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>> No.15253805 [View]

>My proposition logically makes the possibility of any proliferation of HIV impossible.
HIV isn't exclusively a homosexual disease. Making HIV proliferation impossible is impossible.
>In reality, the illusion of safer sex encourages more sex with more people
Except i clearly stated monogamy must be enforced among gay couples which further reduces the risk of getting HIV.

>> No.15253733 [View]

There would be no HIV if people were more careful about the way they engange in sexual intercourse.

>> No.15253617 [View]

>questionable claims
I didn't know regurgitating christcuck dogmas could be considered making claims, but I offered an alternative to the liberal promiscuity and the christian puritanism, an alternative that allows non-heteronormative people to coexist with heteros without creating more HIV epidemics and weighing on the state at large. It goes without saying that neither liberals nor consevatives will take my position into account because both are extremists who have been hard wired to stick solely to their own party's principles.

>> No.15252716 [View]

>moral subjectivity is some kind of recent left-wing invention
Yes it is, as I said unfaithfulness and incest were looked down upon, and so was cuckoldry whereas today all of these things are tolerated if not even encouraged.
>any group of people
That's why monogamy should be enforced, especially in homosexual couples.
>Both were totally fine with child sex slaves.
You've got no moral grounds to talk about slavery when Christianity didn't raise a finger against it in the colonial era, plus the bible clearly condones it alongside many other disgusting practices that violate the human rights.
I implied that even if all the fags in the world were to refrain from having sexual intercourse, christianity wouldn't recognize same sex couples and instead label their relationships friendships because the only possible romantic love according to Christians is between a man and a woman, which is the most ridiculous statement ever.

>> No.15252673 [View]
File: 24 KB, 320x292, 38081584_280673116095903_2464298590579720192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just weeb pandering trash with random demonic symbology, gore and half-assed children's fairy tale moralisms thrown in. Umineko was peak kino in the middle of EP 5 and 6 but it started going quickly downhill once all the built up brilliance went to shit in EP8. The ending was rushed and unfulfilling and the only thing that essentially made the sales skyrocket was gratuitous fanservice and the new brand of tumblr trannies that were attracted to the series because of Leon's ambiguous sex issue. That being said I wish Ryukishi would've added some male villain like the scrapped Virgilius character to make the plot more diverse and interesting but i guess catering to weebs with lolis comes first and if there are ever male antagonists they're relegated to secondary roles. At this point I'm not even gonna bother looking into the new When They Cry titles because they seem even more ridiculous than the previous entries.

>> No.15252512 [View]

And you've been ensnared by the leftie clowns who claim morality is subjective. If fags in the 80s would've contented themselves with one sexual partner and practiced safe sex there would have been little contempt for homosexuals, and the HIV epidemic would have been drastically reduced in terms of victims. They brought it on themselves and paid the toll for their lack of moderation, having a different sexual preference doesn't give you any rights to be a fucking sex-obsessed animal.

>> No.15252452 [View]

>But if we think about it, there doesn’t seem to be anything stopping some other things we might be morally uncomfortable with:
Morals are, and morals aren't related to the church in the slightest as they existed before the church was even a thing. Do you think the greeks and romans would've encouraged bestiality or incest? There are tons of historical records on how they executed incestuous and unfaithful women, and they didn't leave their sex drive unchecked.
>Don’t we intuitively feel that sex should be more than that?
Sex can be used to tighten the bond between two people, the ancients knew it was a way to let some steam off or reduce stress in times of war. Promiscuity is indeed dangerous and destructive, but the "symbolic meaning" of sex is pure jewish drivel without a shred of sense. That being said, you're never going to recognize that love is possible between two men even in a non-sexual romantic way, because otherwise it would be a mere friendship according to Christian dogmas, which shows that Christian minds are so fucking warped they can't even succeed in drawing a line between sex and romantic attachment.

>> No.15252239 [View]
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You're two birds of the same feather bound to witness the slow demise of a pointless institution which dealt more damage to Europe than both the world wars, and the only difference that sets you apart is in the degree of the insanity of the punishments you're willing to apply to sinners. The church should have been disbanded right after the dark ages instead of being a pain in the ass and butting in the state's affairs, or at least after the crusades had been fought and lost.
>To me, this means never allowing or condoning gay marriage, premarital sex or abortion (for example), yet still treating homosexuals, fornicators and the like with love.
So you're going to ban the only kind of union which encourages homosexuals to partake in a monogamous life and allegedly reduces promiscuity for the sake of a god damn verse in your holy book, then you're gonna dictate that it is "against nature" to love your own sex despite having conclusive evidence that bisexuality was commonplace in several pre-christian cultures.
>inb4 they didn't see the light of yeshua lol
You could slave away your life 24/7, voluntarily refuse going to church, spit on your father's grave, but heaven forbid bisexuality or homosexuality is even mentioned in your fucking church, you will lose your shit no matter which denomination you belong to, and that's just one of the mamy reasons why a noxious church has no place in a civilized country, because your kike manual is against man's sexual nature, not the other way around.

>> No.15248431 [View]
File: 521 KB, 500x280, 1471444434_tumblr_inline_o0np8dlPOF1tzwkwy_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is even a chance that one day I will be pope

>> No.15248172 [View]

>State will take advantage of it, persecute it, and push it around.
Jolly gee that's precisely what the church did for roughly 1600 years! you're gonna call yourselves persecuted now? Turns out you were subversive kikes all along, enjoy the slow death of your jewish cult, you will never again be in charge of shit.

>> No.15248085 [View]
File: 85 KB, 811x628, file_n8hv4dvr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pope doesn't get to rewrite the bible you dumbass.

>> No.15247999 [View]

Once again you're taking the words of the Pope over Jesus and the bible. Quote passage where it is said the church should wage wars and murder mindlessly people you fucking faggot.
>inb4 m-muh came to bring a sword
If you take the bible literally you're inoperable

>> No.15247927 [View]

This. The only way the church should exist is separated from the state, exactly as it is now. And if it doesn't work it only means it didn't stand a chance in the first place.

>> No.15247862 [View]

>But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea
He's speaking of the ones who drive others to err not the ones who are driven to sin you dumb nigger.

>> No.15247698 [View]

>the word of aquinas has more authority than Jesus who guided a whore towards redemption
If you're gonna LARP at least LARP well for fuck's sake.

>> No.15247681 [View]

I'm not even a believer, it's just written in the new testament lmao

>> No.15247643 [View]

Yes. The pope isn't a redundant figure in christianity. The other denominations are willingly twisting the scriptures and preaching false man-made doctrines.

>> No.15247578 [View]

my grandma who never learned to read knows more about christianity than you, a pack of LARPing midwits. Christianity isn't a blood cult and is funded on the virtue of charity, get it through your skulls, fucking imbeciles.

>> No.15244920 [View]

It is also written in a secret passage in the bible: you're a faggot and you should off yourself. God said it. Trust me.

>> No.15244880 [View]

Now he's someone's bitch. It's like whites are predisposed to become sissy slaves.

>> No.15243717 [View]

Christcucks are mentally ill. There's no other explanation.

>> No.15243704 [View]

>liberals compare people to inanimate objects
Are you amazed?

>> No.15243667 [View]

No. I skipped over all the medieval "philosophers" and went straight to the rationalists because Augustine's strawmen arguments were already enough to make me feel tumors growing on my back. Scholasticism doesn't exist, it's just christard apologism and regurgitated aristotelian doctrines. When I'll be able to take walks outside I'll piss in front of my local church's door and post pics here.

>> No.15243631 [View]

No fappers are the embodiment of cope and your god is a lying kike on a stick

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