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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5028938 [View]

How many saints do you think could read?

>> No.5028931 [View]

One of my favorite parts of the Bible was when there was a city that was experiencing a famine and two women were fighting over the fact that one of them was bogarting her baby because they agreed to eat their babies.

Basically the two of the sat together, and really hashed out how they were both mothers with little babies, and how they might as well eat them, because well shit. I guess people back then were a bit more expendable or something. Anyway, the first day they eat one baby, I'm not sure how the baby was seasoned or whatever, but they ate one baby, and then the next day the other woman was totally holding out her baby because she didn't feel as desperate.

I mean I for one would be pissed off, but I'm pretty sure they didn't have like anything more than a handshake agreement about it or anything official. I mean really, where would you even go to get that kind of a contract? You understand what I mean here.

>> No.5028906 [View]

That sounds like quite the conundrum. You should give us a synopsis so we can maybe brainstorm ideas with you?

How's the editing process going for you? Or is it still in the first draft?

>> No.5028896 [View]

>really the highest compliment you can pay to a tripfag, when you stop and think about it
it's really not. I mean really that's like saying that you once had a friend who really helped you get throught some hard times when you were living in your car for 6 weeks after you got into that really big fight with your dad, the one where he threw the cordless phone at your head and shattered on the wall behind you as you swore you'd never be like him. Like that friend took you in and fed you and clothed you and let you listen o his record collection, and sometimes he'd just leave you a bag of weed, just cause. A total bro, and then he helped you start the career that made you the man you are today.

Who the fuck was that guy?

I also really Feminister and Mariposa the butterfly.

>> No.5028878 [View]

El Oh el, what a hilarious image reply to show that you think I spent my 20th birthday alone with my mother, oh boy you really have me pegged. I mean it's obvious that you're the kind of guy who rides horses on his birthday and like to wear a cowboy hat and have hot gay sex in the lush rolling hills of Montana. I feel like you really have a deep spiritual connection with me. I am not gay, but I wouldn't be adverse to having my dick in your mouth. I hear it's okay to experiment these days because of tumblr. I might give it a go, since you're a not just some cowboy. You're a cow man.

I can just see you now, riding off into the sunset looking towards the border of mexico thinking of a sweet young seniorita that you brutally raped behind her father's house at gunpoint. You are a romantic figure, one of progress and change. I can almost smell the tobacco smoke and campfire that you're cooking your beans and coffee to so you can sup before nightfall.

Let's always do this, you can hate me in public for show and leave me hateful comments and I'll just soak up the hype. God bless you anon, God Bless you always.

>> No.5028528 [View]

I read a book once about a man who worked in a post office.

>> No.5028515 [View]

>You don't need to try so hard to fit in.
>He just wants it so bad, you know?
You make me sound like a slut. I'm really not doing anything other than posting with a trip, you're just mad because you think your social mores on a website for pedophiles is something that everyone has to respect without question.

And yes, I love the attention, because obviously I want you to read what I have to say. Are you trying to force and aesthetic to posting on 4chan? I mean really, am I doing this for the art sake? If that were the case all writers would be anonymous and all stories would just be known by their titles and not their writers.

I hope you filter your trips because they make your anonymous experience unpleasant, you're like a John wandering a whorehouse trying to have single slice conversations.

I look forward to your retort.

>> No.5028490 [View]

Oh, thanks for noticing. I mean sure it might not seem like a big deal, but when you really think about the scale of things, you can really trace all the social ills in the world to bad grammar. I mean really, look at ancient Rome. Once people stopped caring about doing their XVIII's right the entire system started to collapse under the more punctual Visigoths. I'm sure you could also trace the decline the collapse of the Ancient Egyptians to the time they stopped caring about getting all the feathers right on the KA symbol.

I'm glad you have the memes memorized here so you can just reference them with greentext, it really makes me see that you know your stuff and that you've been here a while. You're a pretty expert level Anonymous. I think I'll expect you in my other posts and threads.

>> No.5028461 [View]

>It looks nothing like that.
And yet you say nothing about showercap.

>> No.5028456 [View]

I want to buy you a beer of your choice someday, just because so you seem to be the kind of person who I would like to listen to rambling about things.

>> No.5028448 [View]

>inb4 Racism

>> No.5028444 [View]

it's either a turban or a showercap.

>> No.5028438 [View]


Those are some nice opinions you have there friend.

>> No.5028423 [View]

>not really meant to be read in order,
I don't really like the trashman meme, but all books are meant to be read in order, I think the only way you can have any real understanding of the bible is to read it in order.

Feel free to tell me I'm a worthless tripfag and how you're going to filter me because of how buttmad you are now

>> No.5028412 [View]

>Can someone explain this to me?
It's esoteric symbolism, if you know about Kabbalah, sacred geometry and about Buddhism, you might be able to understand it enough to see how the demiurge has you living on a farm for superior beings from other dimensions, and how at this particular point in human history there seems to be a lunch rush going on.

But you know, you can ask >>>/x/ about that if you really want to know.

>> No.5028396 [View]

I'm noticing a substantial lack of confidence here, I mean, is this how you talk to girls? I mean that might be insensitive of me, is that how you talk to girls or girls?

Wait that's still culturally insensitive. Is that how you would talk to someone who is of the gender that you feel attracted you? I think that's the PC enough.

Listen guys, you need to check your low confidence privilege and start believing in yourself and your writing. I mean really, it's just riding a bike, only this bike is made of words and it takes you through a story, also depending on how you pedal it might be beautiful or it might be the biggest disappointment since your childhood memory of that thing that never happened.

How about it gender neutral group of people? Are you ready to not offend anyone?

>> No.5028340 [View]

I've been waiting my whole life for someone to notice, and here you are noticing. Thank you, you've finally given me the validation I need to start wearing a jean cap and a scarf regardless of the weather or how it looks on me. I feel like you and me could have some really nice deep conversations about POMO and compare penis length over margaritas at the beach while we wait for your connection to come by with the drugs you're going to pay for.

I'm not a homosexual, but I feel like we'd have that kind of connection where we could pull out our dicks and talk about them like they were our children, and how they make us proud and disappoint us in ways we never thought they could.

>> No.5028204 [View]

I'm not mad at you, I am just a very abusive drunk. I'll tell you something, I love science fiction, and I'll assume you didn't read the rest of my disorganized post, I don't blame you, sometimes I shock myself at how little sense I make when I am trying to make it.

Anyway, no, I agree with you completely, I think I just phrased it too aggressively, science fiction is a beautiful art, it's the kind of fantasy that people can get behind without having to pretend to be elves or have a SORD or something.

Science Fiction is social cometary of the highest degree.

>> No.5028187 [View]
File: 82 KB, 500x282, warrenpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still procrastinating on your writing project?

Is it because you know it's going to be a world wide best seller, but you're afraid that once it's on paper it won't actually be anything at all?

In case you were wondering this is a writer's block workshop where we will talk about our enormous feelings about writing, and why they prevent us from getting anything done. I mean I for one am hoping a few of you will get off your butts and do something, but you know you're not going to, so why don't you anonymously tell me about why you're not doing anything at all? I mean really, what else are you going to do?
Write your project?

Don't be a filthy liar, come and talk about why you're a failure in this thread. The worst thing that could happen is that you decide you're just going to write something.

>> No.5028170 [View]

>inb4 Nietzsche
>inb4 Dawkins
>inb4 the Bible.

>> No.5028153 [View]

>you're less likely to want to show off about jetpacks than you are about going existential on ducks in ponds.

What the fuck are you even talking about there Holden? Have you even read science fiction or did you just watch a documentary on the subject and assume you understood what you saw because they were speaking the same language as you?

Sci-fi is all about the space bling. I mean, I understand what you mean, Sci-fi is the only place where you can tell certain stories that need to be told. There is a place for every kind of social issue if you turn the minorities into aliens and queers into wizards, but you don't get the duck pond right at admittance. The duck pond, and whatever knowledge you can extract therein is all interwoven with the jetpack. That being said:
>The Cloud Atlas

It's not entirely science fiction, but the science fiction parts of it are still just as true, and you'll find the least amount of jetpack for your duck pond.

Also, you strike me as one of those guys who just goes a little too far, like when someone tells you to have a nice day and not be a dick, you just have to go all the way, and have the best day of your life and be a complete pussy.

And yes, I have been drinking, why do you ask?

>> No.5027214 [View]

>i'm going to become a normalfag
>what books do i need to read to accomplish my goal?

None, start reading TV guide and people and watch TMZ and they will teach you how to be popular.

>> No.5027202 [View]

I don't think it's possible to be aggressive on the internet without sounding like an ape. I mean really do you want me to tell you that I hate your guts and that I wish you would die? I don't feel that strongly really, I feel mildly subversive, maybe like making fun things. Like say being suicidal in a thread that says it's a very serious thing. No it isn't. Nothing is serious if you really want to be honest.

Haven't you ever heard the story about that kid who was going to kill himself because his parents were always fighting? He jumped off their building and was shot going past their window, only to have is disemboweled corpse get caught by a life saving net.

I don't know about you, but to me that's pretty Goddamned funny. You might do yourself a favor and laugh once in a while, life isn't so serious all the time you know, even the sad parts can be kinda funny.

>> No.5027186 [View]

That's some deep analytical thinking there in your retort. Well played. I feel like I've learned something about myself and about the deep mystery of the human condition. I now know what it's like to be the first person to come across a prophet coming down from the holy mountain. You sir, you have enlightened my life and illuminated my thoughts and way of thinking. I'm going to build a shrine in your honor. It will consist of discarded sex toys and corroded batteries and I will build it in the shape of the logo of the real world from MTV. Then I'll cover it in piss and ink and call it modern art.

I want you to know I'm drinking my coffee and thinking of you. Thinking of putting my hand on your thigh and telling you that you can kiss me anywhere you like.

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