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>> No.13285165 [View]

That is what orthodox Islam teaches and one reason God saved him. This is why Muslims believe he is the Messiah

>> No.13285153 [View]

>Which Nazarenes are you talking about? 1st century or 4th century? They are not the same.
They are, they are the followers of Jesus who rejected Paul

>they believed in the crucifixion

We can't really say but no account says that they did. If they did it was picked up much later

>> No.13285134 [View]

Jesus will also return to lead the Ummah, he is very important in Islam for that reason

>> No.13285103 [View]


Jesus's message was largely preserved by the Nazarenes until the final Prophet

Salih was rejected too, you do not know what makes a prophet great

>> No.13284980 [View]


That pic is one version of that event which has multiple hadiths recounting it, that one is extremely embellished and not accepted for practice, pollution like that makes the wudu invalid, you have to use dirt if that's the only water

Camel piss has proven health benefits





>> No.13284931 [View]

No, it is the burden of arrogance

>> No.13284916 [View]

Islam sees sex as a biological need and pleasure, Kellog was a Christian

>> No.13284909 [View]

That is absolutely not true

>toilet paper existed then

Are you also shocked that they washed baby diapers?

>> No.13284894 [View]

There are a whole bunch of hadiths about cleaning semen after wet dreams, including men doing it themselves, it is part of being in a clean state for prayer. There are also hadiths about babies peeing on the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and how he washed it. These are just the facts of life, you like in a modern society that sees everything as erotic because sex has replaced God, may He be glorified and exalted. Muslims see God in everything, kuffar like Freud see eroticism in everything

>> No.13284857 [View]

>life altering

All men and women should marry

>British law
Made by and for the left or liberalism, it isn't a disintetested party

>> No.13284847 [View]

It actually does open that way to explain why he kills every wife after taking her virginity. It is supposed to be funny, Islam takes major precautions to avoid cheating and fornication, women cannot leave the house without a family member or spouse or slave, but still they manage to cheat in the stories

>> No.13284817 [View]

Children are very impressionable, yes.

>> No.13284667 [View]

Christians have murdered Christ far more than Jews have

>> No.13284615 [View]

I don't pretend "the right" is friendly to Muslims, I just deny that the left is.

Trump wants to ban Muslim immigration, the left wants to force Muslim children to accept their values. Really the latter is what jeopardizes Muslims qua Muslims. The former is acrimony toward Muslims but does not care about making them other than Muslims. The left wants to socially engineer Muslims to support abortion (haram in every single madhhab) and homosexuality. Let me further add that unless you support freedom for Muslims to have their own courts (not saying they should not also be expected to obey secular law), you are not a friend to Muslims as they are not being allowed to do what the Qur'an says to

Telling kids to roleplay as a gay couple is indoctrination.

Pedophile is a modernist sexual identity which did not exist then. Marrying children should be permitted, forcing the marriage age so high, a very recent innovation, is a capitalist way to ensure women are incorporated into the workforce and fornicate during adolscence.

>> No.13284246 [View]

Catholicism is very into the cult of the pretty face, especially for Mary (you win't see devotion to images of Christ anywhere near as much). I think it's a crypto courtly love, it is similar to Dante's religious veneration for Beatrice

>> No.13284166 [View]

Intent is what determines the morality of an action in Islam

If he is literally clinically retarded and clueless enough to not know, it would probably not count as sin


He could not have known. Eating unclean food under circumstances like that or necessity (e.g. you will starve otherwise) is not considered a sin


To be halal the animal must be killed instantly with one stroke through the neck and out of view of other animals (so as not to scare them), the hadith even says the point is to minimize pain. Please stop reading the Daily Mail

>> No.13284122 [View]

I would suggest something by an Israeli Orthodox rabbi, they don't care at all about being pc


The left does not care, they want to eradicate Islam, they only support it as another identity like race, gender and sexuality. Muslims in the UK are going to court against homosexual indoctrination in school, which of course leftists want to push on Muslim children

>All religions do this
No, westerners do this because it is now a major part of western identity

>> No.13282200 [View]

Why don't Anglo tradcaths move to Catholic countries?

>> No.13282130 [View]
File: 75 KB, 680x365, D8fCYWpXoAExONd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allah: 1
Infidels: 0

>> No.13282119 [View]

It is just an ideological rant disguised as a novel, like Atlas Shrugged. Right now the Yankee yearns to perform reconstruction on the entire planet, so this sort work leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, like Yankee propaganda saying "this is Islam" showing a woman with a bruised face

>> No.13282030 [View]

>time' is based around the death of Christ

>> No.13282020 [View]

Islamic calenders use different dating, but I was not saying Jesus, may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, was uninfluential per se, he was a very influential prophet and will return to lead the Ummah against the infidel. I just meant Christianity, invented by Paul, is dead

>> No.13281887 [View]

Islam still lives whereas nationalism and liberalism have replaced Christianity.

>> No.13281872 [View]

No problem

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