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/lit/ - Literature

Search: sam hyde

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>> No.17708853 [View]
File: 80 KB, 1024x577, sam hyde cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm addicted to gay porno and proud of it. If I don't spend at least eight hours a day watching men fuck each other, I consider the day wasted. I let a 40 year old HIV-positive crack-addicted sex worker go to the bathroom on me in my grandfather's bedroom right after my grandmother's funeral. If I see a dog turd on the ground, I pick it up and smoke that shit up. I live with my parents who live in fear of me because I regularly beat them up for no reason. I go to gay fetish bars four times a week. I have never done an honest day's work in my life. I wear diapers and I'm a member of NAMBLA.
Sam Hyde

>> No.16942985 [View]
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is this actually worth reading or is it just a sam hyde-tier "good times create weak men" rant?

>> No.16770330 [View]
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The Internet is spiritual poison and niche online communities are a particularly strong strain of that poison. It depresses the fuck out of me to think of all the men and women who could have turned out to be perfectly well-adjusted, happy, content people if they had someone in their real lives sympathetic enough to help them face and overcome their fears, self-hatred and personal pathology instead of sinking into this fucking Internet dogshit of people even more broken than they are egging them on into dedicating themselves and basing their entire self-perception around their worst impulses. It's a fucking tragedy, it really is. I weep for the bronies. I weep for the K-pop shut-ins. I weep for the Sam Hyde worshippers. It's all a disaster. It's all pain.
Books for this feeling?

>> No.16734117 [DELETED]  [View]
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What do you think Sam Hyde reads, if anything?

>> No.16617745 [DELETED]  [View]
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>im an anti-idpol leftist
>yeah, i support socialism, but i also say gay and retard, so im like cool
>follows cumtown, red scare, sean p mccarthy, aimee terese, sam hyde
>yeah dude like we need marxism without all the woke stuff

>> No.16219862 [View]
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anyone else here read sam hyde's opus?

>> No.16137795 [View]
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>the protagonist of the last epic fiction story you read has to face against Sam Hyde, Nich Roachefort, and Charls Carroll

How would it turn out?

>> No.15248200 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is he the next Sam Hyde?

>> No.15240937 [DELETED]  [View]
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Anybody know who this guy is from the most recent Sam Hyde video? He could get it.

>> No.15020698 [View]
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Have you guys heard of Kantbot? Do you guys think Evola and Guenon are based? Heh, I'd say so myself. We're definitely living in the kali yuga with all these prog midwits. Have you guys heard of Quentin? Based as fuck. The Unabomber is based, so is Nick Fuentes and Sam Hyde. I'm a trad anti-urbanite based cabin bro. Progs are cucks. HE WILL COMPLETE THE SYSTEM OF GERMAN IDEALISM!! lol (meme)

Huh? What books do I like? Oh, uh... I don't really read, I mostly just browse the internet

>> No.15015144 [View]
File: 97 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys heard of Kantbot? Do you guys think Evola and Guenon are based? Heh, I'd say so myself. We're definitely living in the kali yuga with all these prog midwits. Have you guys heard of Quentin? Based as fuck. The Unabomber is based, so is Nick Fuentes and Sam Hyde. I'm a trad anti-urbanite based cabin bro. Progs are cucks. HE WILL COMPLETE THE SYSTEM OF GERMAN IDEALISM!! lol (meme)

Huh? What books do I like? Oh, uh... I don't really read, I mostly just browse the internet.

>> No.14370343 [View]
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>writing an essay about visual culture
>torn between two questions
>one on Orthodox Icons, another on modern Stars/Celebrity
>genuinely considering doing an essay on the latter about some Youtuber to decry the hollowness of our age
>possibly considering Sam Hyde
please dissuade me from this and also recommend any books that could apply to e-celebs and/or Orthodox Icons

>> No.13659438 [View]
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, 6BD4EF8B-8103-4225-8301-112507267B4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh boys, what am I in for my brothers, O my Brothers, [Sunday dirt bike, execute code, MDE, Sam Hyde, Nick Rocheforths baby, Nick Rocheforth, Michel Houellebecq, SPEED BOAT ërqš} et cetera (Mc Ride) (Butterfly girl notice me)

>> No.13538773 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is he the Sam Hyde of literature?

>> No.12767328 [DELETED]  [View]
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How do I become a cosmopolitan with worldly knowledge and wisdom like my hero Sam Hyde?

>> No.12648413 [View]
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Has anyone else wanted to give up writing after meeting other "writers". I went to my first writer's circle today and had to sit through 5,000 words of Sam Hyde's anemic twin's overly descriptive, generic Percy Jackson tier fantasy "novel" where nothing ever happened. Afterwards, he proudly told us how the novel is supposed to be about the importance of diversity. The only marginally fuckable girl there (6/10 asian) kept getting macked on by the token black guy (I have a gf so don't this is jealousy, just annoying af). The woman who put the whole thing together kept defending his garbage prose by saying that everyone has their own writing style.

Should I go back?

>> No.12163439 [DELETED]  [View]
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Sum up Sam Hyde and Varg Vikernes philosophical views.

>> No.12149574 [View]
File: 69 KB, 318x412, samhydebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, is Sam Hyde's book any good? What's even in it? I'm not giving a cent to him but I might pirate it if it doesn't suck.

>> No.12078781 [View]
File: 12 KB, 220x170, sam hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Nick Land just the literary Sam Hyde?

>> No.12017929 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 88 KB, 220x294, sammyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Hyde is the Diogenes of our time.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.12002998 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can someone explain MDE to me? I'm think I'm relatively primed on accelerationism. My understanding being that it is derivative of Marxism and sees the expansion of capital as inevitable. Since we can't get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride, these Marxists swing to the right and aim to expand capital via propaganda, technology, imperialism, and so on, much like Marx had originally envisioned.

MDE's material seemed farcical but some of Sam Hyde's standup was obviously political - what I can't figure out if is this part of some hyper-irony or if Hyde just means it. Out of character, Hyde seems like he's just joking, and was even in talks with AdultSwim to be on broadcast television (which is just insane when you consider the stuff he was saying at the time). A lot of his material has been appropriated and parodied by the frogs on Twitter, who are a weird almagam of third positionists - a lot of them endorse accelerationism as a means of overthrowing the decadence of the modern world (a la Evola), but also have a weird obsession with Ted Kacynzski (my theory is that this is due to the polemical psychologizing of the Left Kacynzski included in the opening of Industrial Society and Its Future).

So what is it? Have these guys seen the void and lost it? Is that why they evangelize religions they clearly have no interest in (Christian Orthodoxy, chiefly)?

I just don't understand the angle. Sorry if this seems off-topic, it touches upon a lot of themes I see posted on /lit/ so I figured this was the best place for it.

>> No.11989171 [View]
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This guy, /lit/...

>Works Cited
Aristotle. Poetics.
Caroll, Charls. Miscellaneous Compilations.
Charlamagne Tha God. Black Privilege: Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It.
Douglass, Frederick. “What, to the Slave, is the Fourth of July?”
Heraclitus. Fragments.
Hyde, Sam. KickstarterTV.
Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason.
Kid Catallus. “On Free Will.”
—. “On Harold Bloom as Educator.”
—. “On the Redpill and the General Uncertainty of Things.”
Mane, Gucci and Drake. “Both.”
Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Ecce Homo.
—. The Gay Science.
—. “On the Future of Our Educational Institutions.”
Plato. Republic.
—. Protagoras.
RedletterMedia. Best of the Worst. Wheel of the Worst Episode 16.

>> No.11745257 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 83 KB, 1024x570, 20686095b6c5325ceecbaa25f143c7919d8710172fcaec5d9c704713f85dacb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 the school shooter route i.e. terrorist; destruction and self destruction based on anger.
2 the sam hyde route; comic fatalism; laugh while you are marching toward the end.
2 the evola route, the delayer: ride the tiger, concentrate on yourself, the spirit, and wait for your moment to strike; way different than:
3 the revolutionary route; trying to change the world, with acts or thought; lack the emotional dominance of the terrorist, with a more rational approach; the impossibility of this usually leads ether to the first route or:
4 the hermit route; evola without the tiger, without even the thought of acting; always trying to grasp something more, the infinity (religion, metaphysics, poetry, art).

Obviously this is very concise; what do you think?

>> No.11739786 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 351 KB, 854x480, Samhydetedtalk2070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the Sam Hyde of literature?

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