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/lit/ - Literature

Search: podcasts

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>> No.21834420 [View]
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>went to gym last night and heavy lifting went well
>woke up after 7 hours, after the clocks went forward
>ate regular food
>went driving outside
>walked around a few small parks while listening to podcasts
>bought a few cans of Pepsi Max, drank then in car
>went walking around nature, near-countryside area
>now drinking coffee in car
>plan to read a bit, then buy junk food or walk, then go to gym later tonight

It feels like summer now. I'm glad it came. The weather today is really bland: blue skies with some clouds, not warm but not too cold, no rain at all. I've seen many cars but few people when walking. It feels like a weekday, as if I'm living like a NEET. I'm also strongly reminded of those dull as hell summer days when I was young and playing vidya 24/7 lost its appeal a bit (and a lot moreso in my late teens).

I bought the Pepsi from a small store in the middle of many houses and that felt like a kino scene, a bit like Japan.

Feels bad being fat: I'm feeling more disgusted than normal about being fat. The belly hanging when lying on my side. Not feeling comfortable wearing anything vaguely non-baggy on my upper body because it outlines my belly. Seeing other overweight people and being disgusted and realising I'm like that. Lifting heavy weights doesn't really compensate for it.

I finished a long, pseudy book yesterday. And I'm currently reading a very enjoyable novel that came out this year.

From around 18 to my late 20s I got totally bored of vidya but I think part of it was feeling childish. I remember watching anime a bit when I was 18 and thinking it was all pathetic loser male wish fulfillment. Now I no longer have any self deceiving veneer.

>> No.21675371 [View]
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What podcasts or audiobooks do you recommend to listening while you're asleep?

>> No.21652746 [View]
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I'm looking for based podcasts to listen to at work and at the gym, don't matter the topic but stuff like literature, philosophy, religion, spirituality etc... are preferable. I really enjoyed Maps of Meaning but I know you guys hate Juden Peterstein.
I'm also looking for audiobooks apps, no I won't pay a subscription. Can you frens help me?

>> No.21644641 [View]
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Read this if you want to learn why NATO must lose Cold War 2 for the biosphere to survive.


“We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life.” -- ROBERT OPPENHEIMER

Scorpion King: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump is a history of America’s corrosive affair with nuclear weapons, and the failed efforts to curb this radioactive ardor through arms control. The book’s title refers to the allusion by Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the American atomic bomb, to dueling scorpions when discussing the deadly nuclear rivalry between the US and Soviet Union, and signals the dangers inherent in the resumption of the perilous US drive for nuclear supremacy.


Russian invasion of Ukraine

Ritter rejected the Western media's coverage of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and has voiced his perspective on multiple podcasts, including Andrew Napolitano's.[42][43] On April 6, 2022, Ritter was suspended from Twitter for violating its rule on "harassment and abuse" after he posted a tweet claiming that the National Police of Ukraine is responsible for the Bucha massacre and calling U.S. President Joe Biden a "war criminal" for "seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders" to Russia. The following day Newsweek reported his Twitter account had been reinstated.[44] Ritter has written various articles critical of NATO for the Russian channel RT.[45]

In July 2022, Ritter was added to a list of pro-Russia propagandists compiled by the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation.[46]

>> No.21629557 [View]
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Hey bros, I’ve just started a new job that consists of lots of driving and I get to play my own music. Was thinking it’s a good chance to learn some things or just listen to some cool shit
can you guys give me some recommendations of audiobooks/lectures/podcasts/whatever to listen to so I can spend this time well?
Frankly I’m into anything, I like philosophy, economics and history mainly but I want to branch out

>> No.21603015 [View]
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..lit.. related podcasts :D

>> No.21530088 [View]
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>finish work on Friday evening
>was so demotivated for the last few hours of the working week
>waste entire Friday evening on mindless internet time wasting but at least I didn't binge on junk food
>wake up on Saturday morning
>drink coffee, browse internet, read a few chapters of a book
>go walking outside while listening to podcasts
>browse internet again
>go to gym
>binge on fast food late at night
>woke up too early on Sunday
>browse internet in bed
>do some of the work I should've done on Friday and a lot of worry goes away
>browse internet
>go for 2 hour walk until it gets dark
>now drinking coffee
>will go to gym and then have the last binge ever

I was a lot sadder earlier this weekend so it's now strangely comfy although I'm not looking forward to work.

It's strange that I waste so much time but I rarely ever relax and do something solely enjoyable. I always feel like I'm in this intermediate stage just before I have to do something productive.

>> No.21527750 [View]
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I want to become a fluent speaker of Latin. Is this book the way to go? (other than listening live Latin podcasts and yt videos ofc)

>> No.21481850 [View]
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The creation of a new publishing company

Hi everyone, I had an idea. What if we had an imprint for ideas that people won’t publish anymore in the mainstream literature field? And perhaps the best way to collect and distribute this writing would be by subscription, like they did back in the 18th century; that’s how the founding fathers got their books. I really see it as quite the tragedy that we don’t have any sincerity these days, and I think we should. Perhaps a new imprint could be a viable sense of permanence to what’s currently flirting around the edges of society with podcasts, telegram groups, and urbit meetups. Regardless of how digital we are, we still need to touch things; to feel things and read them with our eyes to trust them. I think there are a lot of advanced things going on in NYC right now and I’d be happy to see us succeed in making a statement for literature. That way, we can finally crown a new sincere right for the world, rather than liars and jokers like Delillo Pynchon and DFW.

Do you guys think it would stand a chance? Or is the literary world not ready for it yet?

>> No.21464601 [View]
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Does /lit/ follow any literature podcasts? New kino just dropped

>> No.21463402 [View]
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>be me yesterday
>woke up at 11
>spent a few hours doing chores
>ate food and played vidya a little bit
>drove outside aimlessly; drank coffee in car while browsing internet
>did aimless workout in gym, which felt pointless when I eat junk food
>bought junk food from store
>watched an ok movie
>lied in bed when it became 2023, alone and a loser, like all new year's days in memory
>woke up this morning
>browsed internet in bed
>read book for an hour (history book I started over 3 months ago at a library and which looked interesting from the cover but is really mundane)
>plan to spend rest of day on some combination of vidya, chores, walking, gym, binging, and maybe watching a film or TV show

My 2023 is only really special due to my career: I escaped one bad job situation, for some valuable experience, and am now definitely moving on to the next step in the career ladder in the next 6 months.

2023 was otherwise a huge void socially, productively, in terms of personal productivity, etc.

I am still focusing on finishing all the consoomption loose ends this Christmas holiday.

I'm in the latter half of my Christmas holiday. I don't even hate my job but it feels like a bad dream at this point. Freedom seems to stretch out forever. The end of the holiday is currently a vague bad event that I can't fully comprehended yet.

I told myself I'd give up junk food after the holidays. Giving up the ritual of buying the binge food currently feels like the biggest barrier. The post-work Monday supermarket trip feels kino (celebrates how Monday is never quite as bad as imagined; see lots of young people and imagine I'm not old). The Friday evening pizza binge is a new habit that celebrates the fake freedom. The Saturday late afternoon chocolate binge paired with the late night post-gym fast food trip is great. And the occasional Sunday all out "fuck-it, I won't even bother to say this is the last binge" binge never quite lives up to expectations but removes a lot of the boredom.

All people on podcasts totally lifemog me.

>> No.21450017 [View]
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>be me yesterday
>went to supermarket in evening I rarely go to; it has other shops within it and the pre-2010s no longer economically viable mini shopping mall aesthetic is comfy
>buy and binge on ice cream, chocolate, crisps
>played vidya in evening; a long RPG that's a sequel to a game I finished in summer 2020
>was too tired to go to gym and it was only a cardio day
>browsed internet in bed until 3.30 am this morning
>watched podcasts on YouTube; all famous people had easy lives compared to me
>listened to Twitter space hosted by anime avatar racists
>watched videos from an Urbit conference in Miami and I felt so subhuman compared to people with software skills (and the sun was shining behind them)
>slept until 8 am, did chores until 9 am
>was fucking tired and realised I'd be too weak to lift heavy weights today
>watched videos in bed of people walking through Tokyo suburbs and then a shopping centre; felt sad at not living there
>slept and woke up at 3.30 pm
>binged on chocolate and Subway
>listened to Twitter space
>played vidya
>now doing chores
>will lift weights at gym later tonight

Hopefully I'll go outside tomorrow.

I am dreading going back to work. How can time go by so quickly during holidays? How the FUCK am I going to get used to 5 days of work and only 2 of rest for months at a time before my next holiday?

Winter is officially Not Kino. I wish I lived in Miami or California.

I am saving money but not enough to really feel comfortable. I need to take some time off to go travelling or something. But going on holiday alone would feel so pathetic.

>> No.21447816 [View]
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How do I become a Calvinist?
I want to be hardline about it. Are there any websites, forums, podcasts or other resources to really indoctrinate myself with?

>> No.21445278 [View]
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>be me
>almost halfway through my Christmas holidays
>typical day involves me waking up after 9 am, feeling fully refreshed
>usually browse internet or read (finished a book recently)
>then go driving around, drinking coffee, browsing internet or reading in car
>go for walks and listen to podcasts
>feels like I'm unemployed and carefree... and it's GLORIOUS; feeling might leave me as holiday nears its end
>may play vidya (completed one game so far)
>binge on junk food later in day (but it's fine because I can always leave the glorious turnaround for new year)
>go to gym (I'm maybe the strongest I've ever been)

I'm treating this Christmas holiday as a time to tie up some loose ends in terms of consoomer activities (books, vidya) and some chores that I've been putting off or dragging on. After the holiday ends I can start new things to procrastinate my real life.

Nothing to complain about on this holiday. There have been some periods of sadness but that's normal.

I recently started playing a sequel to a game I hugely enjoyed a few years ago during the summer of 2020. It's like going down nostalgia lane.

I've decided that summer is much better than winter. Coldness usually isn't kino.

>> No.21433365 [View]
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Anybody know any good horror fiction podcasts? I really enjoyed The Magnus Archives as well as The No Sleep Podcast. Been listening to The SCP Archives lately, but it isn't the same and not nearly as good as the other two. I tried listening to Welcome to Nightvale and Alice Isn't Dead, but they weren't for me.

>> No.21342663 [View]
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I’m despondent on the state of everything. Nothing new anywhere feels fun or unique anymore whether you’re talking about the Hollywood, 4chan, youtube, etc. the last movie made that I actually enjoyed was Druk. None of the YouTube channels I continue to watch make any new videos that engage my interest to any large extent beyond temporarily curing boredom besides maybe Survive the Jive. Even Bap’s Rhythms podcasts don’t entertain me or engage my interest like they used to, though his last 2 were good due to being on an interesting topic of the origin of peoples, but his last 10-15 have felt uninspired idk if he’s growing bored and putting in less effort or if I’m just outgrowing my Bap phase but I don’t like it. Pewdiepie who I used to love, especially his Minecraft series, now feels like he has a dead channel. The only enjoyment I get is going back to old things I like and feeling nostalgia for them or getting drunk and pretending it’s the first time in engaging with them but you can only do that so many times before the enjoyment out of that is drained out of it.

Lit for this feel?

>> No.21330404 [View]
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I'm looking for some good audiobook recommendations. For the most part people think of listening to an audiobook as the exact same thing as reading, and just simply listen to a book they otherwise would have read. I do not look at it this way. There are many books that I plan to read that I don't want to "waste" on that format. I think Junger's Storm of Steel would actually have made a good audiobook, nothing too deep that I wouldn't be able to absorb without careful examination. I want something more lighthearted, possibly fiction, as I don't read much fiction, but I prefer history and philosophy generally. I know that you can't ascribe 100% attention while performing other tasks like driving/working but I'm sick of putting youtube videos on in the background and have been running low on good quality podcasts. Are there any charts for this? Doubt it. If you guys have any recommendations for me let me know, I'll also take podcast rec's if you got them. Here's something I just listened to that I really enjoyed. Martyrmade's 3 part Epstein podcast. He's an ex DoD guy who really went in depth down the rabbit-hole. From WW2, the OSS & Mossad, to the Finders, to Pizzagate, he really spelled it out in a way that a normie couldn't help but be convinced. None of the glaring omissions that are too common for this subject matter.

>> No.21317833 [View]
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Are there any books, podcasts or YouTube vids on how to write as in forking good habits and tips on clarity how to get published etc? Preferably worthwhile stuff, not looking for YA. Only ones that I’ve checked out are Stephen King (who says make a habit of writing at least 2,000 words a day) and John Gardner who is helpful stylistically. Struck and White’s book Elements of Style is good for style of course but a lot of that you get from reading excellent stylists

>> No.21312097 [View]
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I know people here generally don't like JP but his Biblical Studies and Maps of Meaning are unfathomably based. I'm looking for podcasts that are as good as that om Spotify (I have it for free, don't want to buy Youtube premium) to listen while I'm at work or workout. Stuff that's literary, historical or philosophycal. I also tend to enjoy anything that that has Jung in it.

>> No.21307547 [View]
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Any /lit/ podcasts you recommend?

>> No.21282891 [View]
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Sup bros, I’m going solo camping soon and I’ll be doing a ton of hiking and hanging out in the dark. I used to listed to a lot of corny podcasts about spooky stories and murders and stuff like that but I’m looking for a book or maybe a scary collection of short stories that’s not too hard to follow. I’ve been told Stephen King — what do you guys think?

>> No.21264954 [View]
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What literary/fiction podcasts and audio dramas do you listen to?
>inb4 not muh books
No board for this and I wanna know about lit podcasts specifically.

>> No.21255497 [View]
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Should I read Jordan Peterson's books? I've only watched his videos and a couple of Joe Rogan podcasts with him

>> No.21052435 [View]
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Does anyone know of some based booktubers in French? I want to improve my French listening ability, but I hate podcasts, TV, and most Youtubers.

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