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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15329909 [View]

And your god has alwaya been a fucking jew. Go back.

>> No.15328129 [View]


Sounds like you're thirsty virgins yourselves considering that you're desperate enough to slobber over a man who doesn't even happen to be single

>> No.15328050 [View]

Tell me how this fucking thread is any different from the hundreds of the pointless threads made by coomers and paypigs of some whore whose only claim to fame is having won the genetic lottery. Enlighten me before the mods decide to get rid of this thread alongside the faggot who made it.

>> No.15327971 [View]

I wouldn't post under a tripcode unless it were for the specific reason of rattling people on this board.

>> No.15327939 [View]

Eat shit and die attention whore.

>> No.15324643 [View]

Let it be known to posterity that incels are as a whole a biologocal and intellectual dead end. They can not be taught to appreciate art or contribute to it because their only reason to be acquainted with high culture is its shock value, and they can not be useful war assets because they refuse to sacrifice their lives for the survival of their community. Let the future generations handle this parasite by permanently moving it to where it rightfully belongs: in gas chambers alongside women and religious slaves.

>> No.15324269 [View]
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Hell is not and was never real. It is merely a boogeyman made up by jews and their semitic fellows to instill fear into the ignorant and stupid masses. The true one God is not concerned with your life any more than a human being is concerned with a pack of ants living underground. To imply that God would care about you is to attribute him a fallible and human nature and turn God into a mere caricature of an ultra-orthodox Christian man.

>> No.15324163 [View]

Christian literature essentially doesn't exist. All of the works which still hold up by today's standards are in a large part inspired by ancient greek and Roman classics, the occasional mention of random saints is only highlighted briefly and apt to appease the kiddie diddling priests alive at the time. Notice how the enlightenment and neoclassical movements disproportionately rely on pre-christian mythology. Those authors loved the Gods and would have willingly chosen to practice hellenism like their ancestors if freedom of religion had been a thing back then. It is a proven fact that no one wants to live under the rule of Christianity except bitter losers who wish to enact their own version of the sharia law. Christians and Islamists are two birds of the same feather, two tumors that plagued europe for centuries and that must be rooted out by means of violence, the only language that the jew worshipping Christians and islamists understood throughout the ages.

>> No.15321016 [View]

>Dorian Grey
hardly a gay novel, for fucks' sake Dorian would fuck anything that made his cock hard.
>they want homo because it's trendy and panders to sjw worldview
Yes, but that doesn't mean those horribly written faggot novels aren't used as fap fuel by women or that all women write gay novels only to comply to a sjw world view. The majority of the LGBT authors are exactly middle aged, single cat ladies who write fanfic-tier shit to appease themselves and their fellow perverts who fantasize about being men in homosexual relationships. I myself haven't ever heard of a single gay person who is into reading, let alone reading actually good literature because their tastes and opinions are so entrenched in their fag-inclusive pop culture trash that anything written prior to the birth of woke culture is regarded as oppressive and toxic according to their NPC mindset.

>> No.15320827 [View]

You have been ensnared by the vagina jew. Once you will relinquish your lust for whores you will realize how dumb you've been to fall for such a pathetic trap. Note that relinquishing your lust doesn't mean being a coping nofap faggot crying sour grapes but figuring out that real women aren't worth a second of your life.

>> No.15280781 [View]

The complexity of a bugman's writing is irrelevant. Poets, philosophers and novelists will be remembered as timeless thinkers who will be read and remembered by countless generations for ages to come. Your brain tumor inducing "writings" will at most garner you the fame of just another literal who among the sea of STEM spergs, not to mention that someone smarter than you will condense your excessively convoluted writings into a book or a documentary to make them more accessible to the general public. Right now, you're writing to allow someone else to take credit for your work, you're getting intellectually cucked by the people who will outline your studies for everyone else in the near future, you're getting fucked ahead of time.

>> No.15272874 [View]

If it's unfamothably nonsensical and has a excessive amount of incoherent sentimentalism accompanied by a litany of characters (mostly female but also gay males, often weak and effeminate) which collectively share a victim complex to the point of being unreadable, chances are the author is a woman.

>> No.15272592 [View]

How the fuck does he know if the same laws of logic apply to all the universes in the whole "universe"? How does he know if there's isn't an alternative condition that is neither existence nor non-existence? His system makes only insofar as it is relegated to our limited minds.

>> No.15272501 [View]

Leibniz's system falls apart the moment someone questions how is he so sure that there aren't any better worlds than this one or how he is able to tell if there are other possible worlds or not. As far as I know Leibniz couldn't even walk on the moon, so I doubt he even knew something about the existence of alternative universes.

>> No.15272385 [View]

He was an imbecile when it came to elaborating a philosophical thought, it was more of a copy-paste of his predecessors' philosophy mixed with bland religious superstitions that didn't add absolutely anything to the rationalist thought besides patching the holes in Descartes' system. Spinoza could've eaten this autistic religious fanatic for breakfast.

>> No.15272251 [View]

I can't still fathom how a total imbecile like Leibniz isn't regarded as dumber than Hegel on this board.

>> No.15272209 [View]
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>Christian unity was the only thing keeping Islam from rooting in Europe
Choose one

>> No.15272203 [View]

Jew worshippers like you belong in a gas chamber along with the rest of the long nose tribe

>> No.15272174 [View]

Christianity wasn't at any point in time an upholder of decency.

>> No.15272096 [View]

I hope this fucking disgusting kike dies a most painful and slow death and the thought police shuts down all and every single person who mention his name alongside his works. We've got to bring back Damnatio Memoriae and recruit hitmen to do away with decrepit sacks of shit like him. If we don't adopt an extremist mentality there will always be voices of dissent.

>> No.15254214 [View]
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>Natural Law has to do with certain principles which can apparently be reasoned towards
All of which is derived from a jewish book written for jews by jews. The fact that you're scrambling so hard to hide the fact that you owe the jews your whole religion should be a clear sign that my post hit close to home. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Christians are jews in denial, they share the same victim complex and subversive nature of their spiritual brothers.

>> No.15254116 [View]

So they appeal to the jewish law like the obedient little golems they are and don't have any argument against it besides muh babble. Chances are they'd start sucking cocks right away if sucking cocks were to be the 11th commandment in the bible.

>> No.15253949 [View]

What's the problem in having sex?

>> No.15253907 [View]

>on moral grounds
Which moral grounds? What's immoral about loving another man?

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