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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7250641 [View]

>book pussy

arguably the best kind.

>> No.7233983 [View]


I'm a mediocre writer, and I'm trying to do just that. It'd be a tad embarrasing if I get rejected by myself though, so I'm being careful to preserve my pride.

But that doesn't mean I can't be a harsh critic, does it now.

>> No.7233880 [View]

I'm doing it mostly for the resume perks. That, and because I like modern literature, I guess. I'm deputy editor, but the person in charge seems fairly content with the current direction.

I just need to find some way to broaden their horizons beyond that of the undergrad-tier canon. I used Tao Lin as an example in jest, but frankly he'd be a better choice than more Angela Carter or Conrad.

>> No.7233821 [View]

nigger i'm a fine piece of ass, my mom told me so.

>> No.7233801 [View]

Nah it's a volunteer post. The co-editors are all female and seem afraid of me, being a guy.

>> No.7233784 [View]

Implying Linlad is wew as fuck.

>> No.7233781 [View]
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I did a bad thing. An ad at my uni wanted editors for a new student journal about "modern literary theory". Unfortunately, most of the submissions are recycled first year essays, and are of monumentally shite quality. They're simply boring to read. No originality, transgression or wit.

I'm a philosophy major, but have a strong background in English lit. Any suggestions on how to save this endevour, or should I just abandon ship? I'm thinking of steering it towards a focus on Tao Lin (kek).

pic related, every essay focus ever

>> No.7190554 [View]

care to explain how does your opinion on a single author make someone else a pleb?

>> No.7184405 [View]

you stole my soul
you stole my soul
all these sins define character
Ive got an absence of that
drugs joblessness incongruence
its all an aspect of self
all Ive got is my delusions
and a medication that deprives
made by some scientists
who knew nothing of me
you go on about your master plan
really your holding the deck
in your idle hands
dropping what suits your mood
as though your the man
im sorry but I had to say it
youve got a big head
and a big stead to do as you please
but really your the same as me
just another punk mc
whos really holding back
youre whole crew is a bunch
of paranoid crackheads
bottom line youre crazy
and you have the audacity
to project those insecurities
man why do I even pay attention
you want riches and spirit
those designer clothes have holes
at least that should be the status quo
because it would denote
the truth about your skillset
a man blessed with heritage
but not much else

>> No.7176789 [View]

I want to be everyones friend
I cant stand having enemies
I cant stand being hatefull
I want to do nothing but love
Im sick of artistic critique
instead of appreciating
the efforts in a creation
Id like to believe everyone
has a good quality
I wish we could all coexist
I feel like hate is a sickness
and though it may be a fact
for a moment we can fly
above its tentacles
let us be let us live in harmony
the key to a lovely world
is not anyone specific policy
but a focused intelligent effort
than we can all take part in
so lets give this all weve got
why are we living
if not to get along
I sew the seeds of dischord
as I sew the seeds of harmony
so one day it will all fall apart
but ill come back to take part
in its rejuvination

>> No.7176622 [View]

sometimes you need to believe
sometimes you need to silence the voices
the crowd can be venemous
you can learn something
Im making a noise that reverberates
Im counting my sheep while lions sleep
I accept that im shit
keep on faking it till youve made it
people put too much emphasis
I can take criticism but dont depend
I actually like hearing that im shit
it shrinks my often big head
those ventracles are swollen
a blood vessel could burst a cornary
and that would be the end
though unfortunate
I know some forget how it felt
to be in a place where they were less
than their peers their friends and foes
rebellion is curse that seldom bears fruits
against the powers that be
and we call that stability

>> No.7176586 [View]

filled with a euphoric lust
I cant look you in your eyes
they shine bright they penetrate
my soul I dont want you to see
everyone wants to witness
Im full of a euphoric lust
but you cant see
Im starting to see the truth
your mantra share the karma
but I just cant I wont give thanks
Im enjoy my peace of mind
that comes from being me
everyone wants a piece of me
dear everyone go fuck off
learn to love your selves
and stop jocking me
you tortured me into infinity
and now you want a piece
but I just wont share with you
you dont deserve my pain
you deserve the hell you chose

>> No.7172170 [View]

im good enough for you im not
make a decision or not dear
my dear im so tired of conflict
I spend time dreaming of days
where I can be so free
where I can be a man
but in my ruined state of being
I fail miserably
and thats because I suck
so stuck in superficial levels
that I hope to be seperate from
Im a wounded creature
but I have cogniscance of self
so everything is relative
please believe your will is free
please believe we can be
my dear im fading fast
and hes crying at last
the whole squads on to me
trying to drop my ass
I have to face my fears or else
I risk not existing at all
is is it too late to do the right thing
these hard choices are destroying me
I cant keep on begging for mercy
I need to face my fate my enemy
I need to face some kind of adversity
because all of my fears
a making the worst of me
I cant pretend I know the end
the man eaters lay still
waiting for me to say I will
mediocrity is my enemy
so I hope I endure that I believe
because all Ive got I see
and its not that grand
some kind of shitty career
that Im protecting like its my dear
so I ask for wisdom whats the plan

>> No.7171891 [View]

I keep on making mistakes
I pray your patience endures
Im hurt I feel cursed
because my expression draws
unwanted attention
the kind that comprimises
what am I missing stop smiling
stop thinking your better
the memories tell a story
all you people playing theatre
with my life and us
my friend told me his anxieties
Ive got an unstable component
pray it doesnt blow up
my progress is slow but steady

>> No.7170102 [View]
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 22609a1e-a1a2-4a01-aa71-feaf629eebee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to share some stuff I've written.
The photograph of Chris Farley is unrelated.


I had a friend
but now I don't
I burnt her mail
and pawned her coat
a nasty wail
a ringing gloat
I rent the sail
and sank the boat

despite the nail
we stayed afloat
I prayed for hail
to fill her tote
a stinging gale
to slit her throat
no means to bail
no hymn to quote

an ego flail
a belly bloat
seductions fail
a sour note
I sheathed the veil
the ring the rope
the lonely trail
to Naughtielope!


When she holds
bends and folds
truth be told
never limp
Hot and cold
mold my soul
gypsy imp
Voyeur wash
peek and watch
carve a notch
draining lymph

>> No.7155138 [View]

Are you me, Anon? It's taken me ages.

>> No.7154992 [View]

Fordham Econ major Philosophy minor
pretty much exactly what the chick in Whiplash said. Entirely meh.
Absalom, Absalom! maybe or Blood Meridian but that's kinda cliche soo

>> No.7115935 [View]
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Anyone got a .mobi/epub/pdf of Pierre Guyotat's Tomb for 500,000 Soldiers, shits expensive

>> No.7110712 [View]
File: 64 KB, 600x659, this_fucking_madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a good guide to the Cantos?

>> No.7080988 [View]

>Give her Commentaries on the Gallic War
I didn't know this existed and it sounds mad excited. Cheers, big fulla.

This guys got my back.

>> No.7080956 [View]

I've got my own shit, man.

I love comics, thanks.

>> No.7080939 [View]
File: 32 KB, 500x498, 1396460841746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This slut that reckons she's my girlfriend wants to read a historical book about Rome. Thing is, if a book is too challenging for her she'll just put it down (happened with Mein Kampf).

Is The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire a difficult read? Is the prose as dated as the book? Do you have another recommendation that may suit better?

>pls i want my gf to read books

>> No.7065714 [View]

Singer absolutely believes that suffering has an 'n' value that is absolute.

>> No.7065693 [View]

yikes.com while the goldfinch was a great book there's no way you can pass it off ass 'literary' without at least a discussion of whether or not it even attempts to escape genre fiction (which I believe it does not).

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