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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.723007 [View]

I did love the forced justification for Dumbledore being an ass and not revealing anything. Too much of #7 was spent with Harry sitting in his bloody tent going "I don't know what to do!!!"

>> No.722936 [View]

Yeah, I don't know what the fuck she was on but the entire book was a complete mess.

>> No.715672 [View]

It has a good structure but too much filler in the middle there.

>> No.715661 [View]

shit would be automatic troll fodder

>> No.715652 [View]


Well, I say that because I couldn't stand Madame Bovary as a character. Moreau is much better and hence my higher opinion of SE as a whole.

>> No.715636 [View]

I wouldn't mind the length of the series if the length of his sentences weren't page long.

>> No.715642 [View]
File: 24 KB, 316x511, bad_voltage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.715628 [View]

Eh... I don't like either of those two Murakami novels but if you want weird / surreal then read Kafka, if you want normal / relationships read Norwegian Wood.

>> No.714901 [View]

I'm one of the few who preferred the second book (it dropped all the trying-too-hard to be adultness of the first). The First Law triology is better though.

Still, hopefully Lynch will one day stop doing a GRRM and will release Republic of Thieves because I am wanting to see where the series goes.

>> No.713997 [View]

His defeat by Harry was pretty underwhelming (but then the entirety of the last book was thus).

>> No.711603 [View]


Well, okay, it does slow down during the Straylight Run but otherwise I thought it moved pretty swiftly.

>> No.711589 [View]

Go for Ligotti and Aickman.

>> No.711586 [View]

You should enjoy it because, its pioneering imagination aside, it's a great, fast paced adventure novel.

>> No.710729 [View]

>Cazaril heard the mounted horsemen on the road before he saw them.

>> No.706827 [View]
File: 53 KB, 300x464, burn_collector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.706690 [View]

Some parts should be edited down but overall it's a very good book and easy to see why it was a bit of trendsetter.

>> No.703670 [View]

>Putin Sensei

>> No.703544 [View]


As if Gibson deliberately set out to define the genre and "cyberpunk" wasn't a tag later applied by others to his work.

>> No.703494 [View]
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>> No.698785 [View]

Awesome, despite a couple of areas that could be cut (Tom fucking Bombadil).

>> No.698748 [View]
File: 53 KB, 300x464, burn_collector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.698694 [View]
File: 145 KB, 436x500, 27018456493c242f065f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For shame, /lit/, that no one thought to post this famous picture first!

>> No.696212 [View]

Your dog dies
it gets run over by a van.
you find it at the side of the road
and bury it.
you feel bad personally,
but you feel bad for your daughter
because it was her pet
and she loved it so.
she used to croon to it
and let it sleep in her bed.
you write a poem about it.
you call it a poem for your daughter,
about the dog getting run over by a van
and how you looked after it,
took it out into the woods
and buried it deep, deep,
and that poem turns out so good
you're almost glad the little dog
was run over, or else you'd never
have written that good poem.
then you sit down to write
a poem about writing a poem
about the death of that dog,
but while you're writing you
hear a woman scream
your name, your first name,
both syllables,
and your heart stops.
after a minute, you continue writing.
she screams again.
you wonder how long this can go on.

>> No.693868 [View]


Well, OP covered things pretty well on publishers. But if you want another nugget of wisdom, well, go to a good bookstore!

Avoid going to the nearest national bookstore and go to somewhere small and independent. There, for starters, you'll actually find all these sorts of books. A decent indie will cut the crap and present you with a much better range. Simple!

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