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/lit/ - Literature

Search: Delany

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>> No.23081272 [View]
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Incest is BLACK culture

>The Color Purple by Alice Walker
"Only fourteen, Celie is already pregnant with her second child—the result of rape and incest. Alphonso, Celie’s father, has turned to Celie for sexual gratification because Celie’s mother is ill and can no longer endure Alphonso’s sexual demands."

"Celie’s mother dies. Celie writes that Alphonso stole Celie’s first baby while she was sleeping and killed it in the woods, and she believes he will kill her second baby as well. However, Alphonso does not kill the second baby, and Celie suspects that he instead sold the child to a married couple. Celie is left with her breasts filled with milk for no one."

>Lord of Dark Places by Hal Bennett
"Novel about a black man who pimps his own son to men all across the USA."

>The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
"Novel about a young woman who gets raped by her biological father."

>Hogg by Samuel R. Delany
"The plot features a silent pre-adolescent boy (called only "cocksucker") sold into sexual slavery to a rapist named "Hogg" Hargus, who exposes him to the most extreme acts of deviancy imaginable. The novel involves graphic descriptions of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape."

>> No.23077465 [View]

>Hogg by Samuel R Delany
"The novel deals graphically with themes of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape."

Very on-brand. /lit/

>> No.23073720 [View]

Hogg by Samuel R Delany

>> No.23073643 [View]

Hogg by Samuel R Delany

>> No.23054310 [View]
File: 923 KB, 920x1603, IMG_3551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book about woman-hating racist incel desperately simping for a theater girl
>climax of the story is him having a mental breakdown and becoming trans to be the trad gf that no longer exists in this degenerate "utopia"
How the fuck did Delany write this in 1976?

>> No.23054064 [View]

he was bored with scifi because he had already done everyting he wanted there, also by the 90s scifi was pretty much dead. that being said i didn't enjoy his non-scifi books.
Samuel Delany, based gay nigger New Wave scifi author. he was so based that even famous racist Harlan Ellison liked him

>> No.23054019 [View]

Why did Delany switch from sci-fi to extreme erotica?

>> No.23041952 [View]

no, that's lem, but lem admittedly never wrote anything about children who love being gangraped and fed feces and smegma, so delany has the edge on him there

>> No.23040670 [View]
File: 49 KB, 411x416, samuel-r-delany1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Samuel Delany the best science fiction author to have ever lived?

>> No.23028744 [View]

I bought Nova by Delany today would I be completely fine starting with that or should I get something like Babel-17 to acquinte myself with his works before delving into Dhalgren. I really want to read it this year mainly for hearing constantly how complex the novel is and it having been compared to Finnegan's Wake stylistically.

>> No.23007173 [View]
File: 99 KB, 785x1241, Dumas_pere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know of any full-blood sub-Saharan African writers of any worth... W.E.B. DuBois, Sam Delany and Dumas are all of mixed race, but are prob'ly the closest you'll get to a "black" writer.

>> No.22991939 [View]

Arthur C. Clarke
David Asimov
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Gerrad Jones
Walter Breen
Ed Kramer
Victor Salva (Jeepers Creepers)


Anne McCafferey
Samuel R. Delany
Robert A. Heinlein
John Scalzi
Darrell Schweitzer
Harlan Ellison
Elizabeth Waters

so much more,

all deserve the rope

>> No.22956067 [View]

I only know of "Hogg" by Samuel R. Delany.

>> No.22910928 [View]

What this guy said, although delany is a great author otherwise

>> No.22898286 [View]
File: 389 KB, 1200x1600, delany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read any of his books?

He's one of the last older sci-fi authors still around &
an adaptation (series) of a novel of his (Nova) is apparently being done by Neil Gaiman for AmazonPrime; never read it nor much of Delany's work; what are your opinions on him? I first heard of him through learning about Hogg

>> No.22870547 [View]

Evil Companions was interesting knowing the background of why the author wrote it (which Delany explains in the intro). It's ridiculous a lot of the time, but it made me nauseous at a couple parts, and the ending is fascinating.

>> No.22783016 [View]

As far as SF/F writers sins go, supporting his own home country even when I think it's not in the right is rather mild. I save my ire and cancellation for the likes of Marion Zimmer Bradley and Samuel Delany.

>> No.22743624 [View]

Stein- Tender Buttons
Pynchon- Gravitys Rainbow
Lautreamont- The Chants of Maldoror
Burroughs- Nova Express
Joyce- Finnegans Wake/Ulysses (tied desu)
Delany- Dhalgren
Dante- Inferno
Nietzsche- Zarathustra
Ashbery- Portrait in a convex mirror (book)
Barnes- Nightwood

>> No.22716179 [View]

Start with Hogg by Samuel Delany and 100 days of Sodom by Sade.

>> No.22676952 [View]
File: 141 KB, 893x893, Tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hogg by Samuel R. Delany

It's just a 20th century version of 120 Days, but is even more distasteful.

>> No.22620448 [View]

>Samuel Delany (chuds beware, he's black)
Well more to the point, he's a kiddie rapist

>> No.22620219 [View]

The Sten Chronicles (they like blowing shit up)
The Fall of the Towers (1962-1965) and babel-17 (1966) by Samuel Delany (chuds beware, he's black)
Highroad Trilogy by Kate Elliott
Mageworlds by Debra Doyle
Star of the Guardians by Margaret Weis
Uuuuhhh dunno maybe Legion of Space by Jack Williamson

>> No.22599825 [View]


>> No.22537652 [View]

Hogg by Samuel Delany is a must.

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