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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1052691 [View]

I've just finished Book One. It's... slow, draggy, unique(?) but it has a peculiar effect on me. I want to know what's going on.

So far I've caught on that mirrors has some importance in the story. I'm liking the book, but I can only read it once every so often, when I can concentrate.

>> No.1052681 [View]

Make an anagram from your name.

My pseudonyms are: Sir Ruban Allum and Lars Burnalium.

I also go around as Paul Hellion (you know, from "parhelion"?)

>> No.1052679 [View]

Hans Reiter


>> No.1052675 [View]
File: 51 KB, 340x428, itsahat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASL (if necessary; be a boss and skip it)
20, male, an exotic land far, far away.
>Currently reading
2666 by Roberto Bolano.
>Favorite book(s)
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, 1984 by George Orwell, Watership Down by Richard Adams.
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
Just like OP: Catch-22. I can't stand that.
>Literary character you wish you were
Johnny Truant? In that I wouldn't mind being skinny and creepy as fuck yet having as much pussy as I'd ever like.
>Do you write?
As a matter of fact, I happen to be a journalist and a professional author of smut.
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk")
I wear a hat. My hat is more famous than I am.
AIM: ciarandohertywod
MSN: superanomalous@hotmail.com
Skype: brilliantparhelions

>> No.1014749 [View]

Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god


I have like three different editions of this book, but I want this PDF so I can have it with me at any time I want.

>> No.1014696 [View]

Added you on shelfari for kicks and giggles. This site is really cool. I've been looking for a good library site thing.

>> No.1014644 [View]

Are you *actually* from Brunei?

Kuala Lumpur is a far superior city. Live here instead. We have better bookstores, too!

>> No.1014502 [View]

Not enough new friends here. Post more profiles.

>> No.1014459 [View]

It's a springboard to future success, hopefully. I mean, the more published work you have, the better, at least in my opinion.

I just happen to write about HARD, THROBBING PENISES entering QUIVERING, VELVET VAGINAS instead of serious themes like DIASPORA.

>> No.1014444 [View]

My erotica has been published in compilation volumes worldwide. I brand my real name on them so I won't hawk them on 4chan, though. ;X

But the bulk of my smut is private commission work for gentlemen and ladies who seek customized stories tailored for their turn-ons.

>> No.1014431 [View]

Thanks for the suggestion! Sounds like I'd like that a lot.

Oh, and yeah, I know Mole People is a crock of shit. There are plenty of holes in that story. Loved Toth's storytelling, though.

>> No.1014408 [View]

This has made me squirm and cringe. I am intrigued. I want to read more.

>> No.1014399 [View]
File: 54 KB, 515x366, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years old, male, living in an exotic land, far far away. I am a journalist and published author of smut. I wear a hat.
>Favorite books/things to read:
BOOKS: House of Leaves (inb4 haet), Watership Down, Mole People: Life Under The Tunnels Of New York, The Epic of Gilgamesh.
THINGS: Brochures, street signs, posters and Facebook profiles.
>What I am currently reading/interested in:
I've got a ton of books I bought but haven't read/finished. Right now, I'm on 2666 by Roberto Bolano. I also have Comrades In Miami by Jose Latour. I'm desperately trying to find my copy of If On A Winter's Night A Traveler by Italo Calvino. I lost it but I really, really want it back.
>(AIM, etc.)
AIM: ciarandohertywod
MSN: superanomalous@hotmail.com

>> No.1014285 [View]

I'm reading it now. I've got a rated reading speed of 800 words a minute but I've been at 2666 for four days straight and I'm barely past the first hundred pages. Not that speedreading matters, but I think it's telling of the book, that it plods along...

Anyways all I know is that Espinoza and Pelletier love Norton but Norton is indecisive and then SUDDENLY PAKISTANI


>> No.1000448 [View]

Also, awwww shit, Issue 5 has the Petronas Twin Towers on the cover.

I live in Kuala Lumpur. 'Gon subscribe to it.

>> No.1000432 [View]

Today is hot and I glare at the air conditioning for not doing its job, though I know full well that if it were sentient like I, it would tell me off for doing the same. My desk is a mess of scattered items with books, magazines, receipts, lists, phone numbers, invitations, brochures, newspapers and CDs purposely sitting in the way they sit now to fuck with my feng shui, creating an oppressive air that makes me impossible to work or write, hence my stream of consciousness style. I've considered cleaning it up, tidying it, stepping back and thinking of ways to stack books in the right, ideal order, but I am rooted to my chair and I can do no such thing. I can only sit and close my eyes and ignore the mess, and ignore the heat.

>> No.1000409 [View]

Why isn't called Trollface Literary Review, then?

>> No.1000390 [View]

What's the editorial process for ZWG like?

>> No.1000382 [View]

Only Revolutions is pretty, though. Check out the formatting on that motherfucker.

>> No.1000330 [View]

iBooks maybe?

>> No.1000312 [View]

Johnny's mom, the craaaaaazy woman

I read the first sixteen pages of the Sam bit to this girl I like as a bedtime story. Results were mixed. There is nothing to dissect, Only Revolutions is spam poetry.

>> No.1000282 [View]

Argh, I think I'll just download Delicious Monster for my Mac or something ;\

Thanks. Any other apps?

>> No.1000216 [View]

Sorry. Those are two things.


>> No.1000212 [View]
File: 137 KB, 395x366, dl2-iphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/tle girls, wanted to ask if you knew any apps for my iPhone I could use to organize the books I own in a visual and pretty manner (prettiness is why I have an iPhone, inb4 haters)

I don't want it to *read* books, just OCD-ly organize my collection. I've bought a ton of books that's been left unread, and I thought having a visual checklist to tick off would help me massively.

Pic is Delicious Monster for iPhone. It got yanked some time back. :(

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