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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17349621 [View]

Look at it as an opportunity to practice Stoic detachment from externals.

>> No.17349616 [View]
File: 1.83 MB, 2400x1254, hamlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a production of Hamlet that I can watch online. I don't mind paying.

My only particular request is that the staging not be contemporary; I don't want to watch Hamlet and Horatio, both wearing t-shirts, hanging out in a Denny's

>> No.17349202 [DELETED]  [View]

You know, Quills is full of delightful performances, but it never gives a fair hearing to the "other side" of the argument. The only fun characters are in favor of unbridled vulgarity, and the characters who want to restrict freedom of expression are stupid, annoying hypocrites on par with the uptight school administrator in a 1980s college sex comedy. If your movie's going to center on a debate between ideas X and Y, you should treat both positions with at least some seriousness. "Reds" does this very well. It doesn't strike a neutral position, but it at least gives the opposing viewpoint a compelling advocate in the form of Jack Nicholson's character.

Geoffrey Rush is marvelously charismatic, though; that makes up for a lot.

>> No.17349014 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, D3F9AE99-5429-481E-87E9-AD6C4A462A52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a new pen, and look how much packaging it came in! Oh my goodness.

>> No.17348977 [View]
File: 11 KB, 204x247, blumph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does bear a certain similarity to Hermann Goering.

>> No.17348858 [View]

I'm writing a book about all the deaths caused by democracy. Did you know that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has killed over 3.5 million people?

>> No.17348628 [View]

>Will there be a litany of biden books to fill the same niche?
There's no Biden personality cult, positive or negative. Even the existence of a Biden personality is debatable.

>> No.17348415 [View]

It's fantastic if you want to reassure yourself that your anti-communist views are justified. Hard to imagine it changing anyone's mind, though. "Wow, Stalin killed 400,000,000 people? I'd never heard that before! That really puts the Soviet Union in a new light!"

>> No.17348398 [View]

Socrates was unemployed irl; why not in our time as well? Surely we can at least agree that Diogenes would never have a job in any time period, unless he took it with the intention of doing a terrible job at it.

>> No.17347695 [View]

It’s 2:12 pm here, but goodnight anyway!

>> No.17347598 [View]

I just got to the Purple Wedding. Martin used the phrase “the specter at the feast,” which took me out of the action.

>> No.17347511 [View]

Can you expand on that?

>> No.17347487 [View]


>> No.17347477 [View]

>Strongly disagree.
On what basis?

>> No.17347469 [View]
File: 22 KB, 222x339, E12AAEBA-051B-43FC-8632-D8B0932C7B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Madeline Miller’s books worth reading? Is “Circe” or “The Song of Achilles” better?

>> No.17346653 [View]
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x1316, natsoc_utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you, we saw how well that worked out last time.

>> No.17346436 [View]

>I consider theologists crypto-atheists.
But what if Jordan Peterson is right and atheists are crypto-theists? Doesn't that mean that theologists just go back to being theologists again?

>> No.17346063 [DELETED]  [View]

"Super" was good.

>> No.17345953 [View]

Great literature thread.

>> No.17345562 [DELETED]  [View]

>implying pretentious dialogue is non-/lit/

>> No.17345544 [View]


What else do you recommend for someone suffering from a persecution complex about gays?

>> No.17345501 [View]

>Brooo I basically started my big reading phase with this book. I was 11. I still have very pleasant memories of its smell.
I was gifted it by a crush when I was in middle school. I read it entirely out of devotion to said crush. I've enjoyed a few Stephen King books since, but "The Tommyknockers" still stands out as a wretched and frustrating reading experience.

>> No.17345484 [View]

Arguably Tiresias would count.

>> No.17345476 [View]

Just learn to meditate; it'll help with the negative emotions that are clearly tormenting you at the moment.

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