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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4191773 [View]

Call him an anti-communist who hates people because he likes to live in his feel good politics of anarchism.

>> No.4191766 [View]

Not literature, but Weber is a dick. Some consider him to be reactionary. Try some of him?

>> No.4181210 [View]
File: 9 KB, 200x283, 200px-Emile_Durkheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to learn about his "contributions" to sociology.

What the fuck is wrong with him? (and by that I mean why is he trying so hard and failing so badly?)

>> No.4142117 [View]

>Being a Marxist Humanist

Oh who am I fucking kidding. The anti-revisionist, anti-liberal Marxist is a dying breed in the world of academia.

Yes humanist, you're right.

>> No.4126266 [View]
File: 70 KB, 300x314, mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4126257 [View]


Brilliant writer, but a fucking trot.

>> No.4123888 [View]

Huh. So this is what you all think of Marxism. Wow.

>> No.4061152 [View]

Also, since this is /lit/



>> No.4061147 [View]

"...Communists need to focus on the material basis for religious belief and practice. To argue that religious claims about the material world have no (or little) scientific support is beside the point. People turn to religions because they provide community, ritual, solace, connection to something larger than themselves - things that atheism and science don't and can't provide, but what we often need to pull through day-to-day. This is all grounded in the alienating effects of class society, capitalism in particular."

A friend I agreed with.

>> No.4056035 [View]


>> No.4055462 [View]

>They're too stupid

Nigga what.


stop being an anarchist

>> No.4055441 [View]


>> No.4055440 [View]

I actually never heard of workism up until today. Sound a little like De Leonism

Well, these would be the biggest things on MLM, in the simplist form

ESSENTIALS to M(arxism)L(eninism)M(aoism)

Mass Line- Mass line is about making sure the needs and struggles of the masses are always taken up by the party.

People's War- all about having a relationship between the liberation army, and the masses, in order to draw in the enemy and defeat them on your own turf

New Democracy is about having a united front of classes, under proletarian leadership, to lead the revolution in overthrowing the rule of compradors and imperialists, and to begin state-capitalist production

Cultural Revolution: This is fun. So whereas in the USSR contradictions among classes were handled very mechanically, like when the kulaks (peasant capitalists) were liquidated, or a lot of people were thrown in prison, Mao advocated for a more dialectical approach. The Cultural Revolution is all about having the masses attack the right wing elements in the party, the capitalist roaders, in order to make sure power is always with the masses, rather than just handling it mechanically through a bureacratic apparatus

Contradictions- Dialectical Materialism, but Mao went in more depth than Stalin. This is what I get from other Maoist, as I am an intermediate. However, if you're familiar with Stalin, then here:
ctrl+F: Part II: A Summary of Mao’s Criticisms of Stalin by Topic

And finally 3 worlds theory:
1st World: The Imperialist states- US and USSR (back then) .
2nd World- Allies of imperialist states
3rd World- Non-Imperialist
Yeah, not to up to date on this either.

Tell me if you guys what you would want to here.

>> No.4055403 [View]

Oh you all meant this guy.

Hi comrade. May I ask what you identify politically?

>> No.4055402 [View]

If by workerist, you mean a Maoist who likes the Worker's mass line, then sure?

If not, then what are you and >>4055395
this guy talking about? If you give me an example, I can try to help

>> No.4055311 [View]

I hope this thread is still alive.

>> No.4044049 [View]

>School in Brooklyn

High School? College?

>> No.4038765 [View]

>Why can't they follow the damn book?


>> No.4038543 [View]

>Everyone being this divisive
>Doesn't actually matter

>> No.4038518 [View]

*Who don't spout

>> No.4038507 [View]

>Being trapped in a room full of pretentious college students spouting liberal idealism

I know this feel.

You must embrace Communism. Well, at least the authors who are spout bourgeois idealism.

>> No.4038484 [View]

Hue. Can I recommend a writing?


Actually, it's societies with slave based modes of production. Not just people of wealthy backgrounds. Anyone, but the slaves, had an opportunity to write. However, the lower classes were generally illiterate or not taken seriously.

So, philosophers ended up being "middle class" and up. The aristocracy generally had no time (lol jus bein rich), patience (lol u fukin peasant), nor the intellectual capability for such "trivial things"(lol jus overcompensating).

Muh analysis.

>> No.4036248 [View]


>> No.4036232 [View]

>Das Kapital
>exciting as hell intellectually


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