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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1324119 [View]

Heh nah - that's past my time man. I'm 25 now, the books I'm talking about I was reading somewhere around 4th or 6th grade.

>> No.1324111 [View]

He's right about one thing - I'm pretty sure I do not stand a change against /b/
Whatever that means.

>> No.1324104 [View]

Oh man, this needs to be a sticky.

>> No.1324102 [View]

I wish I still had all my Goosebumps.
There was another children's series I read when I was younger, that I can't remember the name of. The main character was like, on a different planet, or maybe it was just that there were aliens on earth. Fuck, I remember so little of it, except that I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I remember one time an alien was telling him about how it was impolite to criticize people for burping and whatnot on their planet, because it was only a natural bodily function.
And in another of the books, on the school bus, the bus driver put a silence bubble thing on a student acting up.

>> No.1324097 [View]

Also, I've decided that I'm going to break down and read Martin's books, the A Whatever of Whatever and Whatnot series. I haven't read any fantasy (unless Ivanhoe counts?) since I was in high school, which was a shamefully long time ago. But fuck. If the series is good I'll read it.
But not until he's finished with it. He looks fat and old - I'm afraid the fucker is gonna keel over from a heart attack before he finishes the series. I don't want to start something if I can't finish it.

>> No.1324095 [View]

Yeah, I'll definitely have to start lurking there more. Just a quick browse revealed much that is relevant to my interests and conducive to my enjoyment.
Like I said earlier, I tried /mu, but fuck that place sucks.
I go to /ic when I want to pick up something I can use for my own drawing, but it's not exactly a great place for conversation.
I see much potential in this /lit - /tg alliance.

>> No.1324083 [View]
File: 25 KB, 478x468, 1263790092325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324076 [View]

I didn't remember this until we were talking about it in another thread.

Compare Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut with Fight Club. Be amazed.

>> No.1324075 [View]

I keep meaning to spend more time over at /tg

3rd edition DnD fag here.
Also MtG
Also Hero Quest, the board game, motherfuckers. I loved that shit. I can't find it anywhere now.

>> No.1324073 [View]

Breakfast of Champions was really good - it's lots of people's favorite. It's very meta-literary. Unique. Has that element instead of sci-fi.
I have heard it said before that there were people who read and did not enjoy Sirens of Titan. I haven't ever met one of these uncultured, lifeless shells that passes as a human, as of yet. But I hear they exist.
Sirens of Titan and Slaughterhouse 5 share a common theme, of the dissolution of time.
Sirens is by far the most outlandish of his work that I have read.
Cat's Cradle was the first that I read by him. I realized instantly that I was going to have to read everything by Vonnegut. I also realized how liberally Chuck P. had been drawing from Vonnegut's work.
I have yet to read Bluebeard and Mother Night.

>> No.1324067 [View]
File: 62 KB, 798x604, yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324061 [View]

Oh okay.

I probably won't get around to seeing it, though.

>> No.1324058 [View]

Eh, I'm not really going to raid anybody.
Just talking about exciting stuff is about the extent of youthful vigor I can muster anymore.
It's almost one in the morning. I'm gonna finish this beer, read a couple cantos out of the Divine Comedy, and go to sleep. I have a job in the morning, you know.
Best of luck, though.

>> No.1324052 [View]

This has potential.

"Return from whence thou came! Little beknownst
to thee, thy intended receiver resides in this abode no longer!"

Yeah. Something like that. You're on the right track, for sure.

Gosh, I can't wait till the next letter to someone that isn't me shows up in my mailbox now.

I would google "Shakespearean insults," for some good material.

>> No.1324049 [View]

Am I the only person here that thinks that anthropology is a stupid fucking word?
My friend said she was taking an anthropology class. I said, that tells me about as much as saying you are taking a science class.

>> No.1324038 [View]

I think it's just because I prefer not to multiclass.

>> No.1324035 [View]

Fight Club the movie was amazingly true to the book. But of course it did miss some things.

Ever see the Animal Farm movie? Don't.

I did an essay on Fight Club when I was in high school. And it wasn't till I started writing the essay that I realized the main character is never given a name

>> No.1324030 [View]

Yeah, I went over to /mu for a minute. It was wretched.
I go over to /ic every once in a while.

>> No.1324024 [View]

What's your favorite Vonnegut? I think mine is either Sirens of Titan or Player Piano.
I really love Player Piano.
I didn't read any sci fi at all for years - then picked up Sirens of Titan. Mind was blown. I read the book in one day.

>> No.1324023 [View]

Oldfag detected

>> No.1324022 [View]

I also loved this book. But I feel like the book was actually two chapters longer, and for mysterious reasons, Steinbeck decided to end it where he did. It was... abrupt.
Have you read any other Steinbeck? I think my favorite is East of Eden.

>> No.1324019 [View]

I just looked up a synopsis of this book at wikipedia.
>an American boy transported to a magical world and supernaturally aged to adulthood.
I think I just thew up a little bit in my mouth. I have to go brush my teeth.

>> No.1324010 [View]

I really liked Where the Red Fern grows.

I oughtta read that again.

I say that about so many books. Then I spend all day talking about books on /lit instead of reading them.

God. Fucking. Damnit.

>> No.1324005 [View]


Sorry, I don't know about the pirating books whatnot. I find books for a dollar in thrift stores, and 0.01 cents on amazon. Reading is not exactly an expensive hobby.

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