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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.856004 [View]

Ew, books based on videogames always suck :(

>> No.852508 [View]

yeah, I decided to keep on with it for at least a few more chapters. I'm liking it more now.

>> No.852469 [View]
File: 26 KB, 316x480, n325845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started reading this, the writing is sorta meh so far. Should I solider on and expect it to grow on me? I'm not that far in.

>> No.851815 [View]

In highschool he is pretty much all I read.

I think his writing is very clever and he's got good ideas.

>> No.847844 [View]

Your post, and your wit, are off the mark!

>> No.847841 [View]

It was :( but whatever!

>> No.847460 [View]

wtf BN doesn't have it on ebook for the nook >:I

guess it's to the library I go!

>> No.847438 [View]

oh yeah, thanks for reminding me I need to read that book.

>> No.847380 [View]
File: 54 KB, 311x475, oranges2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a book that touched you on a personal level.

Oranges are not the Only Fruit, by Jeanette Winterson.

As a gay man with a Jehova's Witness mother, I could really empathize with the main character.

>> No.842920 [View]

Your dad being kind of a shitty person is hardly a counterpoint for anything I said.

>> No.842739 [View]

Solidarity, brother.

>> No.842720 [View]
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Sucks you got raped dude but being an asshole because rape victims are assumed to be female is sort of retarded.

Now you know how chicks feel in society at large, where maleness is assumed to be the norm and femaleness is considered strange and other.

>It absolutely fucking BAFFLES me that there are people (i.e. feminazis and idiots) who think men can't be raped simply because they're men.

Again, no one I am aware of has ever claimed this. Do you have any examples that come to mind, or are you just perpetuating a stereotype that has no basis in reality?

>> No.842687 [View]
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>which according to feminist theory is impossible because men cannot be raped.

Interesting. I've never heard any feminist I know make that claim. You have? And could you show me?

>> No.842515 [View]


Also I like Vonnegut's style, it's punchy and brutal, but I don't really want to emulate it since I like more sense imagery in my own writing, and being a bit more descriptive.

>> No.842477 [View]
File: 20 KB, 650x450, THE_INCOMPETENCE_IS_ASTOUNDING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, look. I'm sorry I brought up the term "RAPE", obviously you jibbering little children just can't hear the word without flying into an impudent castration-anxiety like rage. I just wanted to tell OP that what her boyfriend did wasn't cool and that since she seemed to imply that this negative experiance was causing some avoidant behavior, she seek conseling.

What OP experienced is not "technically" rape, but it is also not her fault, she was not a slut/whore whatever, she was taken advantage of, and should possibly seek out some emotional counsel.

No where has OP indulged in blaming men or being the shrill harpy you're flagellating in your straw effigies. Grow the fuck up, duders.

>> No.842451 [View]
File: 18 KB, 619x450, IM_NOT_ANGRY__JUST_DISSAPOINTED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you also think that the home-owners were at fault in the sub-prime mortgage meltdown?

>> No.842428 [View]

Nice projecting dude, I'm gay as springtime.

>> No.842426 [View]
File: 27 KB, 647x441, H4H4H4_WH4T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also personally my first sexual experience was kinda lame but also really enthralling. I did it when I was fairly young (so young I didn't know how to orgasm) and didn't know too much about what sex was, but having access to all those juicy organs for the short time the two of us played around really blew my mind and probably fucked up my personal sexual landscape a bit. Who knows though.

>> No.842399 [View]

I remember trying to read Gibson in middle school and again in high school, and just being confused as shit both times. "Do these sentences actually mean anything? This is english, right."

I mean I think Gibson might be talented and I'm either really stupid or he's a bag of hot air. Maybe both.

Also, I USED to emulate Terry Pratchett in my earlier writing attempts. Except, instead of canny british humorisms, I just packed it with LOL RANDOM shit. Embarrassing to recall.

>> No.842357 [View]

Yeah that's... not an okay thing for anyone to do to a person.

It's up to you if you want to seek therapy or not, but please, PLEASE understand that something like that is NOT consent, and that you were taken advantage of, which is a grievous amount of disrespect to your person.

It's the worst possible thing to consider something like that as normal or acceptable, and makes it easier for people to take advantage of you in the future because you haven't internalized a strong sense of having the right to deny people.

*shrug* just be careful, okay? I hate seeing stuff like this happen.

>> No.842314 [View]

bump for more suggestions :O

>> No.842299 [View]


I think you might benefit from seeing a therapist about the incident, yeah. Consent under duress is a form of coercion, don't be tricked by people into thinking it's your fault for eventually breaking down while intoxicated and threatened. What that guy did to you is not okay, and you should break up with him if you haven't already, since if he took advantage of you like that the relationship is imbalanced.

>> No.842283 [View]
File: 16 KB, 625x449, IM_DUMBSTRUCK_BY_THIS_IDIOCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, that's a male fantasy more than a universal truth among women. Most people, men or women, dig confidence, but not sociopathic tendencies.

>> No.842256 [View]

OP, you were raped. You might want to seek counseling.

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