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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7428231 [View]

I did it >>>>>7428204

>> No.7428206 [View]

Is this about incest?

>> No.7428204 [View]
File: 32 KB, 300x300, early-cuyler-hats-squidbillies-3_zps5b3e0af6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sidewalk artist sits street side
sketching silently
talking in a chalk dialect
A sweat-stained red bandanna
wrapped around his dreads,
as his head bobs to the beat
of his brother's drumsticks
on an empty bucket

His zip-lock bag of pens
all gifts from friendly strangers
His cardboard canvases
plucked from trashcans
and propped up
on makeshift stands
waiting for a gracious glance
or generous hand
to fill his rust covered can
with a few bills

The reggae band downtown
has the crowd in a trance
by blackmagic melodies
and mellow vibrations
colliding with the herb smoke
that floats through the fall air,
as the poets and street preachers stare into the flowing sea of faces
and declare the empty spaces
between revelations
to be the genesis of true beauty

The whole scene is serene
and eclectic
Hip-hop heads
and bellbottom hippies
sharing the pavement
and trading electric phrases
with the funky fresh rockers
and pop-punk kids
The sound of respect echoes
and reverberates
off plate-glass windows
and the polished tiles
of the office building obelisks

We are a family of free spirits
related by the beat
A community, tuned-in
to a collective subconscious
our feet move in unison

Soulmates meet on street corners
as ideas are born in beer gardens
and divebar bathrooms
Wallflowers bloom
and assume new identities
with bodies of white-light
Illuminated by the music
of synchronized minds
and rooted in the eternal truth
of one love

>> No.7426222 [View]

> le fedora tip

>> No.7424149 [View]


I've only read HoL, and I concur.

>> No.7424067 [View]
File: 5 KB, 266x190, 2015-12-05-08-06-13--1896495501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gardener

I chose a rose of distant root
With petals pale and fair as snow
I did not look upon her shoot
whereon her thorns acute did grow

The rose I chose by sweetest scent
With emerald leaves at budding base
Did cause a blush to flush my face,
I bent to pluck, and I lament

I placed my rose within a vase;
A prison made of painted glass,
I watched her wilt as days did pass
As time ran out and I gave chase

>> No.7424054 [View]
File: 54 KB, 500x534, 10016005_3_500_534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Flavor Of Your Name

I spoke to you in whispers,
Gentle words against your ear.
It was clear you were still sleeping
I knew in your dreams you'd hear.
I ran a finger through the space
Beneath your chin, your satin neck

I am a wreck, reciting memories
I'm soaking in regret

I remember slipping notes into your purse,
Before the dawn.
And breathing in your subtle scent
So deeply, fully I was drawn.
My hands fit firmly to your waist
As if designed to be connected

I've collected and rejected every second.
I've deflected blame,
I feel ashamed of wasted chances
Just about the same
As I remember second glances and the flavor of your name.

>> No.7424050 [View]
File: 11 KB, 239x211, 2015-12-05-07-59-42--722341668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread for anyone's poetry. Critique and discussion are welcome.

>> No.7331158 [View]

can we not

>> No.7320673 [View]

>shorter sentences visualise better on my smartphone

>> No.7288636 [View]

keked. This is why we need Culture Minds in our lives.

>> No.7288624 [View]


muh absolutism

>> No.7288595 [View]


I wouldn't mind reading it too, tbh.

>> No.7288258 [View]

though butter qrumpets hurt when you fart

>> No.7286094 [View]
File: 35 KB, 239x182, mfw+i+thought+the+red+dot+was+something+dirty+on+_2b5e2cb812c3d7e4a65ba429e0ce65d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a site where I can read free history books like Eumenes of Cardia, Anabasis, Homer or any other interesting works?

I'd buy the books but I'm poor as hell and can't afford €130 books.

>> No.7265691 [View]

Shameless selfbump

>> No.7265621 [View]


>> No.7251054 [View]

It's more a principle-fap tbh; had that chicks face in my folder for a while, never bothered to hunt her down. Nudes are actually pretty poor (still came).

I wish you a life safe from v&'s, Pornographer.

>> No.7251019 [View]


I'm going to dedicate the book I'm currently reading (Matter by Ian Banks) to you. My book diary will read "Matter, Ian Banks, Finish Date, Dedicated to Anon and his dick-pleasuring astuteness".

Thank you.

>> No.7250775 [View]

Just some bird I found on 4chan a couple years ago, no name as of yet. You're welcome to hunt for a name though.

I imagine that'd become more apparent as I read more of him.

I feel like this should be in comic book.

>> No.7250730 [View]

Could you elaborate on why Palahnuik is a hack? I haven't read all of his works, but he seemed indifferent to consumer demands to me.

>> No.7250714 [View]

Someone who needs more Rand in their life?

>> No.7250676 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1000x737, 1436986332780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Following on from that, actually, I also consider one a hack when they deliberately choose to be monumental faggots and sell their soul by writing clickbait, femidrama and "game journalism", but obviously have solid style and worthwhile talent.

Obviously my opinion is my own. I'd like to see what other definitions are bouncing around for people.

>> No.7250665 [View]

No, what you're getting is a load of shitposts.

I consider a hack to be someone with little original thought; one who has figured out what will get his book to sell loads and subsequently allows the quality of his work to slip in favour of meeting deadlines and such.

There are exceptional authors who have their market, blazing production speed and top quality writing, but they're rare.

Hack authors are sellouts.

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