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/lit/ - Literature

Search: 80iq

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>> No.22900312 [View]

>>/pol/ you braindead fucking trash. Stop shitting up the board, you damn 80IQ genetic castoff!

>> No.22886439 [View]

Thanks for the 80iq take. You people make leftism look like a joke.

>> No.22852158 [View]

>80IQ racetard feelosopfizer

>> No.22813207 [View]
File: 10 KB, 222x207, 5wusr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawg, I would kill to be 21. I didn't do anything until I was 29. Just stop giving any kind of credence to any "reason" you have for not having a job. There is nothing realistically stopping you from doing anything you want to do as long as you put in the effort to achieve the necessary prerequisites. There is always an actionable step toward what you want in any situation you can find youself in.
You want a job? Get a GED. It's easier than high school. Literal 80IQ ESL immigrants can get a GED. People will be more willing to hire you if you have one. It's a bare minimum demonstration of the ability to apply consistent effort.
Alternatively, you could just volunteer somewhere, show you're a responsible worker with a good work ethic, and use your experience there as a reference or possibly even get a job referral from someone you volunteer with. I have gotten jobs like this.
>"i don't want to work for free"
Being 21, you have nothing special to offer anyone. You don't even have proof you are capable of doing ANYTHING. So you have to work pro bono just to prove you can show up, learn new things, and be competent. That's just how it is. Nobody owes you shit. Just do the intellectual and the physical work that needs to happen and things will eventually improve. Feeling like you've been useful at the end of the day is a plus even if you don't get paid.
If you don't drop your helpless victim mentality, you are going to be bearing a constant and increasing load of regret.
Stop cooming.
Stop playing video games.
Get off 4chan. Get off the internet.
Everyone here is a loser and every second you spend here you accumulate negativity which will infect your general mindset and derail your sense of agency.
You think other people your age are ahead of you now? Aside from the fact that giving any weight to comparisons between yourself and other people is unhelpful and stupid, wait until you're 30 and have fuck-all to show for yourself. Then you'll really feel like shit.
Focus on your goals. How you feel at any given moment is inconsequential. Nothing but yourself is going to drag you out of wherever you are.
You gotta spend 90 minutes on the train? Boo fucking hoo. Thousands and thousands of people make that kind of commute everyday.
You're not going to get anywhere without sacrificing comfort and familiarity.
You have two options: be the living dead or do whatever it takes.

>> No.22776875 [View]

ableist take (80iq)

>> No.22685976 [View]

Race differences do not exist in the sense you’re saying. Only those differences which are necessary and sufficient to distinguish the races are real race differences. If a black guy has 180IQ and the average black man has 80IQ does that mean he is no longer black? No. Blacks ON AVERAGE have lower IQ than whites but having low IQ is not necessary characteristic of being black.

>> No.22684908 [View]

I refuse to believe anyone actually shouting pro-Palestinian shit at this point issn't sub 80IQ
If Hamas was 20km from your border you'd have wiped them out, civilians (who support them) and all long ago.

>> No.22670663 [View]

Holy shit shut the fuck up you sub-80IQ cave dweller.

>> No.22645756 [View]

Are you retarded? The point isn't that you should live in the woods. You’re just an 80iq hedonist as well, so there’s that. The fact that the extent of your grip on all this is McDonald’s, Netflix and porn says it all. You’re young, go out and do something retard you sound fucking retarded trying to troll with your Reddit spacing.

>> No.22619809 [View]

Quite the contrary, anon, Portuguese is a beautiful language when spoken by illiterate monkeys with 80iq. Yuro Portuguese is ugly and soulless, while Brazilian Portuguese is beautiful and full of SOVL.

>> No.22619798 [View]

Portuguese is a beautiful language if you don’t speak like a illiterate monkey with 80iq

>> No.22609053 [View]
File: 33 KB, 512x468, 1691442127741828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that only country's citizens should be able to vote, but why an illiterale <80IQ imbecile living on welfare should have the same voice in who's gonna rule the country as more civilized people? What if there would be some requirements to do before being able to vote? Like, yes, only citizens can vote, but first they need to prove they have the actual mental capacity or they should earn their right to vote to choose a government for themselves. What requirement should be fulfilled in your opinion? 1 year in military? Being a father/mother? Having your own business? Something else?
We should also have IQ tests and political knowledge tests. Would that change the country for the better, or is it a guide to civil war?

>> No.22589581 [View]

"Maoist" is just a way of mobilizing useful idiots on the right to support Amerikkka's greatest ally because "its just like le heckin cold war I hate brown people so damn much hurrr." The poster you're talking to is either an intelligence asset or chronically insecure about his 80iq and grasping at racist straws to feel better about his own mediocrity.

>> No.22559852 [View]

Please tell me people are not actually believing this fanfiction? /lit/ is officialy an 80iq board if so

>> No.22506570 [View]

seething 80IQ femoid

>> No.22457293 [View]

no because it sounds like an unbelievable cope. You can't fool anyone with 80IQ, you're two deviations away from the smarties

>> No.22450978 [View]

Thanks for putting the final nail in the coffin of me ever reading this book. Another anon made a thread where he quoted the book as follows:
>”They rode on and the sun in the east flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise and where the earth drained up into the sky at the edge of creation the top of the sun rose out of nothing like the head of a great red phallus until it cleared the unseen rim and sat squat and pulsing and malevolent behind them. The shadows of the smallest stones lay like pencil lines across the sand and the shapes of the men and their mounts advanced elongate before them like strands of the night from which they’d ridden, like tentacles to bind them to the darkness yet to come.”

This is the most dogshit, try hard, convoluted, clumsy shitstain of an attempt to describe a mother fucking setting sun. Holy shit. It actually makes me fucking angry. This is such artless, post-modern, clumsy, manfaggot prose. It’s like you put a gun to some 80iq high school football players head and said “describe a setting sun” He makes literature seem like it’s devolved.

I don’t even know the authors name. Fuck this faggot

>> No.22446269 [View]




It's both that white zoomers are the most retarded generation in history and that elites are trying to create a quadroon/mestizo class of retarded 80IQ tortilla sellers in America like every South American country is burdened by, because it makes them easier to manipulate. All they had to do was stir the existing multicultural pot of niggers and add more latinoids. At this rate it wouldn't matter if the remaining white zoomers were geniuses, because they're a shrinking and increasingly gay minority anyway. But in practice, the under 30 demographic in the USA is made up of 50% full blown mystery meat with no sense of anything outside of being a 24 year old smartphone user with a retarded side hustle, 25% off-white semi-mixed people who align with the mystery meat in everything but may have residual connections to their white dads' money and culture, and 25% whites who mostly align with the mystery meat too (talk like them, think like them, look up to them). There's nothing left.

The best hope for whites at this point is 1) purge and re-build Europe into a cognitive superpower using what is left of its decent genetic stock to create a new Hitler Youth type generation, 2) let America collapse into South American / South African style social chaos which will cause a lot of migrations and die-offs probably, 3) somehow try to survive ensuing global chaos by aligning with any other nation that isn't retarded, probably in an alliance against the Chinese, and 4) reconquer and recolonize collapsed America with whites and be nicer to her this time.

>> No.22397015 [View]

These are terrible, stop filling the thread with them if you're not going to critique other peoples work or post actual poetry. Frankly, get off the board, these are the epitome of 80iq "deep" garbage. The poetry a 35 year old who listens to Joe Rogan would write once as a novelty. Also all lowercase is for trannies.

>> No.22310167 [View]

you are a subhuman amerigoblin. seek help. even 80iq africans know more languages than you.

>> No.22310152 [View]

You are an 80iq illiterate.

>> No.22307926 [View]

It's very clearly written by 80iq goatfuckers, for 80iq goatfuckers.

>> No.22160591 [View]

>Jefferson wasn't an atheist
i didn't say he was
>what part that he omitted do you think was resoonsible for any world empire?
the entire thing is relevant to the history of the world. but you have 80iq so you probably think by "valuable" i meant "good info to follow".
if you can't think of a single major world event that can be traced back to a part of the new testament involving miracle then you shouldn't be talking at all. it's not difficult. i won't point one out to you, if you don't know one then you should fuck off and read a book before you open your mouth.

>> No.22082669 [View]

Tried it, but seeing 80IQ hyprocrites preaching or singing in a podium is too much. Maybe it's just that bad because I'm in a 3rd world country.

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