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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7082783 [View]
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When I was ten years old, I got the first two (only ones out at the time, if I remember correctly) Harry Potter books for Christmas.
Read them and realized I liked reading. Soon after I bought with my allowance money and read the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. Read the first five books of Dune after that. I dropped the sixth one because I didn't enjoy it and only read it many years later, when the author's son released the "seventh" book, so I can finish the series.

I read a bunch of other fantasy and science fiction stuff as a kid, from the Discworld series to Wheel of Time.

Started reading more serious literature in high school. Over the course of four years, I had to read a hundred or so classics in high school since I went to a relatively "elite", classical high school, the best one in my region of the country, so literature was taken pretty seriously there.

In the last year of high school I had to read In Search of Lost Time for an assignment and I hated that book so much it put me off reading for a couple of years.

I didn't go to a humanities degree so I didn't need to read literature in university, now I just read for my personal enjoyment.

>> No.7078123 [View]

There's a difference between science and scientism.

>> No.7063229 [View]

>Lits been around since 09
This can't be true. I'm 100% certain /r9k/ was only created in 2008, and /lit/ was created as a spinoff board from /r9k/. It can't have been made that quickly.

>> No.7048241 [View]
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http://www.4chan.org/rules would be a good start.

>> No.7047945 [View]

Yeah, but fan translations voluntarily get taken down when it gets licensed, to avoid possible legal issues.

>> No.7047915 [View]

>I've been trying to find Kino no Tabi but I can't get my hands on a copy.
Only the first volume was licensed and officially translated to English, there was some legal issue with licensing or something.

Usually the popular, mainstream LNs that don't get official translations get fan translated, and you can find most of those on baka-tsuki.


>> No.7047700 [View]

So are all the sovereign countries, the UN, the EU, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, etc.
The concept of persona iuris comes from Roman law, it's not a new invention.

>> No.7047175 [View]

I don't try to "get in the mood". I read because I enjoy reading.
If you don't enjoy reading, why try to force yourself to read? Seems like a waste of time.

>> No.7046957 [View]

There's no exact rule, but 1-3 times a year sounds about right, I think.

>> No.7046951 [View]

>There is always a distinct possibility that you will be arrested and forced to pay fines for every book you illegally steal.
Not all of us live in cyberpunk dystopias. In some countries, non-commercial file sharing isn't even illegal.

>> No.7046818 [View]
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Ever since I bought a Kindle, I haven't wasted a single cent on buying books from Amazon.
Checkmate, capitalist pigdogs.

>> No.7046717 [View]

Why do people read genre fiction when they could read literary fiction?

>> No.7046678 [View]
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So how did you like Kizu?

>> No.7044837 [View]

Anime is entertainment, and it should be treated at such.

Instead of trying to compare it with real literature, compare it with other forms of entertainment - genre fiction, Hollywood blockbusters, Netflix/HBO series, etc.

If you can watch Tony Star dress up in a robot suit and fly around fighting aliens, you can watch Emiya Kiritsugu using wits, guns and explosives to kill wizards. Just don't be a fag and argue you're too much of an adult to watch one while you enjoy the other.

>> No.7041179 [View]
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I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm European and the first thought I had when I read the "European resistance movements" line is that the guy is a member of some wannabe neoreactionary anti-immigration group and that his contribution is probably some angry blog on their website.

>> No.7036268 [View]
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>> No.7036034 [View]

/pol/ was a "containment board" from day one, created to contain and placate all the people that went loose all over the site after moot deleted /new/ because it turned into, in his words, "stormfag central".

>> No.7035773 [View]

I don't buy ebooks.
The sole reason why I bought a kindle was so I could pirate books and never have to spend money on them ever again.
It was a good investment. It paid for itself in less than three months.

>> No.7035732 [View]

This isn't 2006 anymore, dude. If you get banned, you can still browse the boards and threads, you just can't post. They changed this years ago.

>> No.7035702 [View]
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Yes, and?

This board is just a bunch of 0s and 1s. All the porn you watch on your computer is just a bunch of 0s and 1s. If you rearrange the 0s and 1s from this board you could get the 0s and 1s of your porn.

>> No.7035173 [View]
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1432782757870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read on my kindle during recess
>everyone assumes I'm smart because I read and reading is what smart people do
>I'm reading shitty Warhammer 40,000 novels

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