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/lit/ - Literature

Search: gene wolfe

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>> No.23385893 [View]

The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe

>> No.23384618 [View]

>someone's self insert fantasy
Gene Wolfe was a jaded torturer who may have killed his crush out of spite? In all honesty, when you are writing first person stories, you really need to make it feel like the narrator is a real person. If anything, it's good that you think it's a self-insert since ,for the purpose of the story, it is. Severian is after all writing it. Honestly surprised people cannot get this simple shite through their skulls

>> No.23383863 [View]

Holy fuck, am I actually in /lit/? You guys shit talking Gene Wolfe but I turn around and see people praising Sanderson. You people take a beautiful Christian story like BotNS and can't see past gente shit muh camp muh Gary stu, like you're afraid of actually liking something. You don't need to be an insufferable cunt to be sophisticated, you know.
I have so many questions about this story. There are so many fun mysteries spread along these books, but I doubt people are really interested in discussing it here instead of complaining.

>> No.23383840 [View]

>This is just someone's self insert fantasy novel
Wrong. You may find this hard to believe because you're incapable of writing 'real' characters that aren't merely reflections of yourself, but Gene Wolfe was a very good writer and is capable of doing so.
>where the main character has autistic mannerisms
Wrong. Severian is not especially bright, has a near perfect memory, has an utterly alien value system to what the vast majority of people today have and is writing at least in part in order to convince the reader he is a good/moral person; all of that combined =/= merely "autistic".
>all the women fall for him regardless
Wrong. He clearly rapes some and there are a plethora of other reasons why he fucks, see this anon for examples>>23379526.
>Of course people say there are hidden meanings and it's deep and profound but I don't have that impression at all.
And this is Wolfe's fault how exactly? There is an incredible amount of deeper meaning on virtually every page, much of which is overt and obvious to people with an IQ above room temperature. If you really are struggling though there are innumerable deep dives into this all online, both in written and video format. Take your pic. Also entire books have been written about the deeper meaning and symbolism in BotNS, you can pick them up for cheap if you want as well.


>> No.23382181 [View]

It's good, but Gene Wolfe has written better and nore sophisticated works. People just gravitate to this one because it appeals to the basic 'genre' crowd the most.

>> No.23380515 [View]

Bad news. Gene Wolfe is actually a genius and it's great.

>> No.23369682 [View]

Gene Wolfe kinda, very baroque and weird

>> No.23366042 [View]

the full Gene Wolfe folder.
novels/short story anthologies/solar cycle/chapter guides/other related books.

>> No.23360419 [View]

Look into gene wolfe's writing
There's tons of world building, but it all happens through the characters and only when necessary to explain what's happeing to them currently. For example, in the book we learn of some type of bat monster things that are darker than black and kill stuff and whatever, but we're not told about these things until they actually are a threat and attack the main character. That's not to say you shouldn't foreshadow things, but my point is that there if there is no reason to explain something to the characters or readers beyond "i just want them to know this part" then it's probably better off being left unsaid

>> No.23359771 [View]

Only Gene Wolfe I read. Was absolute garbage. Main character falls from coincidence into coincidence, wins fights for no reason, can't stop banging hot chicks.

>> No.23356855 [View]
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most underrated Gene Wolfe book

>> No.23352082 [View]
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You all write the same, anyway. I swear, a fucking hivemind with you dumbasses LARPing as oldfags in this thread. Your favorite authors? Karl Edward Wagner, Robert E. Howard, Lord Dunsany, George MacDonald, C.A.S., Gene Wolfe, and Jack Vance. Who else? Edgar Rice Burroughs?

>> No.23352036 [View]

It only doesn't matter here because faggots like you drive the average post quality so low already. Asking if anyone else agrees that Sanderson is a bad writer as if its some sort of revelation is fucking painfully oblivious. That's the pretty much the only opinion of him you'll find here. You might as well post "Has anyone here ever read Gene Wolfe? Is it just me or is he pretty good??"

>dig through archives or lurk for a fucking month
If you went back ONE single thread you'd find discussion of Sanderson, and even specifically that he is a bad writer. Fuck off.

>> No.23343049 [View]

Not that Anon, but, fiction-only, mine are:

1. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
2. The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
3. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
4. The Iliad by Homer
5. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
6. Emma by Jane Austen
7. The Aleph and Other Stories by Jorge Luis Borges
8. Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
9. Ulysses by James Joyce
10. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

>> No.23329652 [View]
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I'm just here to brag that I own one of the 1000 books of pic related. They won't be making these anymore. It's nicely made, and the only legal way to get some of Gene Wolfe's best short stories.

>> No.23329150 [View]
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It's interesting that Chesterton seems to be something of a writer's writer. A lot of the great writers of the 20th Century held him in high esteem, especially his short stories, his novels, and his poetry. All the Inklings loved him, especially Lewis and Tolkien. Gene Wolfe loved him, too. Even Borges loved him.

Have you found Chesterton to be a great writer, /lit/?

>> No.23328979 [View]
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It’s been over a year since I read a book /sffg/ can you guys help me get back into it? How’s Soldier of the Mist stake up to Book of the New Sun and the Wizard Knight? I loved both and I figure another good Gene Wolfe fantasy style novel would jumpstart me reading again.

Or should I just go full normie and read Maas?

>> No.23312849 [View]

Funny isn't it how the most popular Gene Wolfe books are basically harem anime

>> No.23308605 [View]
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So this thread is what libraries are supposed to have? My library is so ass they probably have never seen a Gene Wolfe novel. They didn't even have an Ishiguro book. Even GRRM books have been stolen and any old novel has yellow pages with writings marked '1983' or some shit because they never replace the books.

>> No.23304885 [View]
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Got these today at Library sale today. Insane seeing Past Master in the wild. Also the Gene Wolfe is signed.
What should I read first?

>> No.23304869 [View]
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Got these today, ¢50 for paperbacks. Freaked out seeing Past Master (worth $60), super rare nowadays, excited to read it. Also didn’t realize the Gene Wolfe is signed (worth $90-$100)!

>> No.23302782 [View]
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Experienced writers reply only.

How do you balance writing for pleasure and writing for art / mass consumption? I'm on my fourth book and while it is in the vogue to categorize writers as "gardeners" or "architects," I think at this point I find these two terms disguises for the more true-to-reality, "masturbators" or "artists" - with no disrespect meant for the act of masturbation. Rather, I think writing can easily be distinguished as writing what is essentially a stream-of-conscious expression of what intrigues or incites you the most, and writing where one attempts to shape one's consciousness into a more artistic, presentable form. For example, it may entertain you most to include irreverent humor in a scene which would be far more well-received if it were played straight; or, alternatively, you may wish to play a scene straight which you know in reality would be better received if it were twisted into satire. These are simplistic examples for clarity; on a broader, perhaps more exaggerated scales, you could say that you wish to masturbate by writing self-indulgent sword and sorcery despite knowing it is in your ability to formulate more mature fantasy in the style of Gene Wolfe. The problem, of course, is that writing for one's own pleasure also narrows the audience; one's self-indulgent ramblings are less likely to reach another person's heart than a well-crafted, calculated tale, although this is not always the case depending on the level of one's abilities.

Successful writers: how have you tackled this problem? Have you accepted greater obscurity and lesser quality in pursuit of better enjoying and deriving pleasure from the process of writing itself, or do you aim for the stars despite yourself?

>> No.23302077 [View]

If I ever go to read LOTR and nothing happens for 150 pages and it's not even an enjoyable nothing (impossible?) then yeah I'd be mad and drop it like I just dropped Gene Wolfe.

I think it's a failure on his part actually, to write 150 pages worth of nothing and it not have any near term driving force for the reader to continue is a skill issue.

Atleast when he was talking to thecyla or whatever in the guild there was contention and when he was going to go with the performing troop with the giant but then it just keeps going ahhh wacky lolll next thinggg but it's never anything, it's all worthless and pointless. Oh I got a challenge now hahaha a bean got put into my hand hahaha okay now I'm in a garden, who fucking cares that's not how you write a story. This is actually how I imagine it would be forcing gpt 3.5 to write a book.

>> No.23301153 [View]

Gene wolfe has some nice non-codified novels. Prose quality changes from a book to the next, BotNS being the best probably

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