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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23506547 [View]


>> No.23506546 [View]

it sounds better my way.

>> No.23506545 [View]

It's interesting how LiDAR is used for both space exploration and conservationism. The math and physics behind LiDAR is extremely complex.

>> No.23506544 [View]

Something that inspires hope in the new generation. Or some fun grand fantasy that will let you flex your brain before you hit the great beyond. You've read to learn, read for fun. The guy reccomending you turner diaries is attempting to do the opposite of letting you rest in peace.

"The gods are bastards" is a good one. A mix of american western and fantasy, but a pretty new work by the standards of /lit.

>> No.23506543 [View]

because muslims strap bombs to themselves, and try to kill you for even talking about muhhamad. Also most atheists are just reaction to christianity and their parents.

>> No.23506542 [View]

I disagree. Both are consonant. I take particular interest also in what's going in in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

>> No.23506541 [View]

I bet fat people mostly read (and write) genre slop.

>> No.23506540 [View]
File: 1.63 MB, 1413x1158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now let's compare it to various forms of smut for women.

>> No.23506539 [View]

I'm going through Songs of Experience right now and I find many of the poems incredibly powerful, though I'm new to poetry so I wasn't sure how his work is regarded. I've been particularly impacted so far by The Sick Rose, Nurse's Song and The Little Vagabond. Unfortunately no artwork included :/

>> No.23506538 [View]

My brain tells me that Hank Morgan seemed like a huge asshole and most of his inventions made Britain worse.

>> No.23506537 [View]


>> No.23506536 [View]

I have a non-existent disloyalty card for when I download e-books.

>> No.23506535 [View]

Clean your room.

>> No.23506534 [View]
File: 1.45 MB, 1960x2780, 1370663172073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilization was a mistake. I would have preferred being a gorilla or orangutan instead of a human being. I don't like chimps or bonobos though.

Almost every single person I've ever come to getting to know well, I have desired to kill and eventually end the friendship.

I am not a nihilist, but I am a massive misanthrope and dislike seeing even a tinge of "hope in humanity bullshit".

Right now, I have been watching a lot of Godzilla films and enjoy self-inserting as him.

>> No.23506533 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1400x1050, Philip K. Dick: PBUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" wasn't a book, it was a short story, and it served as the inspiration for the movie "Total Recall".

>> No.23506532 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 557x924, passing of arthur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the Death of King Arthur read from From Ritual to Romance and Mystery of the Grail.

>> No.23506531 [View]
File: 40 KB, 640x483, 1708569961198702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop reading
I think you may be in the wrong place anon...

>> No.23506530 [View]

what an absolute fag lmao. not a single tear shed for poor pedro trying to get representation for his chilean people

>> No.23506529 [View]

When does it become self made? Middle class to nobility? Or are you only self made if you start out as a street sweeper?

>> No.23506528 [View]
File: 76 KB, 452x379, 1718816037810522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sit on Uncle's lap, children. Oh! Don't mind that heh. Just uncle's wallet

>> No.23506527 [View]

It's true of all schools. It even applies to pure land, because birth in Sukhavati is not liberation, you still have to practice the path on your own.

>> No.23506526 [View]

ESL bitch OP wasn't able to form a coherent critique of Nietzsche. Not a single one of his main points was even contested. Consider >>23501966 and >>23503155 and consider rope.

>> No.23506525 [View]

You can read early works of Peter F Hamilton. Do not read anything after Void series

>> No.23506524 [View]
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x810, finally-own-the-whole-solar-cycle-v0-wjigoky58h091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic unrelated as i read it online but still. It took me almost half a year and i have not re-read anything but some chapters here and there.
I appreciate the prose and the philosophical insights more than anything. Sometimes feels like Wolfe makes things up as he writes the story and uses it as an excuse to express himself through Severian and his moral issues. The second and third series feel even more like an spiritual excercise than an actual scifi saga for the author, particularly Short Sun, which feels almost autobiographical at times. If you have read it you know what i'm talking about.
Anyone wanna talk about it?
I have a Short Sun theory but i can't back it up entirely and i probably missed the point but i think Hyacinth was an inhuma and that Silk died trying to get her to feed off himself and was not an actual suicide but more like a sacrifice he made out of love and still didn't work out.
End of Spoiler

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