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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1483880 [View]

Every decade is that. :) I'm going off anyway, /lit/ is kinda boring when i'm not high. I'm glad to give you some insight from the not best-selling-fantasy-comercial literary world.

>> No.1483869 [View]

That's incorrect. I love Paz, Cuesta, Yeats, Whitman, Neruda. But they were followed by some rebel kinds who despised them. Now we got collectives and movements doing some kind of specific poetry that tries to further genres and defy them. Why everything should stay the same? I find poetry specially great for experimentation and expanding. Same thing is happening with prose, while we love old classics they're that: old. If one writes another Quixote or Hamlet you wouldn't get published for shit. Think about this: while we read old classics there are people out there forging future classics. Call me a hipster if you want, but poetry and prose should be the voice of its generation.

>> No.1483827 [View]

I should make some background for my statement, like the literary movements i'm seeing form in my country and how i take part in some of them and how we discussed what we wanted to do as adults and now that work is there on paper and the world happened to take an alike direction. But yeah, i know, thats "writer stuff" garbage. Maybe the social and historic contexts are important to understand this kind of things. But i won't take it back, poetry is moving toward no rhyme and i don't think it will be coming back.

>> No.1483778 [View]

for getting my words into another context? wow

>> No.1483752 [View]

Maybe you should forget the "for a living" part at the beginning. Write something worth, re read it, many times, re write, read all day, write all day, think about reading and writing when you're not. Published authors are those who don't gave up.

Also, if you're on college, ask for a creative grant (i dont know if these are the right words). They'll give you money and publish your work.

>> No.1483731 [View]


>> No.1483715 [View]

No, used to play Myths and Legends.

Are you aware Montezuma = Moctezuma ? He was a badass aztec tlatoani. I wouldn't mind if my real name was that.

>> No.1483697 [View]

I'm not even a poet. I'm buds with many published poets and like to read modern poetry from time to time. Trust me, rhyme belongs in the past.

>> No.1483685 [View]

Be honest with yourself: Are you any good? If yes get an agent, get into contests and make related friends.

>> No.1483678 [View]

Oh, and Atahualpa was peruvian (inca).

>> No.1483671 [View]

I'm 22.

As long as you're not a fantasy reading neckbeard any path is fine.

Does he read fart jokes collections or is a die hard fan waiting for the next fart joke to come?

>> No.1483647 [View]

Poetry doesn't rhyme anymore, get over it. It's better and manlier this way.

>> No.1483626 [View]

The easier you are to entertain the dumber you are.

>> No.1483607 [View]

Only fat weaboos like fantasy irl. Its crap literature (i wouldn't call it literature at all but c'mon...). No one who knows about great authors or take literature a little bit serious would say this irl. Trust me, i know plenty of people who like books.

>> No.1483414 [View]

Now that i think about it: some Santa Muerte cultists still do it.

>> No.1483404 [View]

Aztecs were awesome. I hope we still did that. :(

>> No.1483353 [View]
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1292628470359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you :)

>> No.1483343 [View]

did not find shit

>> No.1483329 [View]


You need to pick one, bro.

>> No.1483315 [View]

what about tits?

>> No.1482728 [View]
File: 88 KB, 443x600, Cervates_jauregui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cervantes > Shakespeare


>> No.1482708 [View]
File: 9 KB, 217x208, 1294767903323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1482695 [View]

He reads this stuff, how can he know what quality is?

>> No.1482177 [View]

Chico means small. Maybe you mean "chavo".

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