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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4208461 [View]
File: 91 KB, 474x550, Lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No states allowed for anarchist. Noam may >>4208382
>Human Nature
Lel. Pic related.

>> No.4208334 [View]

My local flee market are Brooklyn hispter, OWSist s competing over who has the best banana nut muffin in Manhattan.

>> No.4208160 [View]

Really thought I'd be able to debate an Anarcho-Com in here, but I guess this devolved into an AnCap v. AnCom shit fest.

>> No.4207800 [View]

Talking about the anarchist here. Not Anarchism.

But even if they were better about oppressed nationalities, I still wouldn't be an Anarchist.

>> No.4207636 [View]

I was. Then I realized that Anarchism has been ineffective. I also realized Anarchist fetishized me. Ooh, I also saw that Anarchist put out the same arguments that the "gobermint" says about Communism (didn't fully understand what it was, but still was open to learning). They also didn't give a shit about oppressed nationalities (COLOR BLIND FULL ANARCHISM).

The final push over to Leninism was learning about Marxism, then understanding the analysis of the state.

Maoism reconciled whatever differences I held over from Anarchism with Leninism(People/Masses over "workers", Mass Line, Proletarian Feminism, Oppressed nationalities- as opposed to Bourgeois Identity politics- and etc)

>> No.4203776 [View]

/lit/ fails to realize that one can abstract ideas that contradict and make better ideas.

In fact, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism has tended to do so. See MLM analysis on Feminism and Oppressed Nationalities.

Oh yeah?

>What is science
>What is making shit more efficient

>> No.4203669 [View]

I'm back. And what the fuck.

>> No.4200767 [View]

*Let's continue here.

>> No.4200758 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 42 KB, 355x356, 1378943697038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe OP asked about Socialism.

Also, someone asked about Rosa Luxemburg's works and how Marxism-Leninism is different from OrthoMarxism and Western Schools of Marxism.


>> No.4200683 [View]

Oh fucking kek, the NCP is already being talked about.

Just wait for the NCP. For now, don't join RCP. Tbh, any ML party would be ok if you're just looking to meet folk and organize lightly. Although PLP's line is wrong and PSL has too much "talent" in a small chunk of party leadership, they're alright people.
Not a clue. They wouldn't openly call themselves marxist. Even the smaller ones. If they do, they're most likely trots who are probably on the Spart's level of FULLCOMMUNISM and not very poplar.

>> No.4200621 [View]
File: 45 KB, 501x499, liberal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A stateless and classless society.

Oh fugg

Here's a picture for the Anarchist. I took it from and anarchist MSpainted it. Ignore the class bit, I didn't feel like changing the text.

>> No.4200610 [View]

Could you elaborate? Give an example of the base doing so?

Stop reading Weber. Stop thinking socialism is the 3rd way socialism that Tony Blair put out in the 90s.

>> No.4200587 [View]

Culture (superstructure) is formed by the base, but is extremely influence on continually influencing the base (think institution)

>> No.4200584 [View]
File: 16 KB, 378x315, ma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a friend's chart describing the relationship.

>> No.4200553 [View]

>ahaha let bash this marx guy becase hes a communisr
>fuk reading lexD

Oh btw, if anyone has questions, you should ask now.

>> No.4200492 [View]

Oh, you motherfuckers about to get Marxed.

>> No.4200463 [View]

Hi. Only talk to Marxist. Thank you. Have a nice day.

>> No.4192015 [View]

On a slightly unrelated note, how would I upload pdfs and give them to you guys?

>> No.4192001 [View]

You keep saying it failed, but you're not explaining the grounds on which you believe this. Also, you say that communism is the ideology of 1st world psuedo intellectuals, but you're totally ignoring the fact that communist have mostly come out of the working classes of formerly or still underdeveloped countries. We still have movements around the world that are still communist (as in aiming to take the state). Naxalites (India)? Nepal? Cuba is a Marxist-Leninist, Socialist state that is doing quite ok. No one can really know or say much about North Korea. China is a fluke. Other non-ML socialist states (Venezuela)are also doing ok, but more than likely to get fucked over by US intervention.
Like I said, there are proper critiques of Stalin and any other leader after him.

However, claiming things like Stalin wasn't a Marxist and that x wasn't socialism stems from Anarchist. Anarchist are not Marxist. They are liberals.They analyze tooooooooooo much on the idealogical level.

Yeah, anyway, I will try not to be sectarian, but offer more criticism for now on. My bad.

Yes, Stalin's deviation from internationalism was rather bad. However, we believe that it was due to historical circumstance. Would you risk destroying the only country (at the time) that was for the masses, by the masses.

However, do not take an alliance with Stalin to mean that I believe in Socialism in One Country. Any other way, it would have been an lolnopebyestalin.

Also, I cannot claim anything about the cult of personality. I don't know if he wanted it, or it just happened to come about. However, most MLs do not believe in that. Only hardcore tankies.

>> No.4191934 [View]

/lit/, please stop being Ortho-Marxist/Trotskyist. Besides the whole erasing history and not being on the side of the masses, you also end up sharing your really underdeveloped analysis with everyone. It ends ups bringing backwards analysis to the 4chan table.

Well then again, this is /lit/ of 4chan.

>> No.4191917 [View]

>Not specifying anything
I'm still waiting.
Hi 1st day communist
Communism has never been achieved. A Communist is someone working towards Communism. However socialism is completely necessary as a transition to Communism.
You're being just as much of an anti-communist by saying Stalin didn't adhere to Marxism. There are proper critiques of Stalin that do not follow the revisionist line. Get on one.

>> No.4191855 [View]

So, how was he wrong?

>> No.4191847 [View]

My Anti-Communist sense are tingling so hard right now.

What's the issue?

>> No.4191830 [View]

Comrade Zizek, why haven't you accepted the Marxist-Leninist-Maoism way of understanding the world yet? It's really good and a superior form of Marxist-Leninism.

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