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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8950429 [View]


>> No.7366285 [View]

I literally barfed because of how awful this is.

>> No.7366281 [View]


>> No.6908556 [View]
File: 40 KB, 340x227, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy by Joseph Schumpetere
Das Kapital by Karl Marx
Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick
Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman
The Federalist Papers
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A Hayek

>> No.6908503 [View]
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>> No.6796079 [View]

hi, omegle

>> No.6796065 [View]

Well, the truth of the matter is, no one knows where consciousness comes from. And anyone who claims otherwise, is just grasping at straws.

>> No.6437348 [View]

>implying university professors give a fuck about you regardless

>> No.6322428 [View]


>> No.5744791 [View]

also, it'll never work if you care for any of the following:
>actually any form of material wealth that you hope to obtain from writing
you get the point
write as if you were anonymous; write as if your novel is published on 4chan

>> No.5542925 [View]

these are all unique posters

>> No.4888427 [View]

>burn down abandoned buildings
why tho

>> No.4697153 [View]
File: 68 KB, 624x352, COPS_intertitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please respond or I'm calling the cops

/lit/ police on their way.
is the car their medium?
is my arrest their message?

>> No.4173017 [View]

Or... the bias in convictions/sex assault for men is caused by the traditional social construction that assumes men shouldn’t be around kids.

What do I know. I'm just throwing ideas out there.

>> No.3619243 [View]
File: 20 KB, 326x313, 1301100456928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP does, I suppose. I'm just looking for a distraction from a stressful relationship with 'work stuff'—then I became caught up in this and thought, why not?

A mediaeval latinist (Buoncompagno) is the first to use punctuation similar to an em dash called an uirgula plana, which was used when the sense of a sentence was complete. This symbol appears again in Roger Bacon's Opus tertium. The uirgula plana was replaced by the periodus at the end of a complete idea. The clarity that the mediaevalists sought pushed the period into common use.

The 'em rule' was used by novelist Samuel Richardson when using dashes to express sudden changes in direction of thought in spoken discourse. His book Clarissa (1748) was very influential for shaping the use of the em dash.

By 1768 (due to publishing standards, the rise of novels, and other works on grammar based on Bacon's), em dashes were being used in English print, such as The Sentimental Journey by Laurence Sterne
>I felt a pleasurable ductility about her, which spread a calmness over all my spirits —
> — Good God! how a man might lead such a creature as this round the world with him! —

Using em dashes inside quotations appears in Charlotte Bronte's novel The Professor (1846)
>"Do you live alone—?"
But Bronte uses en dashes instead of em dashes in the following circumstance:
>[…] I should certainly devise some slight punishment – at your age – you must be two or three and twenty [.]
Though over the course of the mid 19th century the punctuation normalized to what it is today. Dickins and Austen were important in the standardization.

>> No.3618694 [View]


The earliest I remember seeing em dashes, off the top of my head, is from the early 19th century (Dickins, Austen, Wilkins). It seems to be fairly regular by then but I haven't worked on women writers for a while. However, I do know of a book where I can find out this information.

>> No.3615429 [View]

The different in placement is based on different usage of the em dash:
>"Someday he's going to hit one of those long shots, and"—his voice turned huffy—"I won't be there to see it."
This is marking an important point or digression.
>"I wanted to tell you that—"
>"—that you are better..."
This is interrupted speech. As other posters have pointed out, the first example could be replaced with commas instead of the em dashes, but the dashes provide an emphasis that commas do not provide. Commas, em dashes, and parenthesis have similar uses and sometimes the answer to which should be used is not as clear. However, I would argue that the em dashes provide clarity and cleanly distinguish the point from the surrounding dialogue. If I where to not use em dashes it would end up something like this:
>"Someday he's going to hit one of those long shots." His voice turned huffy, "And I won't be there to see it."
I know it removes the first comma, but just replacing the em dashes with commas does not have the feel.
The second example places the em dashes inside the quotation marks because they are a part of the dialogue and not part of the narration.

I fail to see how the following does not make sense if the em dashes are removed:
>"Someday he's going to hit one of those long shots, and I won't be there to see it."

>> No.3585552 [View]

>Infinite Jest
Amerifats gonna amerifat.
Now you gonna say Stephen King is good, lol.

>> No.3585549 [View]


>> No.3214948 [View]

wow, this is the most incredible thing I've ever read. Bravo, OP!!!

>> No.3128379 [View]

"Hello? Who is this?" being the phone scene I mean.

>> No.3069584 [View]

>split form from content
explain how i'm doing this?

>> No.3069576 [View]


>> No.2659939 [View]

Disregard this, I'm a faggot.

Sorry Sunhawk. I love you.

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