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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9421415 [View]

It counts as learning, and that is more important than someone's made up requirement of rolling your eyeballs over so-many pages of print before you can git gud.

>> No.9421368 [View]

I should add I have not given Harris money for his book and so have not read it. I have listened to him ramble from baseless conjecture to logical fallacy for about six hours on his youtube podcast, though. He is a mental midget.

>> No.9421351 [View]

Sam you forgot to mention your martial arts training.

Harris is the biggest pseud. His books are the 2010s equivalent to 1970s self help books that no one remembers or reads anymore. Flash in the pan atheist riding the science wave.

>> No.9421338 [View]
File: 87 KB, 901x883, 1492288147756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

local newspaper, NYT, Drudge, critical theory, n+1 mag, /lit/, /r/protectandserve, Hot Rod magazine

>> No.9419327 [View]


>> No.9419084 [View]
File: 24 KB, 255x207, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 and some whirling spurdos

>> No.9419068 [View]

i can't have just one favorite: ebullient, effulgent, sprent

trips confirm

how is this post spam goddamnit 4chan accept my damn post and stop giving me the business you damn robot girl this is not /r9k/ From Middle English sprenten, from Old English *sprentan, from Proto-Germanic *sprantijaną, causative of Proto-Germanic *sprintaną (“to jump up; bounce”), from Proto-Indo-European *sprend-, *sprendʰ- (“to flinch; jump”), from Proto-Indo-European *sper- (“to twitch; fidget; flinch; jump; be quick”). Cognate with Middle High German sprenzen (“to sprinkle; splash”), Swedish spritta (“to startle”), Icelandic spretta (“to spring forth; emerge; arise; develop”).

>> No.9417709 [View]

This. I keep it with me in case I need to look something up, but if you're having trouble being distracted leave it somewhere out of arm's reach so you have to get up to use it. Presto, hours of reading.

>> No.9417508 [View]
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mfw >>9417413 is objectively the worst post in the thread

>> No.9417266 [View]

>It was a willing proponent
I really want to hear a story about a book with a will.

I'm imagining this book is one of those old fabric covers, grimy and yellowed, with a fedora and a cartoon face yellin YEA SHE DESERVED IT, SEE as he is dragged away to book jail aka the library.

>> No.9417263 [View]
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>Where do you do most of your reading?
In one of these, an arm's length from my bookshelf and a floor lamp's pull chain. Above the bookshelf is a window that I leave open. My cat sits on the window sill and watches birds all day. The biggest distraction is my phone, which is with me always.

>> No.9417243 [View]

the book had no agency in the act of hitting the woman. it is still just a book.

>> No.9417233 [View]
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The premise of your question is founded on the lazy misuse of language. When people use an adjective like 'misogynist' to describe a book, they aren't refering to the book but to its contents - the ideas of the author, or assuming those contents appeal to its readers.

stop being a lazy reader/writer, and call out laziness when you see it

>> No.9417197 [View]
File: 307 KB, 500x355, bugsnotfakingit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find time or rhyme for Tennyson, eh you kiwi slut?

Couldn't find time or rhyme for Tennyson, eh you kiwi slut?

>mfw Idylls of the King is only MAYBE taught in overpriced college classes attended by faggots who self-selected for career extinction AND Rupi Kaur and shit like OP are popular.

>> No.9417114 [View]

Enchiridion of Epictetus -> the want ads.

You need to get up and out. Google your city/county's jobs pages. The pay usually isn't great, but it's a start. You could try enlisting. I normally wouldn't recommend it, but your need is urgent.

>> No.9417093 [View]
File: 333 KB, 980x1523, The-Invisibles-Vol-3-Cover-vertigo-comics-11189370-980-1523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grant Morrison's The Invisibles.

>> No.9417081 [View]
File: 74 KB, 640x584, da3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treasure Island. Give your boss the black spot.

Failing that, some kinda jiujitsu training. Something to give you confidence against the very small, miserable man in charge of you. And talk to your lady about wanting to treat her right as honestly as you did here. Maybe she's never seen that from snapback faggots and doesn't know what she's missing.

>> No.9411413 [View]

>Might bump it up if /lit/ recommended it.
(Which you did.) Had a few nips and brainfolds are stepping in molasses. sage

>> No.9411271 [View]

I've been sitting on the Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony for a while. Might bump it up if /lit/ recommended it.

>> No.9411019 [View]

That's really interesting. Reminds me of Plato's usage of 'down' and 'up'. Down I went to Piraeus... down to the worldly wise men and the markets where base commerce occurs. Up here seems to imply a transcendence of flesh into supernal wisdom, knowledge of the true nature of the universe.

>> No.9410913 [View]

>boo hoo now all I have is free weed, books, and a fuckbuddy

hahahahahahaha, t h i s.

just do it man. go full blown born again christian like your man Dubya. become the meme you were born to be. brainlets btfo.

>> No.9410664 [View]

Good catch desu. That is part of the trick. We are all born worldly and grasping, the challenge is to become a self-actualized adult who hears the voice of God and puts it into practice. What that means varies by creed.

>As much as it fascinates me, I hate dealing with this religion of the rabble.
At least you're graduating. This doesn't seem like an easy subject. Good luck m8.

>It sure poisons me. I hate this life-denying shit, I just hate it, but it's fascinating.
I would say it's not so much about life denial as affirmation through denial of specific taboo. I'm glad you're well read on it, at least.

Raised in a Spanish-speaking Catholic Church, became apostate at 13. Read some Crowley, determined he was a fraud. Experimented with Buddhism as a teenager, found its ego-destroying principles unhealthy and stopped. Returned to KJV and apocrypha as literature but not the church. "Agnostic" for a long time, then read Campbell, Frazer, Jung, Eliade, 'n them. More recently Girard's scapegoat and mimetic desire, Agamben's homo sacer. Now: Man *needs* myth, and this is the myth of my people. I would see what comes next.

tldr: God is something in Man. P much all of the holy books attune us to this voice in one way or another. We are absolutely fucked when augmented reality rolls up. We've got 50 years, tops. Only art can save us.

>> No.9410436 [View]
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I said I'd love to hear your interpretation and you obliged. It was a pleasure hearing from you.

Now I have a question for you anon. What are your personal religious beliefs? How does your research into the history of the church affect those beliefs? And do you feel that studying heretical documents and ideas may poison the well?

>> No.9410366 [View]

>Are you autistic?
No, I'm just used to dealing with people here and your smug answer didn't come across as smugness. I thought you were actually mentally handicapped and couldn't understand what I had written.

>Um no except if you're an heretic.
I am a heretic.

>"Adam speculation" was rather common in intertestamental literature
That's interesting! I think I'll read more about that.

>clearly had more to do with jewish mysticism than actual christianity.
There you go again, erasing interpretation for the orthodoxy. I hope you are paid well after you graduate.

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