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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5566983 [View]

Sent ;)

pls ;_;

>> No.5566964 [View]

I'm not sure how to interpret this. Care to elaborate?

>> No.5566958 [View]

>implying I have the self-esteem or the confidence
Though I wouldn't mind having a mail correspondence or something. Just talking, y'know?

I feel a bit embarrassed that the first thing I thought was "That makes a lot of sense."
>tfw mother is a wiccan


>> No.5566936 [View]

Geez. English ain't my native tongue pops. No need to get your panties in a bunch.
You say that a true manipulator doesn't need to manipulate himself, that a manipulator can't be sincere, and that insincerity is easy to notice. Does that mean that a true manipulator is always sincere? Or that he just can't manipulate those of higher social cognitance? But wouldn't that mean that he'd need to manipulate himself into sincerity to convince people? I've got no clue where the fuck you're going with this.


>> No.5566913 [View]


Let's not get too hasty now. You've yet to win me over. Seven words.

>not recognizing that a true manipulator manipulates himself in order to manipulate others
>sociopaths not having a way higher empathetic ability than most people
Get your shit together you filthy pleb.

>> No.5566881 [View]

But my emotions are always sincere.
>not being a sociopathic empath

For you.

>> No.5566835 [View]

>being a fire sign

Taurus master race reporting in.

>> No.5566809 [View]

They weren't stupid people. And I sort of needed them to notice because being their friend was a pain. And I didn't want a double suicide on my hands.

Then again, compared to you I'm most definitely a pleb in this subject, you manipulative son of a bitch <3

>> No.5566802 [View]
File: 25 KB, 840x525, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top percentage
>tfw awful social anxiety
>tfw still an utter fool
At least it is of some comfort that I scored highest in the thread.

Good one.

>> No.5566795 [View]

D-does it make me any more patrician if the abuse went on for a year without them noticing? Or how about the fact that they still care for me?
Also, "Why couldn't you just have beat me senseless and put me in the hospital? Am I going to have to do that myself?" (Translated quote from female victim.)
>tfw I loved her at one point
Feels pretty good.

>> No.5566737 [View]

this and
this, pretty much.

>tfw when not interacting with enough people to have a good grasp on my personality
>tfw I found out that I am emotionally abusive from two friends just before they decided they'd had enough of my shit

>> No.5564591 [View]

I hope that redundancy is post-ironic.

>> No.5564554 [View]
File: 193 KB, 2880x1800, Gaiman on Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw loved once
Never again.

Just kidding. Sure, it sucked, but it was a worthwhile experience and I look forward to the next time.

>> No.5564498 [View]

Sincere Spite

>> No.5564130 [View]

I've read and enjoyed the works of Patrick Rothfuss.

>> No.5563985 [View]

No problem, mate. Best of luck to your quest of finding a book. And sweet dreams.

>> No.5563930 [View]

I've never really been blown away by non-fiction, but as far as fiction goes I have a few recommendations:

9tail Fox - John Courtenay Grimwood
End of the World Blues - Grimwood
(Excellent writing and neat ideas.)

The Foundation - Asimov
(If you're going to read this, read all of it; trilogy + prelude + that last one. It's quite a lot.)

Good Omens - Pratchett & Gaiman
(Funny and clever, not so much blowing of the mind.)

DADoES - Dick

Lies Inc. - Dick
(I'm still not entirely sure what happened in this book and I'll have to re-read it at some point. Great none the less.)

I'm also currently reading Stamping Butterflies by Grimwood and I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.5563760 [View]

Are we talking mind-blowing plots of fictional works or mind-blowing ideas and concepts of non-fictional works?


>> No.5563681 [View]


>> No.5563486 [View]

Yes. But you went as far as to create your own thread because the old one died. A bit excessive, no?
I haven't actually read your post, btw.

>> No.5563442 [View]

You come here for anonymity, but you want to be noticed? You wouldn't type out a post like that unless you were hoping someone'd read it. I don't get it...

>> No.5563402 [View]

You should probably take up being a tripfag, considering you were willing to make your own thread just to have your post seen.

>> No.5562346 [View]

>the original post wasn't about spatial imagination though, that's not the only kind of imagination
I know, I was just saying that we can understand the numbers behind something without understanding the spacial properties.

>also actually 4th dimension is spatially imaginable, you can even google for pics
Those pictures are 2D images of 3D renditions. Not entirely 4D if you ask me. And then we have the fifth and sixth and so forth, can you imagine them.

Me too. We should be best friends :3

Pretty much this. That explanation was how I first started understanding the higher dimensions. Gotta love the Sagan.

>> No.5562298 [View]

I think what he means is that while we understand the numbers behind it, and can discuss those numbers, we couldn't possibly spacially imagine linear algebra in 4+ dimensions.

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