscientific.

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