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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7024705 [View]

Starting firat day of university today. Is there a reliable place to get free textbooks?

>> No.7004871 [View]

Thank you so much Anon. I really appreciate this.

>> No.7003773 [View]


>> No.7003761 [View]


>> No.7003674 [View]
File: 32 KB, 260x334, 61261niA5UL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/
Im looking to get a .pdf of Francis Mallmann's book "On Fire"
Can anyone suggest a good site to find it?

>> No.6954217 [View]

I don't think so, but I like it, too.

I read it when I feel sad and like my life is stuck in a rut. You should read "The Rebel" or "The Stranger" next. The Rebel is non-fiction and a manifesto of sorts centered around the same Absurdist thought that inspired this essay.

The Plague is like a feels story for anyone who relates to The Myth of Sisyphus, but it's much more powerful since it's a full-length narrative.

>> No.6952118 [View]

Subtext does not exist.

>> No.6952015 [View]
File: 53 KB, 500x634, punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourite pastimes is taking part in pub quizzes, quiz leagues, and just generally improving my general knowledge. Does anyone have any ideas for good resources for improving one's literature general knowledge (other than reading books, which I already do!). Can anyone recommend any good books, websites, apps etc other than Wikipedia with good summaries, lists, biographies, and so on, bridging the popular and the acclaimed.

>> No.6947311 [View]

So do you write (and send) the whole thing or just excerpts?

>> No.6946984 [View]
File: 132 KB, 376x417, publish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /lit/, how exactly do you get published?
What is the process?

>> No.6944514 [View]


>I enjoy audio books more than actual reading

>> No.6944481 [View]


The black swan.


>was going to say "how to win friends and influence people" Such a great fucking book.

>> No.6933069 [View]

see you then.

>> No.6932990 [View]

How about tomorrow at 4? I'll be reading Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.6932901 [View]

Yeah sure. I have no idea how to go about this though..

>> No.6931240 [View]

Tender is the night
Absalom, Absalom!
Book of the New sun
cities of the plains trilogy
No country
also interested in a dc/dupont meetup

>> No.6922097 [View]


Yes to all of these.
"It" especially

So just how real women are then?

I agree with this.
I think just his sheer size of work and the fact that they also turned most of his books into TV-movies or movies adds to it as well.

sadly I agree, I read most of his stuff as a teenager and enjoyed it. He got me more interested in reading at a young age which is cool. But, He's not what I would consider a great author now. He has his tropes and he is entertaining and has a few good stories but

biggest disappointments
>Doctor sleep
>The wind threw the keyhole
>the 7th dark tower

lot of really good points

>> No.6921954 [View]


>all these books were gifts.

and why read Kant when he just gets blow the fuck out by Hume?

>All this Kant shilling, no real discussion on philosophy

aren't we all?

>I would get books to impress teenagers on a taiwanese basket weaving forum.


>> No.6920061 [View]

Think its the lighting, the steak was great.


Kant sucks.

Anco is fantastic.

>Thanks for the great post though

>if you want to be dysfunctional and weird

My greatest ambitions in life really...

Math is not the perfect language.
>All code has bugs.
This has been a fun birthday thread, Thanks everyone. :D

>> No.6917775 [View]


>projecting so hard

Oh Friendo, is something upsetting you?
Do you want to talk about it?

Thanks annon, I will. :D

>> No.6917746 [View]


>for you

>> No.6917727 [View]

>how the fuck can you eat that much

I like to run.
>have to put down about 3000 cals a day.

We also had
>calamari, and prosciutto wrapped mozzarella
>lobster mac, wild mushrooms and some greens.

Thanks annon! :D

>> No.6917685 [View]
File: 122 KB, 725x940, bdaydinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917659 [View]
File: 84 KB, 1294x490, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sung tongs or strawberry jam are next on the vinyl get list.

>exactly this.
Wanted something physical for a change.

Thanks annon, Mom said almost the same thing

Thanks annon, Mom said the same thing at dinner.

Plan to finish meditations and Prometheus rising tonight so I can start on the rest of the pile

>He's reading stuff he wont really understand just so he can be smug / pretentious.

Again, Projecting much friendo?

implying I haven't
>linguistic turn will ever be over

Thanks anon, books make great gifts.

>>a-autism!! You are not the Real Human Experience!!!

fucking topkek

I enjoy books, fiction books count, and there are some good ones.

>muh prose
>muh Bildungsroman

>Meanwhile philosophers go about understanding reality, language, morality, consciousness etc.. etc..

Sure they do buddy.
>great fiction authors dont touch on the same subjects in their works.

this threads great.
>all these butt mad Kant shills.

Nothing is stand alone...


>pic related

Who would do that, who go on the internet and lie about things like that?

They are. Read some GEB

>so anus angry


Thanks annon, it was a great day.

>The internet makes amateurs and dilettantes feel like experts.

>Dunning–Kruger effect is strong everywhere.

Don't feed the trolls kiddos. Ill post a pic of the lobster tail and next.

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