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Search: Disch

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>> No.19583471 [View]

Delany, Zelazny, Ballard, Silverberg, Sturgeon, Stapledon, Wells, Disch, Sheckley, Simak, Malzberg, M John Harrison, John Crowley, Bester

>> No.19453368 [View]
File: 33 KB, 300x500, DYING INSIDE silverberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look at the New Wave dudes, Disch and Silverberg could write a bit
>In his more flamboyantly Dostoevskian moments, David Selig liked to think of his power as a curse, a savage penalty for some unimaginable sin. The mark of Cain, perhaps. Certainly his special ability had caused a lot of trouble for him, but in his saner moments he knew that calling it a curse was sheer self-indulgent melodramatic bullshit. The power was a divine gift. The power brought ecstasy. Without the power he was nothing, a schmendrick; with it he was a god. Is that a curse? Is that so terrible? Something funny happens when gamete meets gamete, and destiny cries, Here, Selig-baby: be a god! This you would spurn? Sophocles, age 88 or so, was heard to express his great relief at having outlived the pressures of the physical passions. I am freed at last from a tyrannical master, said the wise and happy Sophocles. Can we then assume that Sophocles, had Zeus given him a chance retroactively to alter the entire course of his days, would have opted for lifelong impotence? Don’t kid yourself, Duvid: no matter how badly the telepathy stuff fucked you up, and it fucked you up pretty badly, you wouldn’t have done without it for a minute. Because the power brought ecstasy.

>> No.19056106 [View]

Where does one start with Thomas M. Disch?

>> No.18953679 [View]
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>how you’re holding up
Just fine
>current book
334 by Disch

>> No.18922606 [View]

Contemporary scifi is a joke but you might be interested in Thomas M. Disch

PKD is just scifi Jung

>> No.18788017 [View]

>Stapledon, Sturgeon, Silverberg, Malzberg, Zelazny, Disch, Delany, PKD, Vonnegut
These are the only scifi authors with any claim to literary merit

>> No.18701764 [View]

>I think some extraordinary good writers are appearing: Sladek, Malzberg, Disch. I hate to name specific ones, because I’ll leave out one that I really like. Ursula LeGuin, for example. I think it is like the twerp fans say. “Gosh, wow!” It is really gosh, wow! Today. People are coming into the field today who are so much better than the older writers. Like Chip Delaney. At one time we had only one writer who was even literate, and that was Ray Bradbury. That’s the only one, I swear by God. Something about the Middle Ages: “We are only men, but we stand on the shoulders of giants and therefore can see more than those giants could see.”
t. PKD

>> No.18385813 [View]

51. Watership Down by Richard Adams (1972)
52. The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffman by Angela Carter (1972)
53. Sweet Dreams by Michael Frayn (1973)
54. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip (1974)
55. Salem's Lot by Stephen King (1975)
56. The Great Victorian Collection by Brian Moore (1975)
57. Grimus by Salman Rushdie (1975)
58. Peace by Gene Wolfe (1975)
59. The Malacia Tapestry by Brian Aldiss (1976)
60. The Dragon and the George by Gordon R. Dickson (1976)
61. Hotel de Dream by Emma Tennant (1976)
62. The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter (1977)
63. The Chronicles of Thomas Convenant, the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson (1977)
64. The Shining by Stephen King (1977)
65. Fata Morgana by William Kotzwinkle (1977)
66. Our Lady of Darkness by Fritz Leiber (1977)
67. Gloriana by Michael Moorcock (1978)
68. The Unlimited Dream Company by J. G. Ballard (1979)
69. Sorcerer's Son by Phyllis Eisenstein (1979)
70. The Land of Laughs by Jonathan Carroll (1980)
71. The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas (1980)
72. A Storm of Wings by M. John Harrison (1980)
73. White Light by Rudy Rucker (1980)
74. Ariosto by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (1980)
75. Cities of the Red Night by William S. Burroughs (1981)
76. Little, Big by John Crowley (1981)
77. Lanark by Alasdair Gray (1981)
78. The War Hound and the World's Pain by Michael Moorcock (1981)
79. Nifft the Lean by Michael Shea (1982)
80. Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin (1983)
81. Soul Eater by K. W. Jeter (1983)
82. Tea with the Black Dragon by R. A. MacAvoy (1983)
83. Cold Heaven by Brian Moore (1983)
84. The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers (1983)
85. Who Made Stevie Crye? by Michael Bishop (1984)
86. The Digging Leviathan by James P. Blaylock (1984)
87. Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter (1984)
88. The Businessman by Thomas M. Disch (1984)
89. Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock (1984)
90. The Glamour by Christopher Priest (1984)
91. The Witches of Eastwick by John Updike (1984)
92. Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd (1985)
93. The Dream Years by Lisa Goldstein (1985)
94. The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay (1985-87)
95. The Bridge by Iain Banks (1986)
96. The Hungry Moon by Ramsey Campbell (1986)
97. Replay by Ken Grimwood (1986)
98. The Unconquered Country by Geoff Ryman (1986)
99. The Day of Creation by J. G. Ballard (1987)
100. Aegypt by John Crowley (1987)

>> No.18193152 [View]

The Jüdisch Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race...

>> No.18025390 [View]

Literally who.
Asimovs writing is not good. I don't think anyone has pretended it is. His ideas are the reason people hold him in high regard. Laws for robots, trying to shortan a dark age in space, he has some cool stuff.

>> No.18023256 [View]

Asimov is highly overrated. Thomas M. Disch said that the most overrated speculative fiction writer was Asimov (and when asked about the most underrated speculative fiction writer, he went on a long tangent about how great Gene Wolfe is)

>> No.17946950 [View]

Early Don Delillo is kind of Ballardian (End Zone, Players), so is some of the later stuff (Cosmopolis, Zero K). Brett Easton Ellis might work for you. You might like Camp Concentration and 334 by Thomas M Disch. Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata is kind of like Japanese Ballard.

>> No.17807328 [View]
File: 136 KB, 622x653, 1598613986504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget these wise words of Dr. Goebbels. And remember, the NSDAP and all the Nationalsocialists and people in general in Germany always referred to jews as simply jews: jude, juden, jüdisch. For "non-jew" there are two words: nichtjüdisch and heidnisch (which also means pagan).

>> No.17801030 [View]
File: 136 KB, 622x653, 1600094258337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget these wise words of Dr. Goebbels. And remember, the NSDAP and all the Nationalsocialists and people in general in Germany always referred to jews as simply jews: jude, juden, jüdisch. For "non-jew" there are two words: nichtjüdisch and heidnisch (which also means pagan).

>> No.16607272 [View]

I forgot to mention Thomas Disch

>> No.16414600 [View]

Thomas M. Disch
Robert E. Howard
Leopold Lugones
Walter M. Miller Jr.
A. R. Morlan
H. Beam Piper
John Polidori
James Tiptree Jr.
Ned Vizzini
Edward Lucas White
Surely there must be many more.

>> No.15837505 [View]

The Prisoner Omnibus by Thomas M. Disch

>> No.15324902 [View]

Disch was an angry bitter man but he wrote some fine literary SF. Check out 334 and Camo Concentration.

>> No.15324833 [View]

I don't know much about that Thomas M. Disch guy, but holy fuck was he petty
>Though Disch was an admirer of and was friends with the author Philip K. Dick,[12] Dick would write an infamous paranoid letter to the FBI in October 1972 that denounced Disch and suggested that there were coded messages, prompted by a covert organization, in Disch's novel Camp Concentration. Disch was unaware and he would go on to champion the Philip K. Dick Award.[13] In his final novel, however, The Word of God, Disch got his revenge on Dick, with a story in which Dick is dead and living in Hell, unable to write because of writer's block. In return for a taste of human blood, which will unlock his ability to write, he makes a deal to go back in time and kill Disch's father, so that Disch will never be born, and at the same time to kill Thomas Mann and thereby to ensure that Hitler wins World War II.

>> No.15324108 [View]

Also Thomas M. Disch

One of the best fantasy books ever written

>> No.15323506 [View]
File: 379 KB, 1200x800, HugoTranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based

Why not more Strugatsky books? Snail on the Slope and Doomed City are are as good or even better than Roadside Picnic.
For Le Guin, I think The Lathe of Heavens is her best.
Take a look at Thomas M. Disch, and PKD as well.
You seem inclined towards scifi but you may enjoy fantasy or at least science fantasy as well. Gene Wolfe, Jack Vance, and M. John Harrison are the obvious next steps.

Stop responding to the troll claiming that goodreads ratings are indicative of anything. There's no way this is not a bait

>> No.15236629 [View]

>The Genocides :)
By Thomas Disch?

Also, can I ask why all these sci-fi books recommended are from like 50-60 years old? Where's the modern stuff?

>> No.15207640 [View]

>Great writers:
Judith Wright, Les Murray, Thomas Keneally, David Malouf, Kevin Hart, Peter Carey, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Robert Frost, Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Gertrude Stein, Wallace Stevens, Vachel Lindsay, Edgar Lee Masters, Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis, Elinor Wylie, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Robinson Jeffers, Marianne Moore, Hilda Doolittle, John Crowe Ransom, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Katherine Anne Porter, Jean Toomer, John Dos Passos, Conrad Aiken, Eugene O'Neill, Edward Estlin Cummings, John Brooks Wheelwright, Robert Fitzgerald, Louise Bogan, Léonie Adams, Hart Crane, Allen Tate, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, Zora Neale Hurston, Nathanael West, Richard Wright, Eudora Welty, Langston Hughes, Edmund Wilson, Kenneth Burke, Joseph Mitchell, Abraham Cahan, Kay Boyle, Ellen Glasgow, John Phillips Marquand, John O'Hara, Henry Roth, Thornton Wilder, Robert Penn Warren, Delmore Schwartz, Weldon Kees, Elizabeth Bishop, John Berryman, Paul Bowles, Randall Jarrell, Charles Olson, Robert Hayden, Robert Lowell, Theodore Roethke, James Agee, Jean Garrigue, May Swenson, Robert Duncan, Richard Wilbur, Richard Eberhart, Melvin Beaunorus Tolson, Kenneth Koch, Frank O'Hara, James Schuyler, James Baldwin, Saul Bellow, John Cheever, Ralph Ellison, Truman Capote, Carson McCullers, Flannery O'Connor, Vladimir Nabokov, Gore Vidal, William Styron, Jerome David Salinger, Wright Morris, Bernard Malamud, Norman Mailer, John Hawkes, William Gaddis, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edwin Justus Mayer, Harold Brodkey, Ursula Kroeber Le Guin, Raymond Carver, Robert Coover, Don DeLillo, John Crowley, Guy Davenport, James Dickey, Edgar Lawrence Doctorow, Stanley Elkin, William Howard Gass, Russell Hoban, Denis Johnson, Cormac McCarthy, William Kennedy, Toni Morrison, Gloria Naylor, Joyce Carol Oates, Walker Percy, Grace Paley, Thomas Pynchon, Cynthia Ozick, Ishmael Reed, Philip Roth, James Salter, Robert Stone, John Barth, Walter Abish, Donald Barthelme, Thomas Michael Disch, Paul Theroux, John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut, Edmund White, James McCourt, James Wilcox, Archie Randolph Ammons, John Ashbery, David Mamet, David Rabe, Sam Shepard, August Wilson, Anthony Hecht, Edgar Bowers, Donald Justice, James Merrill, William Stanley Merwin, James Wright, Galway Kinnell, Philip Levine, Irving Feldman, Donald Hall, Alvin Feinman, Richard Howard, John Hollander, Gary Snyder, Charles Simić, Mark Strand, Charles Wright, Jay Wright, Amy Clampitt, Allen Grossman, Howard Moss, James Applewhite, J. D. McClatchy, Alfred Corn, Douglas Crase, Rita Dove, Thylias Moss, Edward Hirsch, Tony Kushner

>Shit writers:

>> No.15147845 [View]


Anything by Disch

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