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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22056249 [View]

Hey if editor-chan sees this.
Can you remind me the email I was using when I was talking to you. (You can post it here it's fine)
I need it to access the last version of Balls Above the World.
I'm going to have AI finish it for me then sell it to Netflix.
Also, I love u.

>> No.22054328 [View]

>we don't want AI and we shouldn't be forced to deal with it
There is a lot of shit we don't want to deal with but just have to suck it up and accept its existence.
AI is scary because its new but one day you will learn to love your machine overlords.

>> No.22054270 [View]

That's not me. I never wrote for no magazines, fool.
I'm way underground.
I've got a cult following who literally sacrifices goats in my name and call me father and I think one of them fucked a basketball but I had to kick him out because we ain't about that shit.

>> No.22005000 [View]

I know one with an owlbear rape.

>> No.22004693 [View]

It's almost been a year, rape-anon. Im sorry I made you feel bad when I called out your shitty rape story. Come on, let it go.

>> No.22003657 [View]

>how did you feel reading it?
>on a scale of 0-boring to 10-intriguing how would you rate it?
>how would you improve it?
By being a better writer
>would you turn the page?

It's flat, gives me nothing to immerse me in the scene, feels like its just a bunch of shit happening.
Read more and keep trying. Try getting into the characters more before just having a bunch of shit happen.

>> No.22003407 [View]

faggot, you didn't even post the part with all the character depth of coach Blackman and how he needs to earn the team's respect. Also, his wife left him and his daughter is retarded.

>> No.22003380 [View]

Don't you dare shit on my masterpiece!
That was the rough draft, btw.

>> No.22003211 [View]

Balls Above the World was a modern fucking masterpiece and anyone who says otherwise is just a hater.

>> No.22003208 [View]

Na you are right; over-reliance on a tool will lose you your ability to think for yourself. Thinking for yourself is the key.
GPS can help you navigate without removing your ability to read road signs. If you use it to do all the thinking for you and you never look at a road sign, then you are fucking up.
Same with a calculator.

In the case of AI, it can give you ideas for metaphors or better descriptions, but you still need to use your brain and decide if they are working or not and understand why they are working. Shit, I learn words from AI, I feel like it's improving my abilities. It gives me words I wouldn't have thought of on my own and shows me ways to use them that I had never considered.

It's all about how you use the tool.

>> No.22003173 [View]

Look, if I read something without rolling my eyes, cringing, falling asleep halfway into a description, or rereading because I don't know what the fucks going on, then that means it's good, and I'll say it's good.

>> No.22003159 [View]

You haven't been paying attention, then. I can be brutal. I haven't been on here in some months though, so you either missed it or don't remember.
If a passage is good then it's good, there isn't much to say. Had that been the opening passage of a novel I wouldn't be turned away from reading it. Are there ways to make it better? Yeah, always. Getting into that territory I'd end up just telling how I would personally write it which I don't think is always helpful either.

>> No.22002960 [View]

In the context of my criticism of said criticism, I felt "melodramatic" was meant negatively, and the implication was that the writer was being too dramatic and should tone it down, which I perceived as bad advice.
>trying to discredit someone's criticism because you feel bad for the author is not helpful.
That is not what I was doing, I believed it was a fine passage and I believed the criticism was bad.

>> No.22002863 [View]

I don't think it is melodramatic and that anon was wrong. It is a real scenario with real feelings. It conveys everything you just said it was supposed to.

You doing a fine job, anon.

>> No.22002792 [View]

I don't know what the "x in x out" means exactly. Other than that, it's a fine piece of prose and could work as the opening for a gritty fiction novel.

Not sure where this anon got gangbang from, guess the x in x out bit which I agree is unclear. Aside from that, it's clear her thoughts are directed at a single individual.

>> No.22002475 [View]

Use AI to help you think of metaphors and stuff, stupid. It's a tool; adapt to using the tool.
Guess it depends on exactly what kind of writing you are doing. If it's blurbs for businesses or something, yeah you fucked.

>> No.22002410 [View]

I'll never tell.

>> No.22002406 [View]

>only pursue writing as a career if it is an absolute obsession that you can not live without
*Unless you are stupidly smart, or stupidly talented, or have some circumstance where money is not an issue for you.

>> No.22002385 [View]


I've done some freelance ghostwriting and editing in the past, but I'm self-publishing exclusively original content now.
It has been said by others than me, but the best tip I can give is only pursue writing as a career if it is an absolute obsession that you can not live without. If you can check that box with confidence, then keep grinding and believing, and one day you'll meet your goals. You'll figure it out.

My only goal was to make enough from writing so that writing is all I have to do.

I write fiction. "Modern fantasy" is probably the best way to categorize it.

>> No.22002350 [View]

Making it as a writer does not happen overnight unless you are extremely lucky, or just that naturally talented (rare). For most, it is a lifelong obsession that sacrifices the comfort of a reliable income.
While working on your writing career, minimizing your expenses means less time working a menial job that you hate.

>> No.22002319 [View]

No, but I am making a living as a writer. Nobody on here believes me when I say it. They prolly jelly.
For the record, I do not live in a trailer in Wyoming.

>> No.22002104 [View]

get a trailer in wyoming and apply for food stamps.

>> No.22001874 [View]

I've been doing it for over 10 years, bitch.
If you desire for people to indulge in the fruits of your creativity, it is because you believe that you are special. For you to be special there have to be others out there who are not special. The moment you sit down and think "I'll write a book" it is an act of pure arrogance.

>> No.22001739 [View]

I guess you can call me Jesus.
I'm basically the next best thing.
So that's cool.

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